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Resting his head against the headrest of his seat, Karlos couldn’t help but take a long, profound breath. The cheerlessness of his eyes and the crease on his forehead are evidence of his great disappointment.

He closed his eyes, and the disagreement he had with Lauren played repeatedly in his head, like a broken record.

They often quarrel as a couple, and after all, he's used to it. He is accustomed to the fact that his wife would rather be with another man than be with him. His mere presence makes her feel nauseous and sick.

It aches to think about it, yet he seems like a child begging and pleading to be taken with her to her destination. He pledges he’ll do anything to be with her, even if it means hiding in the plane's cubicle all day. Hence, despite his persistence and the assurances he made, she still chose Austin over him.

Luis… Austin.... The feelings of those men are vitally important to her, but what about Karlos?... What about him?

When will his feelings be considered? When will he be added to her priority list? When will she realize how much he is suffering as a result of her dismissive and condescending behavior towards him? When will he be accepted as her husband? When will he wake up from his madness?...

How long will he dream and imagine that eventually his wife will learn to love him?... Until when will he talk to the moon.. yearning and wishing it would listen to even one of his requests?...

Karlos took another deep breath and clenched his tense jaw. He's so hopeless and desperate for love.

“You alright, boy?”

A nudge to his right brought the Cuban back to reality. He cleared his throat before offering his senior accountant a nod and a practiced smile to conceal whatever was bothering him. He is in no mood to lie about his emotions. He is exhausted from always smiling and laughing, despite his difficulties. However, unfortunately, it appears that he has developed a habit of pretending to be fine.

“Nervous about the pageant? Do not worry. Whether you win or lose, we've got a present for you. Something you can take home after the party.”

Karlos raised an eyebrow, curious about what he heard.

Something he can take home?

“Present?... What kind of present, Sir?”

Karlos watched the growing sneer on his boss's mouth, causing his forehead to frown. Goodness. It appears that this man is up to something awful.

“You’ll see. Anyway, come later. We will wait for you.”

Out of exhaustion from the long-distance flight and the lack of energy to jest around, Karlos just nodded and rested his head on the headrest. He closed his eyes in the hope that his various worries would somehow vanish.

“Bros, guess what? If I were to choose, I don't wanna go back to City and work my ass off! This! This place is like a paradise!”

“Yep. It’s definitely a cool spot to relax. It's as if I just want to live here and begin a new life. Away from problems and chaotic families.”

As he was busy unloading his luggage, Karlos couldn't help but shake his head due to the exchange he was hearing.

He was internally chuckling. Not that he is judging his colleagues, but are they actually serious? They would rather settle down and establish a new life here?

“Hey, you two! You guys can live here only if you are single and have no family to support! Damn! Estrabao was very lucky! Single and free! Guess, his only concern is the pageant tonight, right amigo?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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