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“It hurts so much to love you the way I do, then look at you and realized that you don't care.”

“Lo, por favor contesta el telefono. Please, señorita...”
(Lo, please answer the phone.)

Karlos murmured as he was pacing back and forth from anxiousness.

It's been already an hour since he contacted her. However, his wife is still not responding to any of the phone calls or messages he sent.

Karlos sighed and stopped from marching, rather, he just leaned against the wall and stared down at his phone screen with zero notification.

Cautiously, Alejandro and Sinuhé glanced at each other as they're sitting comfortably in the dining area. Observing the visible distress all over their son's present demeanor.

It's amusing to watch that their son is the clingy one in their relationship—The trait he certainly got from his Mexican dad. However, his actions provoke them to get concerned for the young lady as well as for him.

Sinuhé switched her emerald eyes from Karlos to Alejandro until she finally leaned over to her husband who is obviously concerned.

“Talk to Camilo.”

She gave her husband a sharp look, urging him to go and have a little chat with their restless son.


Alejandro's forehead instantly creased as if he greatly wants to protest against his wife's request.

Why do they need to intervene?
It's normal for their son to worry about his wife. Also, their son may just be anxious considering that he cooked and prepared everything for this simple family dinner.

Alejandro concludes as if this is the most substantial explanation of why their son behaves like that. However, noticing his reina's pointed look caused him to gulped and obediently obeyed her demand.

Before he begins, Alejandro cleared his throat in the hope to catch his son's attention.

“Ehem, Hijo—”

“¡Mijo! ¿Estás bien?” (Son! Are you alright?)

Sinuhé asked, earning an unbelievable look from her husband.

I thought she told me to talk to him?

Alejandro wondered to himself.

Instantaneously, Karlos raised his head from his mom's apprehensive tone, returning his phone to his pocket.

“S-Si Estoy Bien! (Yeah, I'm good!)  W-Why wouldn't I be okay? Uh... Um, are you guys hungry? I-I gotta go and prepare the food.”

Karlos rambled and as usual, forcing an optimistic attitude at his parents.

The young man was about to excuse himself when his mother stopped him unexpectedly.

Sighing, Sinuhé offered her son an assuring and motherly smile as if she's telling him to take it easy.

“Mijo, you have nothing to worry about. Lauren is fine. She's maybe stuck in the traffic or was taking care of something important. Entonces mijo, por favor cálmate.”
(So son, please calm down.)

Karlos forced to emit an awkward chuckle, hoping to conceal the uneasiness in his chest.

¡Estoy calmado! (I am calm!) I-I am just nervous. You know—about my wife's reaction to my preparations.”

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