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“It's a miracle to finally have you at the table. Come. We’re going to talk, young man.”
Karlos seized a sharp inhale as he headed towards the dining room, head hanging low due to familiarity with his father’s authoritative pitch.
Once reaching the area, Karlos strolled toward Sinu’s direction, giving her a tender peck on the cheek before pulling a chair on the left side of the table where his mother was facing him. Karlos smiled politely as one of their servants attended to him. Nonetheless, he immediately lowered his head, glimpsing how a bit aggressive his father was in wiping his mouth with a tablecloth.
“Good. Did you know? I was about to instruct one of my securities to come into your room and grab you so you could finally join us for dinner?” Alejandro rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands, studying the boy’s appearance who he hadn't seen for days, “Yes. I am busy running the company. I am usually in the firm but Hijo, I noticed that for the past few days, you rarely join us at the table. I wonder, what’s busying you so much that you're always locked in your room?”
Alejandro shook his head as he caught sight of the dark circles under his son’s eyes. Meanwhile, Karlos gnawed on his lower lip and attempted to look his father in the eyes. He is not committing anything immoral. However, he can't help getting frightened by the manner his father was interrogating him like a Sherlock.
“Pa, I was just doing my homework.”
Karlos started to scoop a small amount of the various Cuban cuisines that were served on the long wooden table. The dishes were honestly delectable and healthy. Gracias to his mom who is truly hands-on when it comes to taking care of her family. Sadly, due to being engrossed with his existing activities, he often fails to eat at the right time as well as to create some quality time with his family—Just like today. After all, he was only forced to come down due to repeated threats from his father.
“Homework? Do you prioritize your homework rather than eating and sleeping on time? Look at you. Pareces un zombi! (You look like a zombie!)”
Karlos listens quietly as he senses the growing tension between him and his father. He liked to say something to somehow defend himself. However, out of respect and courtesy he has for his parents, Karlos remained tight-lipped in regard to the matter.
“Hon, please.” Sinuhe breathed a sigh and held her husband by the arm, “It’s inappropriate that you're scolding our child at the table. Can't you speak to him in person? Inside your office instead?”
Sinuhe interrupted. She does not want to join in the conversation. However, from her standpoint, the way her husband disciplines their son is disrespectful to the blessings in front of them.
“Baby, this boy doesn't follow the house rules! He doesn't eat on time and look!—He’s getting a pimple! I'm sure, staying up late at night was the main cause!”
Using his other hand, Karlos carefully fixed his bangs in an attempt to cover his reddening acne. Now, he seems to be conscious due to the scrutinizing gazes his parents were throwing at him.
Well, his father was right.
Every day he stays awake not because he was occupied with reviewing his notes.
Not because he plays computer or PlayStation games.
Not also because he spends much time on social media.
But because he was occupied thinking about a certain girl…
About his multi-talented señorita…
Karlos smiled foolishly at the wonderful thought of the prominent “It girl” in their academy, oblivious to the curious looks he was receiving from his parents.
“Don’t smile. We’re not done talking, kid.” Once again, Alejandro shook his head as he observed his 15-year-old old son, “I was once a teenager. I’ve been there, done that. So, whatever you're doing right now, I understand you. Trust me, Hijo. I understand but—do not do that thing in my house. Have respect for the women here at home.” He added with emphasis and took a forkful of pasta.
Promptly, Karlos lifted his head with knitted eyebrows, bewilderment written all over his face.
Do not do that thing in my house… But I was just—what?
What thing?
¡Dios mío, Alejandro! (My God, Alejandro!)” Sinuhe exclaimed incredulously, shooting a menacing glare at her husband, “Are you even serious? What kind of absurdity do you put into our child's mind—and you’re telling him that while we’re eating?! Dios... ¡Eres repugnante! (God… You're disgusting!)”
Alejandro swallowed hard and averted his gaze. Judging by his wife's tonality and appearance, undoubtedly, she will never allow him to make love to her, and what’s worse, she will demand him to sleep in the guest room tonight; something he despises to obey every time they’re quarreling.
“B-Baby… Men will be men,” Alejandro chuckled awkwardly and reached for his wife's hand, “I-It’s in our nature, mamá—”
“Silence,” Sinuhe raised her finger, causing the Mexican to comply obediently, “Listen. The reason Camilo is always busy is that he recently signed up for art and piano lessons—Not because he's busy doing that thing you thought he was doing. Though, to be honest, I also like don’t like the idea of you breaking the house rules, muchacho.” she glanced at the noiseless Karlos, who in turn nodded softly as he cautiously chewed his food, “So, you better stop accusing my mijo. He's not like you!”
Upon heeding the explanation, Alejandro turned his head to Karlos and suddenly, a grin slowly emerged on his lips.
“Is that true?—That’s my boy!” Alejandro yelled proudly and stretched out his arm to ruffle his son's hair, “Really, hijo?! What drove you to sign up? Why you didn’t tell me?! Anyway, are you going to participate in a competition? Or...” Alejandro wiggled his eyebrows, earning a blush and an uncomfortable chuckle from the boy, “You just want to impress someone? Is it our neighbor or... your schoolmate?”
Impressing someone?
Karlos shifted slightly in his seat, chuckling at his father's eagerness and odd speculation.
Frankly, he only enrolled because he wanted to discover additional skills. Art is his primary weakness and since the guitar is the only instrument he can play, he also considered learning to play the piano as well. Furthermore, his objective is not to impress someone.
In regards to his schoolmate, he is confident that she is merely his crush. An infatuation.
“What?—No, Pa. I just didn't tell you 'cause it's not that important.”
Also, to save myself from the embarrassment that you and Andrew might cause me.
Karlos chuckled, doing his utmost to dismiss the butterflies in his chest, “Pa, I am doing this for my personal growth and development.”
Nothing more, nothing less.
“If so, then I'm very proud of you, Hijo. Remember, your mamá and I are here to support you and Sofia in whatever you guys want to pursue in life—even if you want to become a male stripper in the future.” Alejandro cracked up and once again, ruffling his son’s hair. In response, Karlos chuckled at the hilarious remark. Sinuhe, on the other hand, simply shook her head, “Hold on. I just recalled something. Next time, you should come with us, Karlitos”
Despite his unwillingness and due to the urgency to continue his task, Karlos simply nodded and forced an optimistic smile at the invitation. Goodness. Here they are again. It seems that he already knows where his conversation with his father will transpire. 
“You know? The daughter of one of my pals is just around your age. I met the kid already and son, I'm telling you, the girl was actually beautiful, intelligent, nice, and talented! Always a top student in her class! Anyway, next time, I will take you to one of my business gatherings. I will introduce you to her!”
Karlos chuckled and shook his head at the details he heard, seemingly disinterested in the girl his father had mentioned.
Fine by him as long as the daughter of his father's companion is as gorgeous, wise, and talented as his crush.
That green-eyed girl is incomparable…
“And oh! She's an excellent artist and a pianist!”

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