Over the Edge

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I'm looking for the one thing to push me over the edge,

Because I want to be prepared before I jump off this ledge.

Right now I haven't had any luck finding anything,

Which makes me anxious because

That means it can be,


It can be something good turned bad,

Or something bad turned worse.

I'm searching for the signs in my daily things in life,

It almost feels like a curse

That has forced me to live with the worst possible outcomes since birth.

All my life I've searched,

So I can mitigate the pain, and how much I'm hurt.

But this time, what's coming is hiding in plain sight,

And I'm scared.

Right now I'm looking over this ledge,

Almost tempted to jump,

Because I fear what's coming,

Might honestly push me over the edge.

Memento Mori (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now