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Like his regular day at the office, Karlos was again busily encoding the various data and information into his computer. He types quickly and accurately. He had to prioritize this task because he was certain that shortly, his desk would be filled again with dozens of folders containing financial statements and balance sheets.
Karlos temporarily ceased his current activity and, with an empty mug in hand, Karlos was about to stand up when his phone’s volume caused him to hiss and postponed his plan to go to the pantry.
Karlos hastily grabbed his phone from the desk. However, as he was about to decline the call, spontaneously, a wide smile appeared in his mouth as he glimpsed the familiar caller ID.
Without further ado, Karlos immediately answered the call with a positive vibe.
“Hi! Good day to you, Sir!”
Karlos greeted cheerfully, not concealing the fact that he has missed this man who, apart from his father, he truly idolizes in the field of commerce.
Before leaving his post, Karlos made sure to advise his colleagues that he had an urgent call to attend to.
“My son!”
Karlos chuckled at the caller’s liveliness, bringing his hand inside the side pocket of his dark-colored slacks.
“Good heavens. I told you to stop calling me 'Sir’. Call me Dad! Anyway, did I disturb you? How's it going, young man? Any announcement about the gender reveal?”
Upon hearing again his father-in-law's query, Karlos couldn't help but chuckle and run an awkward hand through his combed hair.
Baby matters cause dryness in his throat.
Karlos nodded respectfully, smiling at his colleague who recognized his presence in the hallway. Perhaps, even his office mate detected his sudden tension.
“Well, um… I-I'm fine and no worries, Sir—I mean Dad! Don’t worry about it. A-Also, Lauren and I are doing great! Um... Actually, we’re busy with our monthly reports.” Slightly loosening his necktie, Karlos tactically deflected his in-law's mischievous question, praying it would somehow work for someone who’s intrusive and persistent as him, “But hey, how are you and Mom?” Karlos added, simply to completely change the subject.
Michael remained mute on the other line before moments later, he unleash a weary sigh, “We're fine, son. In fact, we're now in Venice for an event. God, hijo…I'm getting exhausted… We have toured all over Europe only for Clara's handbag collection!” Mike whined, causing the Cuban to chuckle, “Women are such a pain in the neck. Dios mio. Looks like I'll have to contact our family architect to design a new room for her bags.”
Karlos listens quietly and patiently to Mike’s rhetorical speech. There were moments when he couldn't help but chuckle at the man's protests. Well, based on his experience, It's indeed exhausting. He then remembered the first time he accompanied Sophie to go shopping. The entire time they spent at the mall, it seems like she enjoyed treating him like her chaperone who carries her purchases! In his exhaustion, he couldn't help but complain which was only laughed at by his pesky little sister.
Perhaps, if Lauren was with him at that time, he was certain he would never complain. Rather, he would carry not only her shopping bags but probably, even her flawless body!
Karlos chuckled at the thought but seriously, he can be a personal chaperone if his wife wants to.
“But wait, son, you haven't answered my question yet. When will you give us grandchildren?”
Mike insisted whimsically, prompting the Cuban to start caressing his nape, unconsciously.
Turns out, he was once again voiceless at the harmless question.
Karlos internally shook his head.
“Well... Uh... Um...” Karlos sputtered. He seemed dazed as to what kind of lie he was going to produce this time,
“We... We don't want to rush things yet and honestly, our married life is exciting even without children involved... B-Besides, I always treat her like a baby!” Karlos replied with a forced laugh, attempting to mask his uneasiness.
Great. It seems that he is slowly getting better from lying.
Why is that? Shouldn't he be used to this type of subjective question?
Whenever there is a gathering, their parents will certainly ask pertaining to the current state of their marriage. Further, there will be questions related to the baby that only his wife can manage to answer. He often looks like a fool. All he does is smile, laugh, and respond when required. He's like a robot with limited speech. A robot programmed with what he should and shouldn't say. He has no power over their relationship. He is totally submissive to his wife's orders and wishes. As per his wife’s instruction, keep playing along.
Just play along...
“Hmm, good to hear that. Don't worry, son. I understand that my princess is not yet ready to have a child and both of you are busy running the company.” Mike paused on the other line before resuming, “Karlos, son. Please... Please tell my princess that her dad misses her so much... I know, even if she doesn't say it, I know that until now she still has a grudge against me... She still hates me because of what I did back then... ”
Karlos heaved a deep breath as he looked down at his black leather shoes.
Even by the means of a phone call, Karlos could sense Mike’s sorrow and longing for his daughter. He could sense how regretful the man was.
If only he could do something to fix the shattered relationship between the two…
However, the question is… how?
If Mike can't get the forgiveness he longs for from his daughter then, goodness. Is there a chance that someone like him can be forgiven by her? Someone like him who she considered a pest in her life?
When will she realize that he only did that thing due to his undying love for her?...
“Son?” Mike called, snatching the Cuban’s attention, “Do you have any idea why you’re my favorite of all the boys my daughter has met?”
Karlos furrowed his eyebrow and soon, he couldn't help but chuckle in reply to the random question. In his mind, probably, his in-law has a new one-liner joke.
“Because you beat me every time we go to the shooting range?” Karlos answered, laughing.
The businessman released a belly laugh, amused at the Cuban’s response.
“You are my favorite not because you’re my best friend’s son, but simply because you’re always there for my daughter. So, thank you, son... Thank you for making her happy.”
Hearing those touching words, Karlos couldn't help but feel stunned and guilty. He was tongue-tied.
Making her… happy?
