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“Lo, let me explain!”

“Lolo, please hear me out!”


“Why did you do that?!”

Karlos was instantly paralyzed as soon as the furious Lauren confronted him.

Karlos can’t help but lower his head at the sight of the girl’s present appearance. 

Her porcelain face was red with outrage and there were tears forming in the corners of her gloomy green eyes.

He felt sorry for her... for the pain caused by what he had done…

“I… Lo, I only did that because that's what I thought was right... I did that for your own sake—”

“My own sake?!” Lauren chuckled, brushing away the tears flowing down her cheeks, “You did that for my own sake? What? What are you?!—Oh God, since when did you become my father?!”

Karlos came a little closer and was about to hold the heiress by the arm. He understood the basis behind the girl’s sudden attitude towards him, however, he was still astonished as soon as she backed away, shaking her head at him.

“I need you to tell me the truth. Why did you do that? If you know about his secret then why you didn't tell me? Why now, when Luis is about to propose?!”

Karlos inhaled a deep breath, bowing his head due to the question he couldn't answer... due to the feelings he couldn't convey in front of the girl he'd been dreaming about for a long time.

If he tells the truth, is he ready for changes?

If he tells the truth, will he be able to face and accept the consequences of loving his best friend?...

Will the truth set him free?...

“Lo, you may not understand! Y-you’re only 18! Too young to be engaged—”

“It is none of your business, Karlos!”

Karlos clenched his jaw, attempting to meet the challenging look that the green-eyed girl was throwing at him.

“I want to know why are you acting like this?! Why have you been avoiding me these past few months? Why don't you seem to care about me anymore?... and… and why's Ariana is always with you!—What's really going on with you two?!”

Exhaling, Karlos ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated at the series of questions he was being asked, particularly the moment she mentioned her friend's name, the girl whom he was tutoring in trigonometry.

So random… What does Ari have to do with this?

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Now, tell me.” Lauren crossed her arms and sighed, “You have no idea how hurt and confused I am, Camz... I never imagined that out of all the people I know—it was you! My best friend. The one I trusted the most, would be the one to ruin the engagement proposal… Why? I want to know because I'm sick of your "I'm doing this because I'm your friend" excuse!”

Karlos took a heavy breath, preparing himself for the major secret that he was about to uncover for the first time.

Karlos caught a glimpse of pleading in Lauren's gaze. It's difficult for him but he can't bear to see her struggling and perplexed by the circumstances.

Here it is. Here is the perfect opportunity that God is giving him to finally confess his feelings.

He has a lot of respect for his cousin. However, Lauren deserves the whole truth.

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