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“My hubby...

Ariana ran excitedly towards Karlos and without an utterance, she wrapped her lean arms tightly around the Cuban’s neck, not minding the discomfort of standing on her tiptoes.

Closing her eyes, Ariana buried her face in the man's neck, inhaling his musky-scented perfume that she truly misses. She attempted to remain calm and composed. However, no matter how hard she conceal her emotions towards the man who she hadn't seen in forever, still, a trace of emotional longing was noticeable in her current demeanor.

Moments later, she pulled away and studied the man's facial features, fiddling with the hair strands on the rear side of his head using her fingers, “Wow… you’ve changed a lot…” she breathed, her eyes gleaming in complete fascination.

Meanwhile, Karlos returned the Italian’s heart-warming embrace, cuddling her slim waist as he bowed down so that somehow the young lady wouldn't have a tough time gazing at him.

Karlos's infectious grin was soon replaced by a sheepish smile, certain that what he heard was a flattering remark.

Ever since he met the young heiress, she’s always been the kindest, humblest, and the loveliest girl not just towards him. Rather, as well as to other people that she interacts. In his and everyone’s opinion, she and Ally are the most approachable ladies in their group. She has a “what you see is what you get” personality type.

“I-I didn’t change… you're the one who changed a lot—but in a good way!” Karlos chuckled, blushing profusely due to the lady's intense gaze on him. Once again, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Well, who wouldn't be embarrassed when you're in front of the one and only Ariana Grande?

“Still a flatterer, I see.” Ariana removed her other arm from Karlos's neck. This time, using her available hand, she cupped the Cuban’s face and grazed her thumb against his stubble-covered cheek, “You grew tall and God… you look so… amazing…”

Unconsciously, Ariana scrutinized the Cuban from head to toe. Yes, the man has changed a lot physically. He looked mature and manly. His voice deepened. Furthermore, he looks even more attractive–completely opposite from his charming looks when he was just a teenager. However, despite the massive transformation in his physique and the length of time that has passed, it seems that the behavior she loves about Karlos is still there and hasn't completely disappeared. He stays timid, modest, and gentlemanly.

Also, one of the reasons why she fully recognized the man was due to his eyes. Those familiar warm brown eyes.

“I miss you…” Ariana murmured as her eyes were now focused on Karlos's pinkish and seemingly soft lips. She was astonished to the point where she couldn't cease even her fingers from feeling his chiseled jawline. One of the things she admires about his profile, “Did you miss me too?”

Instantly, a wide grin emerged on Karlos' face. That  question. It seemed that he caught a glimpse of a 16-year-old Ariana. He is delighted to learn that despite the changes in her appearance, and attainments in life, her childishness is still there.

Karlos smiled softly and nodded in response, “I miss you too, Ari—”


Karlos’s statement was interrupted upon hearing that familiar raspy voice, causing him and Ariana to turn around, and were equally shocked by the sight of the woman now standing in front of them.

The two seemed to be lost in their little world and it was too late to notice that they had caught everyone's attention. Particularly, the CEO's attention.

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