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“It hurts but it's okay... I'm used to it.”

“Sir, please don't take it personally, but I was firmly advised by Ms. Jauregui to never let you enter her office unless your intent is work-related. I am deeply sorry sir, but I wish you to understand that I am just doing my job.”

Frankly informed by the secretary to the man who was determined to enter the office of the CEO.

Honestly, she fully recognizes this person’s relationship with her boss, however, she also fully understands that she may lose her career if she heeds his request.

“Vero, please... I'll just give this to my wife! I promise! I'll make it quick! I promise!”

Karlos pleads while glancing occasionally at the elegant door toward his wife's private room.

“Sir, please understand that I'll be in deep trouble for what you want to happen plus Ms. Jauregui isn't here yet. As of now, she still has an ongoing appointment with the clients. So please sir, kindly go back to your division.” Plead by the young secretary.

She seemed confused whether she should obey this man for the reason that he is also the owner of the firm she works for or she should only stick to her boss and her strict rules?

“Clients? Vero, believe me. No matter how busy I was, I still memorized my wife's daily schedules and the meetings you are saying, that was a while ago!” Karlos insisted, causing the secretary to sighed in defeat.

If they believed that they could deceive him, well they are certainly mistaken. In fact, even the tiniest thing about his wife is memorized by him and what's more—her day-to-day schedules.

For him, the only benefit of being an heir of one of the major shareholders of the corporation they work for; provides him the privilege to know the economic condition of their business, as well as the daily routine of his dear wife.

“Sir, it's true, Ms. Jauregui is still in the—”

From a distance, Karlos could already hear the noise of his wife's high stilettos—a primary indication that her strong presence was approaching, caused him to stand up straight while adjusting in his hand the brown paper bag containing the convenience food he purchased.

“It's nice that you have changed. Before, I couldn't count how many times the students complained about you.”

He heard his wife's statement which caused him to furrowed his forehead as he realizes that she is talking to someone else, however, something seemed certainly strange—her mood seemed pleasant, in contrast to her usual authoritative tone.

“Those fools were just jealous of our popularity. Anyway, Jake planned those pranks. It's not me, Miss President.” Flirtatiously retort of the speaker.

With the tone of his voice and manner of speech, Karlos perfectly recognized the mysterious man that his wife is speaking to, and with that reason, his heart was increasingly embraced by the blend of annoyance and jealousy which he can not suppress—most especially the moment his eyes caught the bouquet of roses that are currently held by his wife.

“I hope you really change and stop making unnecessary jokes because believe me you're too—”

Lauren was surprised as soon as her eyes came across the familiar eyes she despised.

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