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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Evelyn POV short months later-

I hold two little girls in my arms one who had wolf ears, and the other did not. Both had red eyes just like their father, one was a cryer, and the other one was not. Complete polar opposites from their mothers. "May I hold my daughter?" Kai'sa asks and I hand her the crying wolf Vastayan.

"Mama's right here Mileena. I wish your father could be here." Kai'sa says as the girl continues to cry.

I turn and hand the quiet girl to Akali who can't help but cry. "My Baby Girl. Oh my God I'm a Mom!" Akali cries and hugs the girl. I can't help but smile and be jealous. "Eve I'm a Mom!" She cheers and I smile at her. "Yes you are Kali. Soon we'll be our big happy family again." I say as my eyes go more demonic.

-Grey POV-

I sit in the briefing room looking at the pictures of my daughters. "Thank you." I say to Alex who smiles. "No problem little bro." He says and I begin to tear up. "Soon I'll be home Pups, and Daddy will never leave you." I say to myself. Mother walks in and I put the pictures away.

"We're going after Brecken today. That bitch is throwing a major festival. For what? I don't know. But this gives us the perfect opportunity to grab him and get out." Mother says. "Grey you and Nate are going through the front door. You two will be the distraction, Victor and I will sneak through the drainage tunnels, while Alex provides Overwatch. Once you two blow the doors we are on a time frame." She explains.

"Copy that. Let's get Dad home." I say and they smile at me.

We suit up and are the helicopter in what Mom says is record time. It's a small Snatch and Grab so it's only us and a few soldiers. Hopefully my backup plan doesn't need to happen and I can go home. I feel Nate grab my shoulder making me look at him.

"You're almost home Bro." He says making me smile.

"Yeah Bro. But let's focus on getting Dad out of there." I say and he nods.

We dropped Alex off on a cliff before Nate and I head towards the front door. Luckily for us there was only one guard, to which Nate killed easily.

"Wolf and Titan are in position." Nate says and places the breaching charge.

"On your go Nate." Mother says.

Nate pulls out the Detonator as I check my shotgun one last time.

"Ready?" He asks and I smirk at him.

"Let's light this fire." I say and he blows the charge.

The door flies off the hinges as we push in. A soldier goes to his radio only to receive a slug to his chest. Nate uses his LMG to cause as much noise as possible. As soldiers come through doors and  turn around corners we killed them. But something felt off, our Mother and siblings have been far too quiet.

"Mom did you find Dad?" I ask only to get no response. "We gotta get downstairs now." I say and Nate nods.

We find the stairs and begin to descend. Along the way I kill two soldiers who were running up. The rest of the way is extremely quiet except for our footsteps. We breach the holding cells to see a few dead guards.

"Mom was definitely here." Nate says pulling out a knife from a woman's head. "Come on little Bro. Let's search the place for Dad first, then we find out what happened." Nate says.

"Right." I say and lift up the shotgun as we sweep the cells.

"Here!" Nate yells and I run over to the door. "Brecken Koi-len." He says and opens the door.

I run in while he covers the door and shake him.

"Dad!" I call out but the bag falls off revealing a dummy. Suddenly a see-through wall gets between Nate and I.

"Grey!" Nate yells and bangs on the glass as we hear laughter.

"Fell right into my trap!" A woman announces as the wall next to Nate rises. Inside the other room was Mom and Victor standing over bodies. Suddenly some pads launch from the wall and stick to my armor. "Drop your weapons or else." She growls.

"Or else what bitch?" Mother asks and she chuckles.

All of a sudden I feel myself being electrocuted as I scream in pain.

"Grey!" The three yell and bang on the wall as I shake my head.

"I'm good." I pant slightly. "Fuck!" I yell as the electricity gets worse.

"Drop your weapons and surrender." She orders and I look at them.

"Fuck that! I can endure it!" I yell and look at them.

"Eventually I'll hit the switch to kill your fucking dog! Drop em!" She screams as they look down.

"Don't you fucking DARE!" I yell as the pain becomes agonizing. I fall to one knee and scream in agony, as I see the electricity around my armor.

"We surrender!" Mom yells and they throw their weapons down.

Suddenly I feel the electricity stop and I fall to the ground. The wall rises up and Mother is by my side hugging me. Soldiers walk in with Alexis who was already cuffed.

"I'm not losing you again and I won't see you put in that much pain." Mother sobs and holds me.

"I heard over the radio and surrendered when you all did." Alex says and I smile at him.

Mother and Nate help me up slowly and a soldier tries to grab me.

"Touch him and I'll snap your fucking neck. My life be damned." She growls and the soldier immediately backs away.

"Then follow us and no funny business." The female says and I begin to black out from the pain.

"Don't worry Grey you're going to be fine." Mom says before I completely pass out.

-tell what you guys think of this new writing style. Like it or go back to my original style? So the children are born! So cute! But the family was set up! Now they are all captured by the same woman who captured Dad! Things couldn't get much worse right?!-

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