A Demoness Mistake.

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey pov-

I leave Akali's room after some fun in the shower, and helping her get dressed. I turn to walk only to see Evelyn walking towards me in her human form. "Morning Darling." She says and I smile. "Morning Gorgeous." I say and she kisses me gently. "I have our entire Date planned out. We stay home until it's dark, then you and I go to dinner, and then back here to watch movies and cuddle." She says and I look at her. "I honestly just want to lay in bed with you Darling. In my demon form i mean." She says and I smile. "It's your day Eve." I say and she smiles turning into her demon form. She grabs my hand and leads me to her room which has changed completely.

The once normal room was now completely dark with purple accents, the walls looked like they had purple flames moving on them, the bed changed to a heart shape, and she has pictures of us around her room. "Love your room." I tell her and she smiles and pulls me to the bed. We lay down and she cuddles into my side laying her head over my heart. "Thank you for accepting me." She says using one of her claws to trace circles on my chest. "Of course I'll accept you Eve. You're my Wife." I say and she smiles.

We lay there and the only noise was her humming. "Villain is kinda about you." She finally says catching my attention. "If you'd ever died I'd never find someone like you. I'd turn so cold towards the world and push away everyone." She says and I kiss her head. "I know you're going to say there are tons of guys like you. But you're wrong and you need to remember that." She says and I smile. "I know Eve. Thankfully I have four beautiful women and a little sister to keep my head on straight." I say and she smiles. "Yes you do." She says and looks up at me. I smile and kiss her gently and she deepens it. Her tongue battles mine and easily dominates it making me moan.

She moves to being on top of me and shows me her sharper canines. "You mind if I mark you so no other Demons get any ideas?" She asks and I chuckle. "My body is yours Baby." I say and she smiles before sinking her teeth where my heart is. I wince and gasp in pain, as a burning sensation comes from the area. I look down to her concerned eyes. "I've had worse Eve." I say and her eyes water as I grip the sheets tightly. Soon it becomes almost agonizing pain, and she finally pulls back. I pant quickly as my body relaxes and she continuously kisses the spot. Looking down I see a mark that looks like her demon lashers making a heart. "Sorry." She says and I smile at her. "I love it." I say and she begins to cry. "What's wrong?!" I ask and quickly get up to hug her. "What I just gave you was a mate mark. It means that my life is intertwined with yours. The day you die is they day I begin aging rapidly, until eventually I join you in death. I won't live this life without you Muzh." She says and I put my forehead against hers. "Then I have a lot to protect." I say and she kisses me gently. We get up a d she gets dressed to go out.

I go to say something but she hands me a suit

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I go to say something but she hands me a suit. I chuckle and start getting changed. "The suit looks good on you Darling." She says and I look down at the high dollar suit. "Not really my style." I say messing with the collar a little. "As our husband you need to look good when we go out." She says confusing me since she always says I look good. "O-Okay." I say confused. "Let's go." She says grabbing my hand. "Eve I need to take-" I begin and try to reach for my jacket. "No time Darling." She says still pulling me out the room. "My medicine." I say to myself now. I begin to internally fight myself since my medicine helped with my mood. (Way to flip a switch Eve!)

She drags me to one of her cars and I go silent. "Get in." She orders and I get in the passenger seat. She starts the car and immediately slams on the gas forcing me into the seat. I grip the handle tightly as the Lamborghini is quick to high-speed. It isn't long before we pull into a fancy restaurant. She gets out and motions for me to come. Getting out I join her and I get a better look at her eyes. They were far more demonic than before, and or ever been. I begin to think of when it all changed. "Evelyn." She says and the waiter quickly takes us to a private spot.

"Hello you two. What would you like?" He asks and I go to order. "We would like some red wine. He is going to get the steak medium rare." She orders for me and I frown more. The waiter leaves us and she looks out the window. "You okay?" I ask and she hums as if she forgot I was here. "Did I do something wrong from when we cuddled?" I ask now getting irritated at her sudden change. "No. You're just mine and nothing can take you from me or the others." She says in a matter of fact tone. "Then treat me the same. Why are you treating me like I'm not human now?" I ask and she gives me a passive look. "You're not. You're a wolf Vastayan and my puppy." She says and I growl at the almost blatant insult. "Your puppy?! You know what Eve?" I ask and she looks at me curiously. I toss my phone on the table and glare at her. "When you're ready to treat me like your husband again. Well I'll come home when I calm down." I say and begin walking away.

I walk outside to see it has started raining. Without a care in the world I walk into the rain. I don't care where I go but I need to calm down. I didn't take my meds yesterday with Akali, and now Evelyn is acting like this. I decide to walk towards the house and sit in the garden.

-Evelyn pov-

I wait for Grey to return and look at his phone. Picking it up is open it to see a picture of us five at a theme park. My eyes widen and I shake my head quickly. "Fuck. Fuck! You stupid bitch!" I yell at myself and get up. "You marked him! That doesn't mean he's an object!" I yell at myself and go to the car. I begin to drive around looking for him. Immediately the thought if he hasn't taken his anti-depressants, and then taking his own life enters my head.

-Eve waking up-

"No!" I yell sitting up quickly as I begin to hyperventilate. "Eve?! It's okay! You're okay!" Grey says and I look at him. "I'm so sorry!" I yell and hug him tightly. "Are you okay?" He asks and I cry into his shoulder. "I'm sorry for being so mean to you!" I sob and he rubs my back gently. "Eve you fell asleep after you marked me." He tells me and I pull back and look down at him. "I-I did?" I ask and he chuckles before rubbing my eyes. "Yes Dear." He says and I calm down. "I think we missed our dinner reservations." He says and I shake my head. "Fuck them." I say. "Well you need to eat and I promised you movies." He says and I hug him tightly.

-Grey pov-

I chuckle and move to get up being careful with her. I carry her to the living room and set her on the large couch. I go to the kitchen and she is right next to me. "Baby. It was just a bad dream." I say and she looks down at me. "Did you take your medicine?" She asks and I shake my head. She quickly disappears before reappearing with the pills. I take two and go back to cooking. "Caribbean chicken, buttered noodles, and peas sound good?" I ask and she nods. "Eve. What happened in your dream?" I ask and she looks like she is about to cry again.

"I was so abusive to you. I called you names, and blatantly insulted you." She says and I laugh. "Have you done that before?" I ask and she shakes her head. "How long have you been having these dreams?" I ask. "Since we saw your memories." She says and I flick her forehead. "Not your fault Dummy." I say and she nods. "I know. But I fell into a peaceful sleep at the thought of your screams. I just feel so dirty and like a failure." She says and I point to her mark. "You think I'd let you mark me if I held any resentment towards you?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Exactly. Now let's go in there and eat while watching movies." I say and she smiles down at me. "Right." She says and we walk into the Living room.

-Did you guys really think I would let Evelyn turn like that? Besides Kai'sa she is the most protective of him. So far akali has been the only lemon. Who's next? What if the girls parents show up early? Where is Sona in all this? Till next time everyone!-

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