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In the last few days, Karlos is usually late to come home due to his busyness with his work. Especially today that he is currently handling the other tasks in the payroll department.

Due to the pressure and stress of topping the urgent documents, some of his co-staff in both departments have already filed for sick leave due to exhaustion of attaining the deadlines. Whereas others decided to file for resignation as a result of the tremendous workload.

Despite being aware that his wife might have something to do with the amount of work he does, Karlos is still determined to conquer the hardships of his assigned job.
After all, this serves as his training ground to help his dear wife with the company which was endowed to them by their parents.


Karlos exclaimed in the empty office space, took off his eyeglasses before stretching his arms and legs.

Goddammit, my ass hurts from sitting for God knows how long!—Wait, what time is it?

Glancing down at his Rolex wristwatch, Karlos was surprised at the current time, caused him to facepalm himself.
¡Dios mío! Ya son las 12 de la mañana!
(My god! It's already twelve in the morning.)

I missed eating at the right time again—How about my señorita! Wait, I'll just message her.

Karlos picked up his phone in the side pocket of his slacks and starts sending messages to his wife; Again, apologizing at the same time informing her concerning the happenings today.

He knew that she doesn't give a damn about his existence—Most particularly about his calls or messages, yet out of respect for his wife, he often conveys to her his eagerness and efforts to be a better husband for her even in the most simplest way.
Perhaps in that manner, he would have at least a tiny room in her heart.

After making sure that everything was in order, Karlos got out of the building with a piece of banana in hand and went straight to his yellow-colored SUV. He was about to start the engine when someone suddenly knocked on his car, causing him to pull down the car window.

“Good evening!—I mean, good morning, sir!”
Courteously greeted by the night shift security, causing the junior account to chuckle from the formality before greeting his friend back.
“Sir, looks like your overtime is getting more frequent?” The guard inquired in a worried tone, noticing his older friend’s frequent overtime.

“Yeah, man—Well, for promotion.”
Karlos quipped, although, through his eyes, it was apparent how exhausted he was from working all night for the whole week.

“Promotion? Tsk! You only care about work. Come on! Chill out so you can find a wife!” Teased by the younger one, causing the Cuban to chuckle as he shake his head.

Find a wife, huh?
If you only knew that the search is over since that very first time I laid my eyes on my señorita.

“Don't have time for that. I'd rather just sleep since that's what I need now.” Karlos replies with a yawn. “—By the way Josh, how’s Mr. Bassett? Has he got enough medicine for his diabetes?” He shifted the topic, remembering the health condition of the person who has faithfully served their family.

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