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Karlos positioned his hands on either side of his torso, carefully examining the strange-looking apparel his colleagues had bought him.

With a sigh, he bent down to grab the beach polo and couldn't help but knit his eyebrows. The fabric seemed small and flimsy to fit his large frame.

Goodness. Is this really what they want him to wear for the event?

Karlos put the wardrobes back inside the paper bags and set them aside. He couldn’t grasp why they would choose an unflattering outfit for him. Truthfully, he appreciated their support and thoughtfulness. However, he will never wear those clothes, most especially those “stretchable” underwear.

It's too little to the point that something might come out that the audience shouldn't witness and see.

Karlos was about to unzip the suitcase in order to check if the belongings he was going to bring were already complete. However, he decided to postpone his plan as soon as he heard the sound of the buzzer, causing him to vacate his bedroom and jog towards the front door.

Karlos peeked through the peephole before he unlocked the door, welcoming the green-eyed beauty with his sweetest smile.

“Welcome home, my baby love! How are you?—”

Karlos was left rooted to the spot as he was grinning like a fool. Scratching his nape, Karlos awkwardly followed his wife who headed straight into the penthouse. His presence was again unnoticeable. It is as if he was invisible in her eyes.

“Love, have you eaten already?—”

“What’s up, kiddo?”

Karlos turned around, chuckling at the familiar endearment and at the sight of his wife's loyal bodyguards.

“Kiddo? Can’t you see I'm taller than both of you!”

Karlos teased and fist-bumped with the two men who, you'd think were emotionless due to their usual impassive expressions.

“I haven't seen you in weeks. Where have you guys been? Have you two visited your families?”

“Yes, Señorito. We just got back from vacation with our families.”

Responded the man who was in his fifties but his physique still exhibited the agility and strength of a 30-year-old.

“And do you know who financed our vacation?”

The dark-skinned man joined the conversation, carrying the shopping bags containing his employer's purchases.

Karlos raised an eyebrow out of curiosity, assisting the man with the shopping bags.


“Of course, kid! it was none other than your ultimate dream girl!”

Karlos's strong jaws dropped at the news he heard.

Karlos was shocked and bewildered by his wife’s actions. He could not imagine that Lauren could do such a thing. Not that he is judging, however, with his wife's present disposition and due to the circumstances between them, it seems inconceivable to believe that there is still a trace of goodness within her. Nevertheless, a proud, heartwarming smile arose on his lips  as he thought about the good deeds that his wife had done.

Despite his wife’s behavior towards him, there is no denying that her being generous to her people has never been lost and is still there.

Lauren has been like that ever since.

Gentle, kind and caring towards the people close to her. These qualities of her shines even brighter especially when it comes to these two who have become part of her family due to the length of time they have been serving the Jaureguis.

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