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“Do you think we're safe now?...”

“Sí, señorito. We successfully misled the bodyguards.”

Turning his head to the back windshield, a tiny crease appeared on Karlos’s forehead as he roamed his anxious gaze around the site. As soon as he was satisfied examining the location, a sigh of relief was transmitted from his lips, implying that indeed, they had finally escaped the private vehicles that were following their black Lincoln.

Karlos adjusted his school necktie and grazed his hand through his fringe haircut, causing his bangs to be disheveled.

Karlos turned to his right. Despite the apprehension and adrenaline coursing through his system, as usual, he still provided the girl with a forced laid-back smile.

“Damn. What a bad boy…”

Resting her chin on her palm, the green-eyed girl giggled as she appreciated the fact that the boy was familiar with the ins and outs of the area, allowing them to escape her annoying bodyguards once again.  

Lauren raised her hand and took her moment to gently fix the heir’s top, combing his bangs with her slim fingers.

She honestly loves playing with the Cuban’s hair. It felt so silky and smooth against her touch as though he outdid a woman from how healthy it looked.

In her mind, perhaps his hair was properly maintained by his expensive shampoo. Such a neat freak guy. However, she was dead sure that beautiful nourishing hair was part of Cabello's genes.

Oh, well. Cabello means hair in Spanish, right?

Lauren chuckled at the idea.

“Always at your service, my señorita.”

In order to conceal his true feelings for the girl, like he usually does, Karlos seized a single rose from his bag pack and handed it to the brunette with a comical look on his face.

Karlos doesn’t mind making a clown of himself. For him, hearing the contagious laugh of his dream girl was already enough to make his heart skip a beat. Catching a glimpse of her smile makes him forget how to breathe. Just seeing her happy is enough to make him appreciate how blessed he is.

After years of admiring his Lolo from afar, finally, he is here next to her and now considered one of her “people”.

One of her best friends…

Just best friend…

How he wished he could tell her his deepest secret…

How he wished their precious friendship wouldn't be ruined by his feelings for her…

Karlos smiled broader, afraid that the heiress might notice what he was thinking.

Meanwhile, the goofy act itself prompted the Latina to laugh harder.

Lauren didn't bother to cover her mouth. Rather, she reached for the rose and playfully hit the boy with it.

No one laughs at the Cuban’s jokes. No one could comprehend his humor. However, to her, every word that came out of his mouth whether they were intentional or not was amusing.

Ever since she met the Cuban, weird but she instantly became comfortable with him. With him, everything seems so easy. Everything felt so yellow... so warm and radiant like a sunset…

In his presence, she feels safe and protected. He is her personal savior. He aids her in unleashing the kind of Lauren that holds no title. Just a normal teenage Lauren.

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