Our Wolf

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I do not own KDA, LoL, or anything referenced.

Words and supposed meanings.

Ahri (Korean): Jagiya=Darling (Korean)

Evelyn (Russian):moya lyubov'= My Love

Akali (Japanese): Otto= Husband

-Evelyn pov-

I shiver slightly under the covers not feeling the arms of my husband. Growling in annoyance I open an eye to check the clock. "Nine twelve." I groan and sit up. "That bastard didn't wake me up." I say to myself angrily and get out of bed. I check myself in the mirror, posing I stare at my naked body, and smile. "One day he'll fall to me." I say as my reflection turns into my demon self. "Oh well." I say and put on a shirt and panties. I saunter my way out the room to see a very aggravated Ahri leave hers. "Ahri?" I say confused and she glares at me. "When is it my turn again?" She asks and I smirk. "Ahri. You just had him." I say and she groans. "The bed is so uncomfortable without him!" She complains and I chuckle. "You always were a baby when it comes to his cuddles." I say and she growls at me. "I WILL claw your eyes out!" She growls out as we enter the kitchen with a heavenly smell.

"You can't claw her eyes out Ahri." Grey says as he cooks. "But Jagiya!" Ahri complains and he turns to her. "Please Baby, no fighting." He says and we smile as we approach him. We push our breasts into his back and kiss his neck. "Sorry Jagiya." Ahri purrs. "Sorry Moya Lyubov'." I purr and he flinches from our sudden show of affection. "Leave him be you two." Kai'sa say walking in dressed for the studio. She looks at us and rolls her eyes. "Get dressed or I'll throw your plates out." She says and we glare at her. "We don't leave for another two hours." I say and she nods. "But Ekko should be there with True Damage. We need to get this new album on a roll, and we have Seraphine coming in to interview. So we need to be much earlier than usual." She says and we both sigh. "I completely forgot." I say as we sit down. "After..." I begin. "Otto's breakfast!" Akali cheers sprinting through the doors.

"Akali watch out!" I yell as she slides towards the wall. I guess Grey predicted it and scooped her up, he spun her around, and they both laughed. I always loved how childish the two could be. Considering Grey being twenty-two and Akali being twenty-three. I frown knowing that everything about our marriage was hidden. Not a soul knew that Grey even existed, all except True Damage, our Manager, and Pentakill. Grey has been very understanding, but when we are out, I can tell it eats at him. He can't hold us, kiss us, say I love you, or anything romantic. Grey loved doing small things, and there are very few places he can be our husband. "Should I bring you girls lunch?" He asks setting Akali in a chair. "Yes!" Akali answers for us excitedly.

"I don't know Dear. Paparazzi have been talking about you recently." Kai'sa says and I smile at her. "He's our friend, of course he'll visit us." I say and see Grey's ears fold back. His head drops, arms go loose, and he sighs softly. "Grey it is for you're own safety." I say and he nods. "But when Eve?" He asks and I get up to make him look at me. "Grey. I promise it'll be soon." I say and he gives me a small smile. "Okay Eve." He says before going to make our plates. I can't help but smile as Grey puts our special omelets in front of us. As we eat Ahri leans on Grey and he wraps an arm around her waist. I can't help but think that Grey was the best thing to happen to us.

We finished breakfast, Ahri and I got dressed, and Grey is at the door with our coffees. "I want to stay home today!" Akali whines as she hugs Grey tightly. "Akali this is very important." Grey says handing Ahri her coffee. "But I want cuddles! If I want those I need to be here with you!" She complains as he hands Kai'sa her coffee. "I promise that when you get home. I will watch a movie and cuddle with you." He says handing me my coffee. "One black coffee extra strong." He says and I smile. I take a sip and smile at him. "You always make the best coffee." I purr and he blushes. "I make it how you girls want." He chuckles. "Promise?!" Akali asks him and he hands her a drink. "Yes Beautiful. Now here is your hot chocolate." He says and kisses her. He walks to all of us giving kisses which makes us smile. "Now you girls have a studio to get to, I WILL be bringing you girls lunch today." He says and we smile and nod.

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