A Blade Against Your Throat

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV three months later-

I wake up to a knocking on my door, I sit up as it gets louder. "What Nate?!" I yell and swing open my door. But instead of Nate I am met with my tortuous Mother. "Good morning my son." She says and I glare at her. "Persephone." I say and she winces at my tone. "I am here to grab you for training." She says and I look at her. "I'm training with Nate today." I say and she shakes her head. "Nate is doing reconnaissance of a base today. If we can hurry and save Yorvick, he might be able to give us some insight." She says and I groan as the only one I can stomach is gone. "Come to the training room." She says and I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I say and shut the door before getting dressed.

I arrive at the training room to see Mother next to a table with a bunch of weapons. "You did well to injure Nate with this dagger." She says holding up Akali's knife. "Put that down." I growl as my blood boils. "It's just a knife. Though it's made with an expensive metal, along with exquisite design." She says and I walk towards her. "Put it down now!" I yell at her and she sends me a glare. The same glare from my childhood. "Are you ordering me my child?" She asks and I am now looking down at her. "Put my dagger down." I order her again and she puts it down. I quickly put it back in its sheath, and put it around my left leg. "Grab a bladed or blunt weapon." She says and I grab a long sword.

" She says and I grab a long sword

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(I do not own the picture. Persephone Koi-len Leader of the Pack.)

I swing the sword around before pointing it at her. "If you best me. I have a surprise for you." She says and I huff. I run at her and swing my sword, she uses the flat end to slide under the blade, I use my momentum to send a kick at her. "Yes!" She cheers having blocked it with her Katana. I growl angrily and rush at her again. Every swing, ever stab, every attempt to harm her was blocked or redirected. I became angrier and eventually livid at her. She took me away from my girls, and was now toying with me.

"I hate you!" I yell and swing with all my might at her midsection. She blocks but is sent tumbling back. "I know my son!" She says getting up. "Don't call me that!" I yell and put her on the defensive. "I am not your son. I'm starting to think I never was!" I yell over the clanging of our weapons. "You are my son! I gave birth to you, I didn't want to let you go when they gave you to me!" She yells and we lock blades. "Then why?! Why would all of you abuse me?! I was six!" I scream and kick her back. "Because I'm a failure! I lost your father, and you look just like him! Everytime I saw you I was reminded of my failure to protect him! I have no excuse for what I did to you, and even now I am failing you as a Mother! You have every right to hate me!" She yells and I stop.

She falls to her knees dropping her sword. "I don't deserve your help and I never deserved you! I searched for years to find you. When Nate suggested you died to wolves. I-I snapped and spent the year before Seraphine joined your wives, strictly killing wolves." She lifts her shirt slightly to show teeth scars on her upper stomach. "The last wolf almost succeeded in killing me. I thought it was the one that killed you, that it inherited your hatred for me." She sobs and I look at her solemnly. This was the woman that was so strong and everyone feared. This is the woman that abused me for years, but inadvertently she gave me the best life I could have asked for.

I walk up to her as she sobs and drop the sword. She looks up as I offer my hand to her. She quickly backs away a look of fear in her eyes. "N-No! Why are you doing this?" She asks weakness in her voice. "Because without you I wouldn't have my wives. When I look at it like that I can't forgive you. But you and I can begin to move past this." I say and she springs up for a hug sobbing into my chest. "You've grown into an amazing young man! My Baby Boy!" She sobs and I hold her close. "I know Mother." I say and she shakes her head. "Just once please!" She says and I smile. "I know Mama." I say and she hugs me tighter.

For the next hour we stood there as she cried into my chest. She finally pulls away sniffling slightly. She pulls out four pictures and my eyes widen. It was Akali and Kai'sa with their pregnant bellies, the other two were of the ultrasounds. "They are strong kids just like their father and grandfather." Mother says as I begin to tear up. "I have a group of highly trained assassins watching over them. Just in case. Would you like to send them something?" She asks and I nod quickly. "Flowers and a small explanation. But don't tell them anything about the plan." I say and look down knowing again I would be hurting them.

-timeskip four hours later-

Mother finally let me go with a promise to hear all about my adventure. I will ask about her accusation of my stealing another day. A knock on my door occurs and I wait as it opens. "How was Recon?" I ask Nate and he groans. "Fucking boring. Now what would you like to discuss?" He asks and I sigh. "I've got a plan." I say and he smiles. "I'm all ears." He says.

-There we have it! Grey and his Mother are on speaking terms. I know he should hate her with every fiber of his being. This is crucial for the next couple of chapters. Should his siblings get chapters like the girls did? I mean Nate had one and now his Mother. Till next time everyone!-

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