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I still can't believe i called the elector anden. Hmm he must have been growing on my hate is going away. Anyways i'm ready. I have all my items ready to go. I go along with seven other men who will help me find june. We arrive in canada and just as i expected they were asking us questions. As i was told by anden to say my name i did.
The police looked back and i forgot
"they're with me. Let them go through. We have a very important mission that has been assigned to us." I want to almost cry but i can't no way am i going to as it makes me feel doubtful when i do.
"Well they're going to have to put down everything to go on ahead."
"What why they're with me they're helping me and the elector."i want to yell at the mans face.
"Well i'm pretty sure the elector didn't mention anything about them"
"Ughh fine hold on."i say in an annoyed tone. I mutter under my breath too.
I call anden up and explain the situation.
"So now they're holding us up for a stupid excuse."
"Mm i see let me talk to the guy who i holding you up."
I pass my phone to the officer. All i hear are okays yeahs and mhm. Then he turns to me with a glare. He hangs up then and there.
"Okay you guys can go." He says with and annoyed tone. I guess he'll be hearing from who ever is in charge over him.
We pass through and search for anything suspicious. I see an old abandoned building. I'm curious to know if june is in there. She might be and she might not be. It's worth the risk. I see someone standing there. He looks kind if old but he seems to be sharp. I go around the building to examine it but no clues. The only clue i really can het is just that man standing. Waiting. I look at my soldiers and nod. We went over this. Two of them would try to distract whoever is guarding this place. Two of them guard the door. One of them is a tech person so he's familiar with hacking. One will be guarding the hacker in case anything might happen during the process. Next it's me and another guy. Me and him will try to fin june and help her get out. We all get into position before we start the distractors of the first guys throw bombs so that we can pass. Next the others two will be guarding the door and be on the look out. After that we'll split up and look around. I'm running and i hear shots. They found us. I talk into my mic but all i get is yelling. To what i can hear two have made it safely the others i don't know. I keep running. I see a door it's bolted alright. I start to kick it with all my force.
"Captain hurry i can't hold them off longer!!" I start banging and see a switch. I hear a crash. I don't know where it came from but i hope everyones okay. Especially june.
I open the door and to my surprise i see june. She looks so scared. I hug her tightly. "How did you find me"
"I'll explain later" i said before yelling
"Let's get out of here now!"i yell and i carry june. She looks so weak i don't think she can really run as fast as she used to. We're about to get out when i see someone go in front if me and say
"Going somewhere."
I take a step back.
"What do you want!"
"I want my darling" i feel my heart sink. But it rises up with anger.
"Oh yeah fight me." I say with a grin.

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