Roller-coaster of a Lifetime.

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I do not own KDA, LoL, True Damage, or anything referenced.

Ahri(Korean):gwiyeoun babo=cute idiot.

-Grey pov-

I hum happily as I cook breakfast for the girls. "That smells delicious Otto." Akali says tiredly as she hugs me. "Goodmorning Kali." I say cheerfully and she chuckles softly. "Always a morning person." She says and I smile. "Well I see you girls every morning. So that makes me happy." I tell her and she laughs. "Such a charmer." She says and kisses my cheek gently. I turn and kiss her gently as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Breakfast and a show?" Evelyn asks and I stop kissing Akali and smile at her. I turn from Akali who whines so I can finish cooking. "Goodmorning!" Seraphine cheers as she's followed by a groaning Ahri. "Glad to see another morning person." I chuckle.

"I-I am a morning person!" Akali announces with newfound energy. I look at her confused by the sudden attitude change. "You okay Baby?" I ask her and she nods quickly. "Let's go for that run you always go on!" She says and I chuckle. "Okay." I say and Kai'sa walks in. "Can't. The four of us have to get into the recording studio. Evelyn has Villain to clean up, Ahri has to begin her song, Kali and I need to focus on Baddest." Kai'sa says and I frown. "Can't we have a day just for us Kai?" I ask hopefully and she sighs. "Soon My Love. But we need to get this stuff ready for the new album." She says and I force a smile. "I know. Maybe tomorrow?" I say and she smiles. "We'll see." She says and kisses my cheek.

We all sit down to eat and Ahri gets next to me. "Jagiya." She purrs and I hum in response. "Could you pet my ears?" She asks low and I smile. "Of course Foxy." I say and rub her fox ears. She purrs and gets closer to me making me blush. "Grey." She purrs and I look at her. Immediately I see her eyes turn light violet. I quickly look away and block her with my hand. "Jagiya. Why won't you look at your loving wife?" She asks making her voice sound like honey. "Darling you're going into heat." I tell her and she shakes her head quickly. "Sorry Jagiya. It's really bad this year." She groans and I kiss her gently. I pull back and she smiles at me. "I don't deserve you." She purrs and I chuckle. "You girls deserve better." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Wonderful as always Muzh." Evelyn coos and smiles at me. "Anything for my girls." I say. "Alright girls! The faster we complete everything for the album, the faster we get back to our husband!" Kai'sa says getting up. "Huh?" Ahri says confused making everyone look at her. "We have to go to the recording studio." Kai'sa says and suddenly the air gets a little colder. "No." Ahri says and everyone is shocked by her sudden change. "Ahri you have a song to-" Kai'sa begins. "I! Have a husband to be with. Kai we've been in the studio non-stop for almost three months now! What little spare time we have, we run errands, talk to our manager, meet and greets, and sleep!" Ahri complains and Kai'sa rubs her head. "I know Ahri! By the way he isn't just YOUR husband!" Kai'sa says raising her voice and standing up. "You sure don't act like it!" Ahri snaps back and I slam my hands on the table.
(Remember this takes place two years into the marriage.)

"Enough!" I yell and everyone goes quiet. "You two need to apologize to each other right now. You two are best friends and my wives. I can't stand to see you two or any of you to fight like this!" I yell. They look down in what I guess is shame and embarrassment. "I-I just want to get this done so we can have our lives back Ahri. You think I like being away from Grey?" Kai'sa asks and Ahri sighs. "Sorry Kai'sa. I know you mean well, but you've been driving us mad with this. Please can we just put this on hold?" Ahri asks and Kai'sa sighs. "We can take it easy. But after Grey's birthday it's back on." She says and they all nod in agreement.

"Why don't you all pick a day where one of you stays with me?" I ask and they smile. "That way we can spend time with you and get things done!" Kai'sa cheers and I nod. "I call today!" Akali yells with her hand raised. "Actually Akali. Wouldn't it make sense for me to go first? Since you and Ekko need to make the beats for More." Seraphine says and Akali slams her head on the table. "If you get it done today Kali. Grey is all yours tomorrow." Evelyn says in a knowing tone. "What are we waiting for?!" She yells and sprints out. "Kali! Put some clothes on!" I yell and she sprints back in and upstairs. It isn't long before I feel a kiss on my cheek and the door shut.

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