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I do not own, KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I enter my room and sit against my door after locking it. I begin to cry to myself and try to shake my thoughts away. Without my medicine the thoughts are coming back again. I try to think of the girls but then realize I'm nothing but a failure. They are better off without me...the world is. "No. I can't think like that." I tell myself and grip my head tightly. "What do I do after we find Dad? Will they finally let me go? Would the girls move in from me?" I ask myself and hear a thud against the door. "Go away." I tell them. "You okay Little Bro?" Nate asks and I groan. "Let me correct myself. Go fuck yourself." I sigh not really having the energy to argue. "For what it's worth Grey. I'm sorry for being such a shit brother. I'm sorry for never hanging out with you. I'm sorry for never teaching you anything cool. But I am the most sorry for hurting you... scaring you. Dad told me to train and protect you. Some fuck up I am." He says and I look down hearing how genuine he sounds.

"I looked for months after you disappeared. I was terrified that you were killed by an animal or worse. It would have been all my fault." He says sounding like he was crying. "You're always so forgiving Otto!" I can hear Akali say and let out a shaky breath. "Do you...still have that stuffed puppy?" He asks and I smile. "Yeah. One of the only gifts you got me." I say and he chuckles. "I felt like shit that I didn't have time to snag a present for you. I was horrified at the thought of your disappointment. But you snatched that puppy so fast and cheered with glee. You carried it everywhere." He says and I nod knowing he couldn't see me. "I was going to give it to my first born." I tell him. "That means a lot to me Grey. Is there any chance you could let me in?" He asks and I stand up.


"Nate!" My four year old self yells running through the halls. "Big brother!" He cries out and suddenly a fourteen year old Nate swings his door open. "Grey?!" He asks and runs to mem I jumped into his arms and sob into his chest. "What happened Little Bro?" He asks as I sob. "A-Alex and V-Vic said there were monsters in my closet! They are going to get me!" He tells and cries as Nate picks him up. "No monsters are going to get you Grey. I swear I will protect you from them. Why don't you stay here tonight, and I'll have Dad take care of the Monsters." Nate says and he smiles while rubbing his eyes. "O-Okay." He says and Nate takes him into the room.

-A week later-

My younger self is waiting on the couch staring outside. "Little Pup! What are you doing?" Mother asks while giggling as he turns to her. "Nate and Dad said they'll be back today!" He complained and points out the window. "It's almost time for bed." She says. "A little longer Mama! Please!" He says giving her the Puppy dog eyes. "Alright. I'll make us some hot chocolate." She says as he smiles brightly. "Thank you Mama! Your hot chocolate is the best!" He cheers making her smile. "Thank you Little Pup." She says as he looks back out the window. The fresh snow covers the ground like a blanket.

Mother is soon back with two cups of hot chocolate. She sits beside him, puts him in her lap, and the two watch the snow fall. "Mama." He says. "Yes Little Pup?" She asks. "Why is snow so pretty? Are you made out of snow?" He asks and Mother gains the brightest smile I've ever seen. "I am not made of snow Grey. But thank you for saying that to your old Mother." She says. "Uncle Yorvick is old Mama." He says and she hugs him as a Jeep pulls up. "Their home!" He cheers and Mother is quick to grab his cup.

"Papa! Nate!" He yells running through the snow. "Careful Pup!" Dad yells before my younger self trips. Nate was quick to catch him and help steady him.  "You okay?" Nate asks and he nods quickly. "You're always there to protect me!" He cheers and Nate chuckles before going into his bag. "Brought you something Grey." He says earning a gasp from the kid. Nate pulls out a stuffed German Shepherd that had gold around one eye, and black over the other. "Fluffy!" He cheers and hugs it tightly. "Glad you like it." Nate says before getting a hug. "I missed you Grey." Nate says and looks to see him already asleep.

-present time-

I can hear crying from the other side of the door. "I never thought I would become the monster. The one to hurt you and scar you for life. I chased you away." He sobs and I look at my hands. "Stand up." I say and we both get up. I unlock the door and open it to see him crying. "Give me a hug." I say and he gently hugs me careful about my healing wounds. "You got so damn tall since you were sixteen." He cries and I hug him back. "You got old Nathaniel." I say and he hugs me tighter. "I'm sorry." He cries and I rub his back. "I...I don't forgive you. But I'm willing to give you another chance. I don't know about the others yet." I say and he cries into my shoulder. "I'll never let you down again Little Pup. I'm gonna protect you with my life." He cries and I pat his back. We separate and he turns before lifting his shirt up. "Holy shit." I say looking at the three slash scars. "When I couldn't find you. I had my second slowly cut my back, I made it bleed for a while, before cauterizing it. I wanted to suffer the pain I inflicted that night." He says and I shake his shoulder. "Looks like you did a good job." I say and he chuckles.

We leave my room and walk down the hall. "Your wives are gonna kill us." He says and I nod. "Better let me go then." I say and he sighs. "I know. You all need your powerless brother to help." I say and he looks at me. "You've got a hidden power Bro. We just have to bring it out." He says and I laugh. "Ten plus years of abuse, that night, and having to survive on my own! If THAT didn't unlock it! Then I don't have one." I say and he punches my arm gently. "Still able to kick my ass after being shot." He says and I roll my eyes. "I want to train you in Dad's style. Looks like you knew a little bit of it from our fight." He says and I shake my head. "Self-taught." I say and he chuckles. "Let's get to the training room and I'll teach you the proper steps." He says and I chuckle before nodding.

We entered a room where a bunch of people are training. He leads me to a secluded spot and he gets into a stance. I follow his lead and he looks at me. "I'm a little too big to do it properly." He says and I nod. He leads me through the proper steps multiple times, and helps me properly adjust my form. "Now you were already able to redirect my attacks. Once you fully heal we can work on multiple opponents." He says and I nod. He wraps his arm around my neck and messes with my hair. "Let's get some grub Little Pup." He says making me chuckle. "Whatever Old Man!" I laugh as we walk out. Maybe giving him a second chance won't be that bad.

-Persephone pov-

I watch as my oldest trains Grey in Brecken's style. Grey seems to be a natural fighter. Given the fact that he put Nate on his ass with no training. Tomorrow I will have to train him on weapons. "He's good." Alex says and I hum. "He's very good. Almost like watching your Father train when he was younger." I say and Alex sighs. "Do you really think he's alive?" Alex asks and I look at him. "You should be focusing on studying that base, and coming up with a way to kidnap his girls. As long as they are here we can keep them from cheating." I say looking into his blue eyes. "Of course Mother." He says walking away as I look back towards Grey. "No matter how much you hate me. I am your Mother, and I need to fix what I've done." I say before walking away.

-There we go! Now I know that Grey giving Nate another chance is kinda confusing. But besides his Father, Nate was the closest to him. Next chapter will focus more on the girls, and I'll probably be doing flashbacks into the beginning of their relationship. Hope this lived up to everyones expectations. Leave a comment if you think Grey's Dad is alive, and or if they'll make it in time. Till next time everyone!-

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