A Confession.

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Kai'sa pov four months later. Apologies for any confusion on the last chapter, this one is also a flashback.-

I pace back and forth in my room biting my thumb nail nervously. "Hey Grey. How would you like to date us?" I ask myself and shake my head. "No. How about. Hey Grey I think you're really cute, let's go on a date!" I say and shake my head again. "Why is this so difficult?! Any other man I could walk up and they'd beg to be mine! I perform in front of thousands of people! I started this group! Why can't I just ask him to be our girlfriend?!" I scream at myself. "I can't let someone snatch him!" I yell and pull out my phone.

"Yo! You've got Grey!" I hear his voice. "Hey Grey I-" I begin. "Sorry I couldn't come to the phone! Text me or call me back later!" The voicemail finishes and I growl. "He is definitely changing that." I say and before I could text him he calls me. "Hello?" I say. "Sorry about that Kai'sa. I was in the shower." He says making me blush a little. "No problem. I was wondering if you were free." I tell him and he chuckles. "Yeah I'm free. What did you and the girls wanna do?" He asks and I frown at the thought of doing this with them. "Just us." I say. "Okay. Well did you have something planned?" He asks. "Yeah. How about we meet for lunch, go to the park, see a movie, and then dinner?" I ask. "Sounds great! See you in thirty?" He asks and I smile. "See you in thirty." I say and we hang up.

I cheer in excitement before quickly going through my clothes. "Something cute and flashy. But not too flashy!" I say to myself. I decide to go with a blue top with my logo on it, a pair of skinny jeans that hug my ass, heeled boots, a pair of expensive glasses, and a little bit of makeup. "Perfect." I say and grab the keys to my Mercedes. I pass the main floor headed to the garage. "Where are you going so nicely dressed?" I hear Evelyn ask and I smirk. "Going to hang out with Grey." I say and hear plates being dropped. "Excuse you?!" Ahri asks and I look at her. "You girls heard me. I'm going to score US a boyfriend." I say and they look like they calm down. "I wanted to confess." Akali says and I pat her hair like a little sister. "When he agrees you can confess too." I say and she smiles. "Fine. But don't mess it up." She says and I nod. I go to the SUV and head towards the restaurant I texted him.

When I arrive I see the lifted Jeep in a parking spot. I decide to pull in next to him and honk my horn. "Nice ride!" He says after rolling down the window. "Thanks! Are you ready to eat?" I ask and he looks at the building. "Kinda expensive." He says and I wave him off. "I'm buying." I say and he looks at me. We both get out and he walks up to me. "You don't have to pay." He says and I shake my head. "I invited you out. So I pay." I tell him and he shakes his head. "Nope. I'm paying." He says and I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say." I tell him as we walk inside. "Reservation for Kai'sa." I say and the waiter quickly takes us back. "Your waiter will be right with you two." He says and leaves.

"So Grey. Are you still single?" I ask with a knowing smirk. "With how much time I've been spending with you four? Might as well date one of you." He says laughing and I smile. "Well I-" I begin but he chuckles. "Yeah right. You girls are far to beautiful to date a guy like me. You four are probably models or something like that." He says and I blush. "You don't think you could pull us?" I ask and he looks at me. "Kai'sa I couldn't pull you girls if my life depended on it." He says and I frown. "Why do you think that?" I ask and he chuckles. "Don't worry about it." He says and I hum. "You know Kai'sa." He says and I look at him. "Thank you." He says and I give him a suspicious look before our waiter arrives.

We eat with smiles discussing a few things. Like what he wanted for his birthday coming up. We leave the restaurant and walk towards the vehicles. "Is it cool if I ride with you. I can have Eve and Akali come pick my car up." I say and he smiles. "Sure. You don't mind rock music right?" He asks and I shake my head. "Hop on in. Beatrice doesn't bite." He says and opens my door for me. "Beatrice?" I ask and he nods. "Her name." He says and I nod as he pats the dashboard. "She's getting old though." He chuckles and turns her on. We head to the park and I smirk knowing the perfect gift.

"Could we park somewhere more secluded?" I ask and he looks at me. "You want secluded?" He asks and I nod. "Do you trust me?" He asks and I laugh. "With my life." I say and he actually blushes. He suddenly turns around and begins to drive. "Where are we going?" I ask and he looks over at me as he switches the song. "You'll see." He says and begins to tap the steering wheel gently. "Who is this?" I ask over the music. "You've never heard of System of a Down?!" He asks in shock and I shake my head. "You girls are missing out!" He cheers and begins to sing again. It isn't long until we arrive at a cliff.

"Wow." Is all I can say as it looks over the city. "You should see it at night. Almost looks like something from a movie." Grey says and leads me to a bench. "Found this place after my first year being here. No one ever comes up here." He says and I smile at him. "So peaceful." I say and he chuckles and looks down. "Almost as if you could slip away." He says and I swore I could see something on a tree limb. (Remember The Truth Comes Out?) The time passes by as we fall into a comfortable silence. "What time is the movie?" He asks and I look at my phone. "In forty-five minutes." I say and he chuckles. "We can make it if we leave now." He says getting up and my mind shifts into overdrive.

"Grey!" I call out to him and he stops to turn around. "We are KDA!" I yell at him as my heart races. "What?" He asks and I look at him. "We wanted to tell you! But we didn't know how!" I yell and he smiles at me. "Why were you girls afraid of telling me?" He asks and I clutch my fists tightly. "Cause we didn't want you to switch up on us!" I admit and he laughs loudly. "Kai. I would NEVER switch up on you all! I don't care if you're KDA or just four friends who hang in the background." He says and I begin to tear up. "Really?" I ask and he nods as his left ear flicks cutely. "I love you!" I cheer and jump at him using my symbiote to shift closer. He catches me and holds me close. "You what?" He asks and I look up at him. "The four of us. We love you and want you to be ours. That's why Evelyn asked about polygamy the first day she met you. That's why we've been taking all your time! It's why I wanted to take you out!" I begin to cry as I confess as this was the make or break point.

"Why me?" He asks and I look into his ruby red eyes. "What?' I ask. "Why me? I'm just some nobody Bartender who just so happens to not know your group." He says and I smile at him. "Because of who you are Grey. You're absolutely perfect husband material, and we would like the opportunity to date you." I say. "You could easily-" He begins. "Oh shut up and fucking kiss me." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Yes Ma'am." He says and kisses me gently.

-There we go! Kai'sa confessed to Grey! Kai'sa was kind of suspicious at his mannerisms during their talks. But she had no idea it was depression/suicidal. The girls fixed Beatrice back to brand new for his first birthday with them. Should next chapter be another flashback, or Grey's training with his Mother? Till next time everyone!-

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