Arguments, Pizza and Harry Styles

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Chapter 2;

*Ed's POV*

I was putting the bottle of ginger beer back into the fridge, when i heard yelling and shouting, what sounded like Rose.

I finished closing the fridge door, and picked up our drinks. When i walked into the living room that i had left Rose in. I saw her standing there, yelling. She did not look happy, but i couldn't see who she was yelling at, because she was blocking the doorway where the person she was yelling at was standing.

I thought maybe i should do something, but i was kind of enjoying her going crazy, throwing her hands up in the air in desperation, making her look like a baby penguin trying to fly. I was so busy in my thoughts, imagining what she would look like in a penguin suit flapping her arms around, that i didn't realise that she had moved aside, and standing in the doorway was my best friend, with irritation and amusement written all over his face.

"POTTER!" i yelled at him as he caught my eyes. Making Rose shut up.

"WEASLEY!" He yelled back, pushing past Rose, earning him a death glare from her.

"Whats going on here with the yelling and everything?" i finally ask as harry and me sit on the couch, while Rose stays standing, death glaring at my best friend.

"Well that arrived here, and started annoying me." Said Rose, pointing at Harry and emphasizing on that.

"What? I didn't even do anything? You just started yelling at me about my hair being messy!" Harry shot back to an even more irritated Rose.

"Only because you never brush your hair! And you aren't even meant to be here! I was having fun spending the night with my brother before you showed up!"

"Its not my fault my hair is messy! I do brush it, but its just naturally curly! Don't act like you don't like it! All the girls go for the curls!" Harry said with a smirk.

"uggh dont make me vomit! Why would girls go for a brown mop on your head. eww." Rose said with a sickly look on her face.

Harry looked like he was about to burst from Rose insulting his hair, so i decided that this was the perfect timing for me to join the conversation.

"So Harold, what are you doing here anyways, i thought you were out with the guys?" I asked my best friend, as Rose walked into the kitchen, probably to try and get as far away from Harry as possible and calm down. I don't know what it is between them, but they have never liked each other. The day they met, they have been nothing but mean to each other, always arguing and insulting each other. I usually just sit there and watch them argue, but eventually make them stop.

"oh, well i was supposed to, but they all got caught up with the girls, and only me and Niall ended up going to the movies. But half way through it, Niall kept texting on his phone, and i instantly knew that he was talking to Rhianne, so i told him to go and spend time with her. And on the drive home he kept saying sorry and that he dosnt have to meet up with her, so when he dropped me off at his, I decided i was tired and so i came home. But i forgot that the devils spawn was here." Harry finally finished with an annoyed face.

"hey thats my sister your talking about, and sorry mate. This is why you needa find a girl, so your not all alone! And wait is Rhianne that girl that Niall met at the club a few months ago?" I replied.

"right sorry, and yeah shes cool, and pretty, Ive only met her a couple times though. He said that there taking it slow."


"yeah anyways, I'm going to go and have a shower and go to sleep, so you and Rose can have your brotherly-sister time, night mate." Harry said as he stood up off the couch and made his way up the stairs.

"OK, cya buddy." I replied as he made his way up the long carpeted stairs.

I was reaching out to pick up my Ginger beer, that i had put down on the coffee table, when there was a knock at the door. I quickly got up to answer the door. When i did, there was a man around his 40's holding two pizza boxes, and looking at me like i was some type of insect.

"You ordered pizza?" He said grumpily.

"Yup, how much?"

"15 pounds"

I handed him the money, and he took it, gave me the boxes of pizza, and left without another word. I ignored his rude behaviour, and closed the door. Walking to the kitchen to put the pizza down and get Rose. I see her sitting on a chair next the kitchen counter. Phone in hand, and eyes as wide as circles, and worry and fear written all over her face. I instantly new something was wrong.


A/N ;

So here is the second chapter. Hope you guys liked it! Please comment, vote and fan <3

Love you guys!

~Sara x

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