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Re-posted: 23 of November 2020

Hi, bruhs! Long time no see!

I just want you guys to know that I made a massive transition in my story.

From 1st person POV, I just rewrote this to 3rd person.

I did this so that each of us could comprehend the feelings of each character and for the reason that 3rd person POV was simpler to write.

Furthermore, please pardon my typographical, grammatical, and further mistakes.

So read at your own risk.

Hope you guys like it😊💜

“Lo, please don't leave me! Please! I love you so much! Don't do this to us! I'm begging you…”

Karlos begged desperately as he violently dried his unshed tears. “I love y-you.....” He added softly and then knelt before the woman he loved the most.

His weary eyes are now gazing directly at the lady as his tears stream unceasingly like a waterfall. Lauren, on the other hand, stared indifferently at the man in front of her; She could not help but notice that the man now looked more unusual than his regular preppy attire.

His today's appearance screams misery.

His long-sleeved is so messy that it seems like he's been wearing it for a few days; His normally shaven and smooth chin is now covered in stubble; His delicate and fashionable dark hair is now long and disheveled due to a lack of time to fix it.

And those eyes…

Those big brown eyes that once seemed so lively are now lifeless from sleep deprivation.

In other words, he looks so pathetic.

Lauren is taken aback by how she felt.

She could not figure it out, but it feels as if something is now piercing her heart at the current state of the man who is kneeling in front of her. She is genuinely hurt at what she was seeing.

Yes. She is genuinely hurt–However, the question is… Why?

Probably she just feels sorry?

Sorry, because she was only forced to marry him due to an arranged marriage.

Sorry, because she can't return feelings.

Sorry, because she loves someone else.

Whatever she feels, it may just be a pity.

Just out of pity.

Karlos stared sadly at the pale-skinned lady as if he is trying to memorize her physical details, over and over again. Nearly nine years have passed and yet, she is still the woman he is continuously dreaming of.

Why is that? Although her face is full of disgust, to me, she is still the most gorgeous woman in the world…

Karlos mentally chuckles to himself.

His eyes may be clouded by tears, yet nothing can stop him from praising how perfect his señorita is.

On the contrary, Lauren soon backed away as she stared at him with a straight face–Attempting to conceal the mixed emotions she is currently feeling.

Noticing his wife's sudden withdrawal, Karlos can't help but stoop to the manner of look Lauren gave him.

A kind of look as if she was unaffected by what was happening at this very moment.

A look that tells him to quit being delusional.

“Can you stop? I don't need—No, I don't want your love, Karlos. I will never love you. Never will. So stop this drama and sign the divorce papers!” Lauren dismissed.

Her chest is heaving as she struggles to breathe.

For some strange reason, there was a part of her that had a hard time pronouncing those ruthless remarks. Probably since through his eyes, she realized the weight of the words she spoke.

Lauren headed straight for the door, not sparing Karlos even a sole glance. As soon as she approached the door, she felt the urge to return to the man who is kneeling miserably on the ground; however, she immediately resisted that thought and left with an inexplicable emotion.

With the rough slam of the door, Karlos's cheeks were filled with tears.

“Lolo… He sobs as he sat weakly on the cold ground, “Love, please come back….” clutching his right fist full of fresh wounds and positioned it to where his heart was. “Please come back to me…”

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