Out of nowhere, It seems like Karlos felt the sudden urge to laugh due to the fact that what the man told was one of the most ridiculous statements he had ever heard. He felt ashamed and disappointed due to the lies they kept feeding their clueless parents.
“Oh! Anyways, I just called only to invite you to dinner with us. No celebration or anything. Simply an ordinary dinner since you guys only visited here once in a while.” Mike soon changed the subject with his fake optimistic tone, “I texted Michelle regarding this since y'know? That girl is such a VIP. Anyway, I'll message you once Clara and I get home from Venice. Remember, son. I rarely asked you a favor, so if possible, accept my invitation.”
Mike quipped even though Karlos could hear the usual authority in the way he convey his request.
“Um... Alright. Thanks for the invitation, Dad, and don't worry, Lauren and I will talk about this.”
Karlos responded, hiding the reluctance in his tone.
“Great! See you soon, son!”
“Yeah! See you soon, Dad…”
Lowering his phone, Karlos breathed roughly after his brief conversation with his father-in-law.
He was truly delighted to speak, laugh and send his regards to the old Jauregui. Nevertheless, every time he lied to their parents, he couldn't help but get furious with himself. He couldn't help but be consumed by the conscience that kept tormenting him.
God knows he hates to lie… God knows how much it hurts him to lie to the people he cares about.
Nonetheless, as painful as it may be, if concealing the actual relationship that he and his wife have is the only way for his Lolo to stay in his life, then he would rather dismiss his conscience and be a faithful follower of his wife's rules.
Breathing out, Karlos returned his phone to his pocket and decided to head back to his workstation, certain that the pile of thick documents on his desk was already waiting for him. However, on the way to his post, Karlos glimpsed that his office cubicle was now surrounded by his co-accountants, causing him to frown in concern.
“Pretty boy!“
The wrinkles on the Cuban’s forehead seemed to multiply. Not only because of what his boss called him but further, due to the embarrassment since once again, his associates’ attention was on him.
“Come here, boy! Come! We have a surprise for you!”
Karlos smiled awkwardly. His expression shows the many questions caused by the present happening.
“Um… what's going on, Sir?”
Karlos inquired in utter confusion, gazing at his boss who simply answered him with a wicked smirk. Karlos internally shook his head. He suddenly felt nauseous. Strange but he has the suspicion that perhaps, his boss will again place him in a situation that is against his will.
Due to overthinking, his questioning gaze landed on his friend Taylor. Similarly, the young gorgeous accountant was as well confused by the chaos.
“We bought those for you,” The bearded man declared, seizing the Cuban’s attention, “Well, we have decided to buy you clothes that you will use in the upcoming contest.” The man added with a devilish wink.
Karlos gulped audibly as he stared at the shopping bags on top of his office table. Until now, he couldn't believe that they enlisted him in that nonsensical contest.
“W-Wow…” Karlos chuckled as he kneaded his nape, “Thank you, Sam.” He added with a friendly yet uncertain smile.
Truthfully, there is a part of him that seems to doubt whether he should be pleased with the thoughtfulness of his colleagues. However, he couldn’t understand. He had an odd feeling about the mysterious contents of those paper bags.
“Oh shush, don't mention it, Papi…” The bearded man wink and stretch out his arm to squeeze the Cuban's firm biceps. On the other hand, Taylor seemed to suppress her laughter while watching her friend flirt with the poor innocent man.
Due to the arrival of a messenger who delivered a document, Karlos glimpsed that his colleagues and even his manager seemed suddenly occupied with their business. Therefore, Karlos grabbed the opportunity to open the shopping bags and finally see their contents.
However, Karlos's ears immediately turned red when his hands lifted one of the garments that had been bought for him.
The shame he feels seems to get worse.
“Oh, my God...” Taylor remarked, laughing and slapped her friend who looked extremely proud of the clothes he purchased for the tanned man, “I can't imagine him wearing that!” She added, turning red from laughing at what she sees.
With the Latino's athletic physique, she was convinced that the thing wouldn't fit in his lower half.
“You can’t but I can! Hey… Don’t worry, babe. It's stretchable.”
Sam commented, causing Taylor to laugh even harder. Meanwhile, their boss offered him a thumbs up. He seemed delighted. Perhaps, because he was confident that that thing would enable their department to win the contest.
They will win but only if their quiet yet attractive colleague agrees to wear it.
On the flip side, Karlos swallowed hard and unconsciously glanced at his crotch area.
The garment he was grasping seemed so tiny and tight that even the people at the end of the stage could clearly see the bulge between his thighs.
It's not that he's bragging. However, his length is really something else. It isn't just 7, 8, or 8 and a half.
Frankly, he is more than those sizes...
“Why? Too small for you?”
Taylor questioned with a mischievous smirk. Karlos noticed that she was clasping a pink brief as her eyes were glancing flirtatiously at his crotch area. Further, he caught a glimpse that now and then, she can't help but bit her lower lip.
Karlos scowled in curiosity and soon, he shook his head. Certainly, the girl must be teasing him again.
“Um, Sir? Uh, I don't think I can wear them... ” He pointed to the briefs and tight beach polos that looked like they would rip once he put them on, “Um... Let me buy something comfortable—”
“Those are the ones you will wear in the contest, Estrabao!” Declared by the senior accountant and patted his favorite associate on the shoulder, “You can do it, boy! We trust you!”
Karlos seized a deep breath and glanced at his co-accountants. The others don't seem to care and seem to have bitter looks on their faces. Meanwhile, Taylor and Sam were grinning while wiggling their eyebrows at him.
Exhaling, Karlos sensed a sudden headache. He feels worried and stressed due to the upcoming contest.
Dios mio… Come what may but he has to do something.

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