This Wolf has Fangs.

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey pov-

"Where is it?" I ask myself as I look around the alcoho bottles. I turn up my music a little as I finally find the Whiskey. "Finally! Kai'sa must have hid it after the last time they drank." I say and can see one of my Mother's soldiers behind me. He grabs my shoulder, I swing around, and smash the bottle on his head. I tackle him against the wall knocking bottles down, he uses his elbows to strike my back, grunting I push away, while grabbing his gun. "Leave me alone!" I yell and fire the gun. The guy slides down the wall, blood where his head was, I stand in shock and fear as I look at his corpse. "I-I'm a monster." I say in fear and run out the drink fridge.

-Ekko pov before Grey's-

"There isn't anything I can do!" I yell at Evelyn. "Find a way! He's trapped in there!" She screams and I glare at her. "Who's fucking fault is that?! Who got drunk when they promised to watch over him?!" I ask her and she takes off her glasses showing her tears. "It was just one drink! Please Ekko!" She screams and gets on her knees. "Please find a way! I can't lose him!" She sobs and I sigh before hugging her. "I can get us eyes inside with my invention." I say and pull out a small snake camera. "I can talk and see through this thing. That's all I can do until I can break this bastards encryptions." I say and she nods quickly. I look over to see the other KDA members crying and apologizing profusely. "Go to your family. You won't be much help to me, and you'll distract Grey while I help him." I say and she nods before leaving me. I set up a projector so I could get a better visual, sadly this also means everyone can see as well.

-Grey pov-

I lean against the wall and hold my head. "Grey?" I hear Ekko and look up to see a small snake. "Ekko?" I ask and it nods. "What happened?" He asks and I begin to cry. "I-I didn't have a choice Ekko! H-He cornered me, a-and I got his gun! There was so much blood on the wall!" I cry. "Grey calm down and listen to me." He says and I shake my head. "I'm a monster Ekko. I'm just like them." I cry and the snake gets in my face. "Listen to me Bro! You did that in self-defense! You are no monster! You're just a man that wants to live his life with his wives!" He says and I nod. "Did you enjoy it?" He asks and I shake my head. "Then you are more human than a lot of other people." He says and I pick up the snake. "Okay. I need to get to one of the girls rooms. Considering that no one was able to get back in, means their codes don't work." I say and it nods. "Tyler?" A soldier asks and we make eye contact. "Gun!" She yells as I pull down the laundry chute. She pulls her gun up, as do I, we fire at eachother, and a round tears through my chest forcing me down the shoot.

-Seraphine pov short-

"What the fuck is going on with the gunshots?!" I ask as I walk into the kitchen with two others. "The target killed Tyler and stole his gun. I took a few shots at him and he fired back." She says getting up as I nod. "So let me get this straight. You found the target, and instead of trying to capture him, you shot him while he has no body armor, while knowing you are supposed to use non-lethal tactics. Did I miss anything?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No ma'am." She says and I look down to see the trail of blood in the chute. "Fantastic." I say and pull out my revolver, I shoot her in the head killing her. "Target is on one of the basement floors. Be advised he is injured and armed. We are on a time limit now Wolves!" I speak into the earpiece. "Find him. I will be on the upper floor helping Nate and Victor." I say and they salute me. Looking down at the corpse of the woman. "One fucking job." I say and head upstairs.

-Grey pov-

I grunt in pain as I land in some towels and clothes. "Grey?!" I hear Ekko call out muffled. I roll out of the clothes and force myself up as blood drips to the floor. "Fuck." I grunt in pain and lean on the wall. I see the snake slither out the clothes and looks at me. "You good?" He asks and I look at him unamused. "Just peachy. You know being shot wasn't as bad as I thought." I say to him. "You're shot?!" He asks in shock and I show him the wound. "Oh fuck!" He yells and I walk towards the box on the wall. "What are you doing?" He asks curiously and I look at him. "They want a wolf? Then I'm going to give them one." I say and break the lock revealing a medical kit.

I take the magazine out the pistol and groan. "Nine millimeter, won't do much against the vests." I say and take a bullet out to put in my mouth. Pulling out the stitches, I breath quickly as I thread the needle, I bite down on the bullet as I growl in pain stitching up the wound. I use Akali's gift to cut the thread and spit out the bullet. "Grey." Ekko says and I look at him. "They are Mercenaries that work for my Mother. Fucking glorified murderers." I say pushing off the wall. I reload the clip and check to see if anything was damaged. "I need to get to Eve's room. It's the closest one." I tell him. "Alright." He says and the snake wraps around my neck. "One step at a time Bro." He says and I nod.

"He's gotta be down here! I don't want to end up like Helen." One says. "Right. Check that room and I'll check the other." Another says and I hear footsteps coming towards us. I hide in the right corner by the door and hold my breath. The guy walks in, I put the pistol in my pocket, I wrap my hand around his mouth, and shove the knife in his throat. He struggles for a bit before going silent. I drop his body on the ground, grab some magazines from his corpse, pull out the pistol, and walk back out. "Hector?" His partner calls out and he is shocked to see me. "He's waiting for you." I say and he goes for his walkie-talkie only to receive a bullet in the head.

I quickly maneuver my way upstairs passing the patrol on the main floor. "Two more floors." I say. "You're doing great Grey. Once you get safe, we can focus on getting through to you." He says and I nod. "Grey?" I hear Seraphine say and I look at her. "You okay?" I ask and she nods. "I-I picked this up from a d-dead guy." She says pulling out a revolver. "Sorry about that. Kinda hard to keep things tidy when your family wants you dead." I say and she looks at me. "Dead?" She asks and I sigh. "Yeah. Remember when you asked me what would I do if I saw my family again?" I ask and she nods. "I said I would fight them. Either they die, or I die." I say and check the magazine again. "Let's go and stay behind me." I say. "Okay." She says and I raise my pistol walking through the halls.

"Weird." I say as we approach Evelyn's room. "What's up Bro?" Ekko asks and I glance back at Seraphine. "Ever since she joined us, we've had no contact with any patrols." I whisper and the snake nods. "Hella weird Bro." He says. "Seraphine." I say and she hums while catching up. We are right before Evelyn's door when I turn to her. "Where did you get that revolver again? I've only seen .45's and nine millimeter." I say and she smiles. "The first floor." She says and I hum. Before I could call her out hear Evelyn's doorknob shake. I push Seraphine away as the door swings open, someone tries to grab me, I grab their arm, and sling them down the hall a bit.

I go to aim at them only to have my pistol burst into flames. Tossing it away I look up to see my oldest brother. "Good to see you Little Wolf." Nate says and I glare at him. "Way too fucking soon in my opinion. What the hell do you all want with me?" I ask pulling out Akali's knife. "To bring you home." He says and I laugh. "We are sorry for what we did?" He says and I look at him. "I don't give a fuck about your apology. Get the fuck outta my house, and my life." I order him. "It doesn't have to be this way little bro." He says getting into a boxing stance. "Yes it does." I say getting into a stance I taught myself.

-Grey experienced his first kill and Ekko had to get him back on straight. Eve is having a mental breakdown and the girls feel like they failed. Grey finally caught onto Seraphine but it was far too late. Next it is the Oldest vs the Runaway! Till next time everyone.-

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