Who Attacked?!

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Evelyn POV -

We entered the house after the security lifted, and the helicopter took off. We walk past the dead soldiers that Grey killed. "I'll kill her." I say to myself as I let my demon form show. I grab the patch off of a corpse and look at it. It's a wolf about to eat the moon with its red eye staring at me. "I'll make them scream." I say as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I lost almost everything in two hours, My room, my pride, almost the house, but most of all I lost my husband. I failed the one person I swore to protect. Now he's in the clutches of those abusive bastards. I scream in rage and begin to punch the walls. "Eve!" Ekko yells and I use my lasher's to cut the walls. "Calm down!" Ahri yells and I glare at her. I see her shocked face and I know I'm crying.

"Calm down?!" I ask and they all look at me. "I failed! Grey trusted me and I gave my word to him! I promised to protect him! That nothing would happen to him anymore! I couldn't see through that bitch's lies!" I yell and look at them. "We failed too! But you don't see us like this!" Ahri yells back and I get in her face. "You think I'm wrong for feeling like this?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "You don't have to feel this alone." She says and I hug her close to me. "We need to act like a team Eve. That's the only way we can find and save Grey." Kai'sa says and I nod as Ahri wipes away my tears.

"I found this patch. Don't know how much help it'll be." I say and show it to them. "I know this patch!" Vi says having come to help with the investigation. I hand it to her and she looks at it more. "Definitely Fenrir." She says and we look at her. "They are a PMC group, or a Private Military Company. They are one of the most feared in their line of work. Their soldiers were thought to be heartless, and bloodthirsty animals. The only people that know about them, are people they were paid to help. Now I guess you guys are a special case." She says and we look at each other.

"Our Husband's Mother is the boss of a notorious PMC group." Akali says. "And his siblings are probably leaders among them. But where is his Dad?" Kai'sa says and I think back. "He's never talked about him." I say and they sigh in defeat. "I have been able to pinpoint a few locations. One here in the states! The others are across the oceans, and one is just a rumor." Ekko says. "Then we should start with the closest, then go to the rumor." I say and they all nod. "We need to gain forces to do this though. These people are no joke." Vi says and we all nod. "But they have no idea who they stole from. Cause we are no joke either." Kai'sa says as she goes into her true form. "Two of you are pregnant. We'll have to wait until you all have your children, and recover. I am not having Grey get pissed at me if something happens to any of you." Ekko says and we groan in annoyance.

-Nate pov-

"Get me my bag now!" Mother orders and Alex grabs it. She takes her jacket off and opens the bag. She grabs medical tweezers and looks at my brothers. "You two get ready to hold him down if he wakes up." She orders. "Yes Ma'am." They say and she sticks the tweezers into his bullet wound. "Shit. Seraphine spread his wound a little." She says and she immediately does it. Mother gently pulls the bullet out. "Kid stitched the damn bullet in the wound. Good stitch work though." She says and begins to stitch it back up. "Fuck!" Grey yells and tries to get up. "Calm down Little Wolf!" Mom orders and he glares at her. "Shut the fuck up you bitch!" Grey growls almost animalistic and she looks hurt. "I know I'm a bitch. But I'm going to make up for it. Mama promised." She says as Alex sticks a sedative in his neck. "You all can...go...to hell." He says and passes out.

I look at Mother as she begins to cry and stitch up the rest of his wounds. "Eventually we'll go after his girls. He'll be less hostile with them near." She says crying softly. "Mom." I say in concern and she smiles at me. "I'm okay Nate. I prepared myself for this, not well enough I guess." She says and finishes up. "Happy birthday my baby Wolf. If only your Father could see you now." She cries softly and we all hug her. "Now it's your turn Nate." She says wiping her eyes gently. I groan and lay down next to Grey. "Get this shit over with." I say and she immediately yanks the knife out. "Fuck!' I yell and she begins stitching it up. "The kid got me good. You should have seen him Mom! He pushed me back and forced me to try!" I say with pride and she smiles. "That means he'll easily surpass you." She says and I nod. "He'll be the leader Dad always envisioned. The new light we needed for the company." I say and she smiles. "I know Nate. Seraphine will be a good Second-in-command for him." She says and Seraphine smiles brightly. I won't let him or any of you down." She says. "Coming up on the air strip!" The pilot says. "Copy!" Mother says.

We soon land and she helps me up carefully making sure not to reopen the stitches. Alex and Victor grab Grey carefully as well, Mother and Seraphine grab their rifles just in case there was an ambush. We begin to move towards the plane as an officer drives towards us. "Freeze! You all are trespassing on private property!" He says and Mother looks at us. "Open fire Seraphine." She says and they both lift their rifles, and begin unloading into the car. We get onto the plane and into our seats. "Get us to the base in Amazon." She says and the pilot nods and begins to take off. "Back home." I say and she nods. "You kids get some sleep." She says and we nod before closing our eyes.

-There we have it everyone! The girls must wait on the sidelines until Kai'sa and Akali have their kids. The family wants Grey to take over and to train him. They want to eventually kidnap the girls too! But on a side note. Would you all like to read a bit more backstory? If so what would you like to read about? Let me know what you guys think about the story and the characters so far! Till next time everyone!-

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