Mansion Tour

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, or anything referenced.

Evelyn(Russian): Muzh=Husband


-Grey pov-

I groan as I wake up with my wives in the same bed with me. I smile and pet Ahri's head making her purr. I rub Akali's hair which flows down her back. "Mmm in the shower. Don't want the kids to see." She says in her sleep and I chuckle. I move to Evelyn and she hums in her sleep. Moving to Kai'sa I lift her chin and kiss her gently. She moans into the kiss and shifts slightly. Suddenly my arms are pinned above my head, Kai'sa deepens the kiss, her tongue easily dominates mine, I moan into the kiss as she rubs her hands on my body. "Remember who you are teasing Lover." She purrs as the dark room makes their eyes glow. I shiver almost in fear of my wives. One a symbiote from the void, one an ageless demon, another that is a never before heard of Vastayan, and the last a Ninja from a highly respected clan.

One of Evelyn's lashers quickly turn the lights on. They look at me in concern and I smile at them. "Was that fear?" Evelyn asks and I quickly shake my head. "No." I tell them as Ahri's eyes glowed. "Yes it was. Why were you afraid of us Jagiya?" She asks and I sigh. "Seeing your eyes with that hunger reminded me of my childhood. Something I live with everyday." I tell them and they nod. "You never gave us the full details, just that your family was abusive to you." Ahri says and I nod. "Very abusive. I know you girls wouldn't hurt me, or do anything abusive towards me." I say and they smile. "I'm happy you trust us. Maybe one day you'll let Ahri see those memories." Kai'sa says and I sigh. "Probably not. I don't like actually reliving those days." I tell them and they groan. "Oh well. But now that we have you like this." She purrs as they all begin to reach for my pants.

I blush brightly as they grab the waistband of my pants. "Grey!" Seraphine calls as she opens the door. "I was wondering if..." She begins but stops seeing what was going on. "Sorry!" She yells and shuts the door quickly. "Where were we?" Evelyn purrs and Kai'sa sighs. "No. That ruined the mood." She says and they get up. I go to get up and Ahri pushes me back down. "What are you doing?" She asks confusing me. "Uh. Getting ready for the day." I say and they laugh. "And what are your plans?" Akali asks and I cough a little. "I need to go grocery shopping, need to pick up Ahri's and Evelyn's dry cleaning, I need to begin preparing for the party in a month, I need to contact-" I list off and Ahir wraps a tail around my mouth. "We will take care of that Grey. We almost lost you because of our laziness." She says and I pull her tail down. "I don't-" I begin and this time Evelyn's lasher wraps around my mouth. "Because we forced you dear Muzh. You shouldn't do everything by yourself." She says and I pull her lasher down. "You girls help plenty. But I know you all have been stressed writing new songs." I say and they all look down.

"We've also been neglecting you Otto. But all that will change after this party." Akali says and I look at her. "We are going to announce who you are to the world, and our parents." She says shocking me. "Jagiya. You do know what this party is for right?" Ahri asks and I shake my head. "Your birthday dummy!" She cheers and I chuckle. "Guess I forgot." I say and they smile. "You've been so busy lately. Let us deal with most if not all of it. You need to take it easy for a couple of days." Evelyn says and I sigh knowing there was no arguing. "Guess I'll see what Seraphine wanted." I say and they nod before getting dressed.

I stay in my pajamas and follow the girls to the main room. "What's up Seraphine?" I ask and cough a little. "Sorry for interrupting!" She says and I wave her off. "No worries." I say and get kisses on the cheek from my wives before they leave. "Where are they going?" She asks and I chuckle. "They are going out to get stuff for the big party." I say and she nods. "What's the party for?" She asks and I sigh. "My birthday." I say and she cheers loudly. "Oh my God it's your birthday!" She screams loudly and I chuckle. "Not for a little while longer. Now on to more important things." I say and motion to her. "Oh! I was wondering if i could get a tour, and what to do if someone broke in." She says and I smile. "Where would you like to starts?" I ask and she smiles. "Bottom to top." She says and I nod.

