The Ones Unseen

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Persephone POV right after last chapter-

"No!" I scream and my chains are released. I sprint to Grey, slide next to him, and put his head in my lap. "Say something Grey." I cry as blood drips onto my pants. "Say it. Say Mama." I beg as the tears drop onto his face. I look into the lifeless eyes and cry more. "This is all my fault. If I had just left you alone your life would have been perfect. I'm so sorry Baby Boy." I sob and close his eyes to let him rest.

"Yes! This is what I've always wanted to see!" Shina cheers. "Put the back in their cells, and take that mutt to the pit." She orders and my children are rounded up.

A soldier grabs my arm and I pull it away. "No! Let me have my son!" I yell and he grabs my arm again. He yanks me up and I punch him in the neck crushing his windpipe. As he struggles for breath I'm hit in the back of the head. "G-Grey." I say weakly and reach for him. A soldier pushes me over, slams his boot into my head, and my world goes dark.

-Evelyn POV from the beginning of the chapter. So this happened at the exact time Persephone's POV was happening.-

"No!" The four of us yell before Yasuo and Ekko grab us. We struggle to get out their grasps to get to our husband.

"If you go up there they'll kill you girls! I just lost my brother! I won't let you girls join him!" Ekko says making us cry harder.

His family is dragged away and I felt for his mother who had to be knocked out. As the soldiers leave two grab Grey's corpse and begin to drag him away. We begin to follow being careful not to be caught.

-Soldier POV-

"Fuck he's heavy." I say as we drag this bastard to the pits.

"He's nothing but dead weight dip shit." My friend says grunting.

"Need help?" A male asks and we look around confused.

"Who the hell said that?!" I ask in slight fear.

R_Predator you better start that boss music back up!

"Me." I again and I look at the corpse in our hands.

Suddenly his head shoots up and his eyes are open. "Boo!" He says and I scream while jumping back.

He headbutts my friend off him, jumps over his cuffed hands, and begins to choke him out. Before I could recover the wolf snaps my friends neck killing him. "Z-Zombie!" I yell in fear.

"Zombie?" He asks and I pull my gun up. He snaps his fingers and soldiers in ghillie suits get up. Suddenly they begin to unload into me forcing me against a tree. When they stop surprisingly I am alive barely as the wolf Vastayan walks up. He reaches down, grabs my key to free himself, takes his revolver from my pocket, unloads the red bullets, and loads in normal ones. "I'm just a Wolf that wants his pack." He says putting the barrel to my head.

-Grey POV-

I shoot the soldier in the head ending his suffering.

"Glad to see that worked Captain." Xayah says and I nod.

"Otto!" I hear Akali screams and I barely have time to brace for the impact. I am tackled to the ground by a sobbing Akali and Ahri. "My girls. I've missed you all so much." I say softly as I see Kai'sa and Evelyn walk out as well.

"You look well Dear." Kai'sa says and they help us up.

"You grew your hair out." Evelyn says and I nod. (Grey's hair used to be at his mid neck. It is now down to his shoulders.) "It looks good." She says and I smile.

"Sorry I couldn't be in contact more." I tell them and they smile.

"We are just happy to have you back." Ahri says and I kiss them all on the lips.

"We need to get my family out and kill this bitch." I tell them and they nod.

"Jagiya. How did you survive that bullet to the head?" Ahri asks and I smirk picking up the red bullets.

"I had Xayah and Nate help with these. They are blood bullets. Using a small undetectable magic, I trapped blood into the shape of a bullet, when it's fired from a gun, the magic fades, so when it makes contact, the magic forces the blood around, and makes it seem like the victim is shot. I had to train my body to hide my heartbeat. Sadly for Nate we didn't inform anyone but the people you all killed." I say as all the soldiers that I picked stand up.

"You girls really helped in hiding us." Xayah says and Evelyn laughs.

"You are a tricky little wolf Muzh." Evelyn says and I smile.

"I just wanted to get back to you girls without risking your safety." I say as Ekko and Yasuo join us. "Will you girls join us?" I ask and they nod. "Wonderful." I say and get geared up. "Hunters! Move out!" I order and we begin to walk towards the base.

As we exit the woods we see two guards guarding the entrance. Akali and Xayah sprint out and throw their knives at them. The two drop dead as we run up and I take out a guard in the tower. We get to the door and Xayah picks the lock. I push in first with Kai'sa right behind me. "I need the rest of you to get us evac, and make sure the guards aren't found." I say and the soldiers salute before leaving. The six of us begin to quietly maneuver our way to the holding cells.

-Nate POV-

"You fucking spineless trash of a brother!" Mother yells from their cell. Thankfully that bitch gave me my own cell to prevent them from killing me. But that doesn't stop Mother's tongue lashings. "He trusted you! You stabbed him in his back! Some fucking brother you are!" She yells and I wince at her words.

"It was either him or Dad!" I yell trying to keep the act up.

"Will you all just shut!" A guard yells before we hear silenced gunfire. The guard drops dead in between our cages.

"Don't mind us." I hear Grey say as he walks up to unlock my door.

-Grey POV-

Nate hugs me close and I hug him back. "Good to see you little bro." He says and I pat his back.

"Little Pup?" Mother asks and I turn to our family.

"In the flesh Mama." I say while unlocking their door. She jumps into my arms sobbing as Dad also joins us.

"I thought we lost you again." Mother sobs and I hug them tighter.

"No need to worry. Nate and I had a plan for a while now in case we were ever tricked." I tell them.

-Flashback to A Blade Against Your Throat-

"I've got a plan." I tell Nate and lead him to my plans. "This is a blood bullets." I tell him and show him the design. After explaining how it works he looks at me.

"How do you know if this will even work? What if they want to use their own weapons?" Nate asks and I chuckle.

"I have no idea. But it's at least a failsafe." I tell him and he nods.

"We keep this between us no matter what." He says and we shake hands.

-Flashback ends-

"Nice gamble little bro." Victor says and I nod in thanks.

"Thank you. Also Mom and Dad, these are my wives." I say and motion to the four girls.

"As much as I want to rip your eyes out. Thank you for sending us the perfect husband." Evelyn says and they nod.

"Thank you for saving my Little Pup." Mother says and they nod with smiles.

"Come on. We have a bitch to put in the ground." I say and toss them the extra weapons.

"Almost seems unfair now that the WHOLE family is together." Seraphine says and I nod. We all begin to head back to the main floors.

-How many thought he really died? We are off to the final fight of the book with not only the family, but our friends, and wives. How will the fight go, and remember that Grey hasn't taken his medicine in some time. How will that affect his fighting? Till next time everyone!-

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