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“You sure you’re not coming?”

Despite being interrupted again from doing his homework, Karlos chose to stop typing on his laptop and turned around, beholding his father who was leaning against the door frame with his hands inside his pockets.

Karlos leaned back in his swivel chair and crossed his arms, examining the Armani suit his father was wearing.

“Pa, I'd like to but I still have projects to complete. Due date is within this week.” Karlos briefly explained and look away.

His alibi was nearly believable. However, Alejandro noted that his son seemed struggling to look him in the eye, prompting the latter to shake his head as an indication that he was no longer convinced by his son's reasoning.

“You, young man. Crees que no me doy cuenta, ¿eh (You think I don't notice, huh?)” Alejandro stared intently at his son as he was adjusting the cuffs and collar of his suit, “That's the same excuse you used at the recent gathering. What's the matter, Hijo? Is there anyone you avoid seeing? Is someone bullying you?”

Upon heeding his concern, Karlos immediately turned to his father, biting his bottom lip as though, he seemed to be thinking about what kind of explanation he was going to use this time.

Karlos stood up and caressed his nape, approaching his father while still unable to look at him.

“Um, I avoid no one, Pa… N-no one’s bullying me… I-I just want to be responsible and serious about studying since you know? I want to be your worthy heir in the future.” Karlos nearly wished to punch himself. Well, there is a half-truth in what he told. He honestly wanted to be the rightful successor to his father's possessions. However, as for whether he has a bully, of course, he does. Truth is, it seems that his bullies have even increased since he arrived at the Cowell Academy. Bullies who unfortunately are the sons of his father's business partner. He hates to lie. However, he wouldn't hesitate to lie if lying was the way to give his parents peace of mind,  “Whoa! I like your suit, Pa! Simple but beautifully made. I guess, your stylist really adapts the design to your age.” He commented in a teasing tone and shake off the dust that stuck to his father’s coat, attempting to divert the subject.

“Oh, well. I hired a new stylist since the previous one couldn't get the simple design your mama and I wanted.” Alejandro rolls his eyes as his sloppy staff enters his mind again, “Anyway, son. The reason why I want to take you to the parties is that I want to train you. Yes, you’re only 14 years old. However, while you're still young, I want you to learn the ins and outs of doing business and that includes socializing. No pressure, son. However, if you don't like to be a businessman I will support you in whatever you want.”

Alejandro gently patted his son on the shoulder and ruffled his hair, “By the way, Hijo. I heard, most people your age were invited. You know? Maybe there's a chance you'll meet a cute chica.” Laughing, Alejandro patted his son on the cheek. Karlos, on the other hand, simply chuckles at his father’s mischievous statement.

Karlos couldn't help but wonder. What was his father like when he was young? Is he like Bazzi who is a famous Cassanova in their school? or is he like Bassett who is also a nerd but a hopeless romantic? Perhaps, he is somewhere between the two.

Glad, he is not interested in women. He is goal-oriented. He is more interested in earning academic honors so that he can freely choose among the great universities that he likes. In this way, he can convince his parents that he is worthy enough of the businesses that his father will bequeath to him in the future.

“Alejandro! What kind of nonsense are you teaching your child again?! You'll just make him a womanizer like you!” Sinuhe suddenly intervened in the conversation and glared at her husband who was now quiet on the side. He's like an obedient child and you wouldn't believe he's one of the biggest businessmen known in the world, “How’s my Mijo? ¿Has cenado, hmm? (Have you had dinner, hmm?)” She turned to Karlos and sweetly caressed his cheeks, combing his bangs that covers his forehead.

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