I lead her to the sub basement and she looks around. "It's...mostly empty." She says and I nod. "This is where Evelyn comes to rest once in a while. Says the darkness helps her sleep, there is also a laundry room down here too." I say and lead her to the main basement. "This is mostly storage and main laundry. I do most of the girls since they are usually busy. A maid will do yours or you can do your own." I say and she nods. "That door leads to the multi floor garage. How did Eve get that approved? I have no idea." I say and she points to the code lock. "What's that?" She and I smile. "It's a code lock. Your code has been texted to you by Evelyn. All of the girls have their own codes." I say and she nods. "Couldn't someone still pick the locks?" She asks and I chuckle. "If they do that, the house will go into lock down. All exits, rooms, and windows will be blocked with a damn near impenetrable metal, and the walls will be the same way." I say and she hums. "What could get through?" She asks and I look at her. "Ahri asked the same thing. A special kind of thermite charge backed by an explosive could do it. (Get the reference?) But all that stuff is highly illegal, and very expensive. Who would spend that much money for one woman?" I ask with a chuckle and walk off.

-Seraphine short pov-

I quickly take a picture of the code lock, and take notes of what we might need. I also take note of some of the party details. "This is the main level where the Kitchen, pool, gym, game room, and home studio are." Grey says and I nod typing the information down. "The back door leads to the backyard, the garden, their personal stage, the multiple hot tubs, and the bar." He says and I look at him. "Evelyn says it's because she wanted multiple colors." He says and I nod. "Where is the party going to be?" I ask. "Backyard." He says and I smile.

"The second level is just the study where Kai'sa looks over things with Evelyn. There are a lot of good books in there as well." He says and I nod. "There is mostly guest rooms, and also a special room for mine and Ahri's heat cycles." He says and I look at him confused. "Ahri gets very clingy, starves for attention, and constantly gets jealous. If she ever feels like she is about to pounce on me, she goes there and has Eve lock the door." He says and I nod. "I go there because being surrounded by them, especially Eve and Akali who like to walk around half naked all the time. It is really hard not to pounce on them, so I stay there for those four weeks." I say and she nods.

We walk upstairs to where all the bedrooms are. "These are all the bedrooms as you know. If and when the girls ever reveal me, their parents have rooms here." He says. "Then the guest bedrooms are for?" I ask and he chuckles. "For friends of course." He says and walks to a door that looks dusty. "This was my room when I first moved in. As you can tell I don't use it much." He says and walks in. On the walls I see posters for Linkin Park, 3 Days Grace, and so many more bands. There are a few guitars next to the bed, and rows upon rows of CD's. "All that is left is the attic. But that is where the girls keep their" He stutters with a bright blush on his face. "I get it." I say and he nods with a smile. "Then that completes the tour. Any questions?" He asks and I shake my head. "No. Thank you Grey." I say and he nods. "Glad to be of some use." He says and walks away.

I wait a few minutes and send all the information to Mom and the boys. I call her and immediately it is picked up. "Good to hear from you Kid." I hear Alex say and smile. "Hey Alex! You guys get the pictures?" I ask. "Yeah, stuff is high grade. Grey really wasn't playing around huh?" He asks and I giggle. "Nope." I say. "But I know how to get past that. I'm sending you an app, once you get it, lay it on one, and I can hack into the system. "Victor will get that thermite. Gotta make sure Grey doesn't find out. If he's even remotely concerned for his safety, he will disappear again." Alex says. "Of course. I made it this far right?" I ask and he laughs. "Damn straight Kid. Gotta lot to plan for. Love ya Kid." He says and I smile. "Love you too." I say. "Seraphine!" He calls stopping me from hanging up. "Could you snap a picture with him? I'd like to see how he's grown." Alex says and I smile. "Gotcha. Later bro." I say and hang up. I leave to find Grey to snap a picture.

-There we go! That is the mansion for the most part, and yes Grey had everything tested multiple times. Grey is a confused by her must know questions. But then again the girls were curious about it too. We are introduced to two brothers Alex and Victor. But we are missing one. Til next time everyone!-

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