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“Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but worse to regret.”

“I just did what I had to do so they won't get suspicious of us.”

“I don't give a damn about your messages or calls.”

“Is merely for the show.”

“Quit like a nagging husband to me.”

Karlos exhaled a rough sigh from the words that Lauren tossed at him.

It's been hours since he got ready for bed and now it's already two in the morning and yet he's still wide awake.

Frankly speaking, this evening is no different from his previous evenings. He attempted but he seemed to be used to sleeping late at night as if he doesn't have a duty later this morning at eight o'clock.

There is no sunshine, sunset, hour, a minute, or even a quick second that he doesn't think of his señorita in the other room—she and she alone are the main and lone cause of his insomnia.

How is she in the other room? Is she sleeping well? Does she know that I miss her?

Way too much...

Sighing, Karlos rest his forearm over his forehead as his restless eyes are now staring at the ceiling.

Rather than overthinking, maybe it would be better for me to focus on the bright side.

He eased himself.

Everything went well and the interesting part is they appreciated the dishes he served. For him, that's a great deal to enhance his skills and obviously, to please his Lolo.

And the kiss...

Using the tip of his fingers, Karlos unconsciously touched his lips while grinning like a fool.

He couldn't forget the glee he felt when his Lolo's delicate and rosy-colored lips brushed against his.

Even if it is said that that kiss is just one of their pretense, still the contentment it sends to him is incredible.

He would never exchange the limited moment he and his wife spend together for anything—cause she and no one else is his sole happiness.

However, the dreamy smile on his lips soon faded when he learned that he had tasted a nasty flavor during the brief kiss—that’s when he found out that Lauren went to the club once again.

Getting up, Karlos sat down on his bed and let out a deep sigh.

It's been a year ago since they got married and that's where Lauren's endless visits to the club began.

If anyone is to blame for his wife's uprising, it is none other than him.

He is the root and end of everything which is why Lauren's present life is full of bitterness and resentment.

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