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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV two weeks after the party-

I groan in pain as i wake up to see I'm in my old room. "Fuck." I groan and slowly sit up wincing in pain. I look to see myself bandaged up I also see a plate of food on the dresser. I slowly get off the bed and stumble from my legs adjusting. I grab the plate and throw it at the wall. "Let me out!" I yell angrily. Soon two guards walk in and I try to swing on one, they grab my arm, and twist it behind my back. "I'll fucking kill you!" I growls in pain. "Sorry sir. But you need to calm down." One says and I glare at her. "Don't tell me to calm the fuck down!" I order her. "I-Of course sir! I-I meant no disrespect!" She says bowing and I look at her. "What the fuck?" I ask more to myself. "You calm sir?" The guy asks and I sigh. "Let me go." I order calmly and he lets me go. Rotating my shoulder gently I glare at them.

"Let's get you some food sir." The woman says and I shrug. "Whatever." I say and they begin to lead me to wherever. It is a quiet and awkward walk as soldiers salute me as we pass. "It is good to have you Captain. I thought we would be stuck here forever." The male says confusing me. "What do you mean?" I ask and they look at me. "Your mother has personally trained us to protect and follow your orders. You're own squad." They explained and I roll my eyes. "Well I don't plan on going on missions...let alone stay here long." I say and they look at me. "Where you go we'll follow. That is our job." They say and I shrug. "Do what you want. All I care about is getting back to my girls." I say.

As I sit and slowly eat now joined by thirteen other soldiers. "Grey your Mother requests you come to the main house!" A soldier says and I glare at him. "Tell her I said fuck off." I growl. "No can do sir!" He says as more surround me. I growls and my soldiers draw their pistols on them shocking me. "The captain is eating. Tell her to wait." The girl orders and the soldiers back up. "Stand down." I hear Mother say and I ignore her. "I made dinner." She says and I scoff. "I don't want to eat your cooking." I say and she sighs. "Please Grey." She says softly and I almost choke on my food. In all my years being here, I have never heard her so vulnerable. I turn to look at her face to see puppy dog eyes. "I will not." I growl and picture Akali and Ahri doing their tag team puppy dog eyes. "Fine! Stop with the face!" I yell and she immediately smiles. "Follow me." She says and I get up to follow her.

I growls in anger as I follow her trying to just play it off. "How have you been?" She asks and I look at her confused. "Fine before you all showed up." I says and she sighs. "Sorry." She says and I roll my eyes. "Second I get the chance I'm going back to my girls." I say and she looks up at me. "I wouldn't. You would be putting them in danger." She says and I glare at her. "Is that a threat?" And she shakes her head. "You are my son. People will use whatever leverage they can to get to our family." She says. "Then they are in danger still!" I yell at her and she shakes her head. "If they think you abandoned them, it'll look like you do not care for them." She explained pissing me off more.

We enter the room to see my siblings. "Glad to see you're joining us." Alex says and I glare at him. "Go fuck yourself." I say and sit as far away from them as I can. "You really did a number on me kid." Nate says and I glare at him. "Sorry I didn't aim higher." I growls and they go quiet. "You all kidnapped me from my family. You think I wouldn't hate any of you?" I ask and they look down. "No. I just hope you give us another chance." Mother says and I growl. "Another chance?!" I ask angrily and stand up. "You all are responsible for the scars on my fucking back! I was abused since I turned six, all the way until I left at sixteen!" I yell and they look down. "I hate every single one of you!" I yell and they continue to look down.

"We might know where your Father is." Mother says gaining my attention. "What?" I ask and she looks at me. "One of our competitors was gloating about some soldiers they have of ours. Usually we wouldn't be bothered by it until they gave us a picture of Yorvick." She says and my eyes widen. "Dad's second." I say and she nods. "I know you hate us and wish we would just die. But we need you to help get them. You were able to sneak out of the town without getting noticed. We need your help gaining the upper hand." She says and I punch the table in anger. "Fuck! I just want to go home!" I yell and look at them. "My girls will come for me base by base. This place isn't even on any radar yet. Get in contact with those bases and tell them to fake dead. Word will get out and no one will be paying attention to those soldiers." I say and they nod. "This doesn't mean I forgive any of you. Just need to get Dad back. Then you all can tell him what you did. Especially you Nate." I growl and immediately walk out. "Well that went better than expected." Nate says as I leave the room.

"Just a little update to progress the story a bit. There is a possible chance Dad is alive! Grey gave them a piece of his mind. Are the girls really in danger?! Also sorry if it seems a little rushed, got a lot going on irl. But until next time everyone!-

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