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“On your left.”
“Ugh! Fuck off, Cabello!”
Karlos sped up and chuckled as he once again passed his best friend who was uttering profanity behind him. Karlos shook his head. Amused at the reaction he earns from the man who never accepts defeat when it comes to athletic activities.
Today is Saturday.
A wonderful day that is eagerly awaited by every student and employee like Karlos. A day where others have the liberty to do whatever they wish. A day where people can temporarily escape the ordeal they seek on a regular basis.
Karlos adjusted the wireless earphones he was wearing and maximized the volume of the Latin beats he was listening to. As he was concentrating on the path he was taking, unintentionally, his eyes caught the couple happily eating their breakfast under a lush tree.
Karlos slowed down his pace as his mind wandered towards the young CEO who was fast asleep in her room.
Is she already awake?
Did she notice the bacon and eggs I cooked for her this morning?
Did she even try to... eat it?
Karlos shook his head, hushing the negative thoughts that wanted to manipulate his mind again.
Whether she eats it or not, the essential part is to express and make your wife feel that you are a responsible husband.
Yes. That. That should be the mindset, Karlos.
Despite being exhausted and out of breath from jogging, still, it seems that Karlos's current disposition is as lovely and radiant as the beaming sunshine.
Some situations give him sorrow, pain, and excessive fear in his heart and mind. He has many desperate questions that require a genuine answer from his dear wife. Albeit, If his misery is as vast and great as a ship, the bliss he feels every time he is with his Lolo is as expansive as the Pacific Ocean.
He is pleased, content, and sincerely grateful to God since in spite of the trials their relationship as a couple goes through, she always comes home to him.
“Nice one, mate!” Joshua greeted the approaching Cuban and handed him a cold bottle of water, “Why does that one look so worn out?” He added with a frown, examining the curly-haired man who didn't seem to be in a spirit right now.
Karlos removed his earphones before shrugging his shoulders, eyeing the rookie player as well.
“Maybe he's just tired from his everyday training.”
Karlos gulped the cold water and sat on the park bench, breathing heavily while wiping his sweaty face and neck.
“Damn, bro. You seem chirpy and smiley today. Why, bro? Are we about to get a bonus or—” Joshua remarked and sat next to his panting friend, “maybe you're about to get a sizzling hot girlfriend?” He naughtily wiggled his eyebrows, earning an incredulous chuckle from the tanned man.
“Goodness. You really took Bazzi's throne by being a womanizer.” Karlos kidded, removing his Dri fit shirt to wipe his sweaty upper body using a gym towel, “Is it weird that I'm cheerful today? Plus, I'm just glad ‘cause it's been a while since our last hung out. When is that again?—Ah! When Mani and Drew broke up and then the next day they got back together as if nothing happened.”
Joshua nodded in agreement and laughed, recalling the amusing look of their pal. Drunk and depressed as though it was the extinction of the planet Earth.
Nope. He will never be a hopeless romantic like his older friend. He will never allow himself to submit to a woman. Never.
“How are your exams? By the way, tell me when the tuition fee is due so I can jointly transfer the payment and allowance to your bank account.”
Upon hearing the reminder, Joshua immediately turned to his friend with bewildered eyes.

“Dude! Relax! Let me handle my tuition fees! It's embarrassing, bro…” Joshua caressed his nape, “You pay for my tuition fee and you vouched for me so I can work in the Jauregui Corp. So, thank you for supporting me—”
Joshua was interrupted as soon as he gave awareness to the laughter of the man next to him. He can't help but glare and shook his head since the Cuban seems that he does not take his gratitude seriously.
“Man, I'm serious here.”
Karlos placed his hand on Joshua's head and ruffled it, still chuckling at the boy's endless appreciation of him.
“Josh. You're like a brother to me, so stop thanking me. I believe in you and I also believe that great opportunities are waiting for you in the future.”
Karlos smirked and wiped his sweat. Again, eyeing the curly-haired man in the distance.
What's happening and why is that one acting so sluggish today?
“Dude,” Joshua called, stealing the Cuban's attention, “I badly want to kiss you right now! C'mere!”
Without warning, Joshua grabbed the Cuban's face to kiss his cheek teasingly. In return, Karlos growled in disgust, muttering utterances in Spanish as he stretched out his arm to shove the boy's face away.
They were like juveniles whenever the three of them were together.
The two's foolishness came to an end and stared at their mate who had just arrived.
“Move! Move to the side, kiddos!”
The two moved to either side of the bench to provide space for their seemingly exhausted friend.
“You alright?” Karlos questioned as he examined the man's appearance, “Looks like you need some rest.”
“Right. You look like Po from Kung Fu Panda.” Joshua added, earning a chuckle from the Cuban and a kick to the leg from the curly-haired man.
“Whatever, assholes. Yeah, I maybe look drained but at least I have a girlfriend,” He emphasized the word arrogantly, provoking the two to frown in confusion, “who is not only caring and loving but also—amazing in bed, I might add.”
Andrew proudly wiggled his eyebrows, smirking at the two men who only scoffed at what he told.
Karlos stared at his best friend for a moment, secretly observing the man's unusual energy. He's still the same Andrew. Pompous and absurd. Nonetheless, ever since before, his best friend's crisis cannot escape his senses.
“Seriously. Are you really alright? Drew, you should get some rest.” Karlos reminded once noticing that their younger friend had left them for a moment, “Don't put pressure on yourself. Bruh, believe me. Eventually,  they will include you in the official lineup—”
“When was that? I've been preparing for almost 6 months! 6 months, Cabello! And yet even now, they can't see my dedication to work! Also, Mahone is one of my concerns! Did you know that he is the great nephew of our fucking coach?!—”
“Austin, bro!”
“Austin, here! look at my camera!”
“Is it true that you will be a guest player for the New York Knicks this coming season?”
“Speaking of the devil,” Andrew murmured as he watched the famous pop star now being surrounded by the paparazzi, “The fuck is he doing here?”
“There's no official statement from the management yet but let's see.”
Austin replied in a monotonous tone as he was about to get into his sports car, causing Karlos and Andrew to look at each other.
“Austin, wait!” Another paparazzi shouted, “Is it true that you're dating Ms. Lauren Jauregui? And how true is it that she always has you with her on her business trips?”

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