The Morning After, Management and Harry Styles

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Chapter 7;

*WARNING: There is swearing in this chapter. Not much, but yeah....You have been warned*


*Rose's POV*

i wake up to the sun coming through the window and birds chirping happily. Uggghh...Why are they so happy for? I have a huge headache. It feels like my head is being run over by a 10000tonne train. I really should not have drank so much last night. What time is it anyways? Hmmm... Wait.... that's weird.. i don't even remember coming home last night? OH GOD! Please tell me I'm not in some random guys bed.. please.please.please..

I open my eyes to see I'm not in my bed. Oh god, where am i? I look around the room to see im in Harry's room. I look to the side of me and down at a head of messy brown curls on the pillow. I continue looking down to discover that the person with the curls to see that they have one sheet covering their waist and under, leaving their chest bare. I soon realise its just Harry sleeping and not some random stranger. I breath a sigh of relief and lye back down.

Its OK. I'm just in Harry's bed naked. I'm not in some random's hous-


"OH MY GOD!" I scream at the top of my lungs, shooting up off the bed and falling on the ground besides the completely messed up bed and bringing the covers with me.

"What.. Huh? Who stole the cat?" Harry mumbled, slowly opening his eyes to look at me on the floor with a look of pure shock on my face.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Harry screamed, suddenly very awake and standing up on the other side of the bed.

"God Harry, cover up!" I said, covering my eyes with one hand, but making sure to keep one hand on the thin sheet, just covering my body parts as i stand up.

"Oh shit. Sorry." I hear rummaging around and then Harry telling me i can look now. I open my eyes to Harry standing in the same place he was before, but now with pants on, but no shirt. Oh dear god. Is he really trying to make this situation worst? Now we have to talk while his amazing abbs are on show for me to stare at? Wait... did i just say amazing abbs.... Yep, definitely last time I'm drinking for a very, very long time...

"Umm... I'm just gonna ask a really stupid question, but.... Did we have sex?" I asked, trying to figure out what exactly happened last night....

"uhmm.. i.. uhh.. we..." Harry stumbled on almost every word.

"Oh god! We did, didn't we! Oh my god, what the hell were we thinking? God, what are the guys gonna think... Oh no. What is Ed gonna think! His gonna kill us! He is gonna punch you and kick me out of the house! Oh my god. I cant do this! Why did i drink so much! GOD! I'M SO STUPID!" I rambled on, not realising Harry getting closer to me by the minute.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry. We'll figure this out. It'll be OK." Harry cut me off of my rambling by coming up to me and hugging me.

"Ed isn't gonna kick you out. He will most likely punch me, but he wont blame it on you. Look we will just not tell anyone about this. OK? We won't say a word. We won't tell the boys, or Ed or anyone. It'll be our little secret, OK?" Harry asked looking into my watery eyes.

"OK, yeah, alright.. We wont tell anyone."

"Good. Now go and get dressed. The boys planned to go out for breakfast today, so we are meeting them at Nandos." Harry smiled at me.

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