When the World Goes Cold

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced. The title is also a song.

-Nate POV-

We are escorted to a nice holding cells that looked like a small home. "Want to make sure you all are comfortable. Especially for what I have planned." She says and we are pushed inside. "Make the most of it!" She laughs and the intercom shuts off.

"Hello?" I hear a voice we haven't heard in sixteen years. Dad walks around the corner and we all smile at him.

 Dad walks around the corner and we all smile at him

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(Brecken Koi-len again I do not own pictures.)

"My family." He says almost in disbelief and runs to us. He hugs mother tightly and the two cry in their embrace.

"Woo family reunion." Grey says and pushes himself to stand up fully. "Good to see you too Old Man." Grey says.

"Little Pup?" Dad asks and walks towards Grey.

"A little crispy but yeah it's me Dad." Grey jokes and Dad pulls him into a hug.

"Look at you! Taller than your Old Man." Dad says starting to cry. "I'm sorry." He cries.

"No worries Dad. But you have to meet your granddaughters." Grey says and Dad quickly pulls back to look at him.

"I'm a grandpa?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah Dad. Here are their pictures." Grey says pulling out the pictures.

"Oh my God. Persephone look!" Dad yells and shows her the pictures.

"I know Dear." Mother says trying to stop crying.

-Timeskip seven weeks and small Evelyn POV-

I just finished clearing out the last base with the girls. Suddenly the big screen turns on and a woman is shown.

"Hello world! I've done the unthinkable and captured the family of Alpha's!" She cheers and shows a picture of Grey and his family. "In just a weeks time I will bring them out to be judged! Hope to see you all there!" She cheers and shows the location. "If I get a whiff of any pack member I'll have them all executed!" She growls and shuts off the feed.

"Evelyn?" Ahri says and I look at her.

"Get everyone. We need to be there in case there is a chance to save them. If not then we'll know where to go to rescue him." I say and the girls nod before making phone calls.

-one week later Grey POV-

We are in our cell still trying to plan out an escape when the doors open. "Line up!" A woman orders and I glare at her.

"Coward." I growls and she looks at me with a bored expression.

"How cute. Bag them!" She orders and they put burlap sacks over our heads.

"How generic and boring!" I yell and struggle.

"Separate them!" She orders and we are dragged away.

-persephone POV-

The bags are taken off and we are chained to some posts. There is a large crowd cheering at the situation. I quickly notice Grey and Brecken aren't with us.

"Welcome one and all to our lovely performance!" Shina says and I glare at her. "But what is this?! Where is the Runaway son and the Alpha??" She asks in a tone that pisses me off.

Suddenly Grey and Brecken are brought out. Grey struggling and Brecken calm. Grey suddenly slams his knee into the stomach of one of the guards. "That's for touching my tail you bitch." Grey growls angrily and one goes to hit him.

"Stop!" Shina orders and the soldiers stop. "This will be much better." She says taking out Grey's revolver. She pulls out a dark red bullet and smiles. "I love your bullets." She says putting it back in the chamber.

"I would like it better in your head." Grey tells her and she laughs.

"My what a mouth you have child. Is that from the years of abuse?" She asks and I hear Grey growls lowly like a mad animal.

"Years of what?" Brecken asks and turns to us. I couldn't help but look away in shame.

"That's in the past! I'm moving on from that time!" Grey snaps at Brecken who is now quiet.

She reloads the bullet and walks around the stage. She taps the gun on her chin before cutting down Nate with her sword. She drops the revolver in front of him and walks away.

"You have a couple of choices Nate. You can kill me and force my soldiers to slaughter your family. You could kill yourself and they would still die. But let me give you two proper choices. Kill dear old Dad, the man who has been out of your lives for sixteen years." She says running a hand along Brecken's cheek. She begins walking towards Grey. "Or kill your precious little brother. The one your family forced away, the one you all tortured for years. Make your choice." She says and sits in a chair.

Nate walks towards Brecken who now smiles at him with pride. "I'm upset you forced your brother away, I'm appalled at the knowledge you all abused him. But I'm proud and respect your decision to save him." He says and Nate hugs him.

"Sorry Dad." I barely hear and he pushes away before walking towards Grey.

"Don't do it! I've lived my life Nate!" Brecken begs loudly and fights against the chains.

"Choose me!" I beg loudly and fights harder than before. I look to see Nate put the barrel against the side of Grey's head.

"I knew better than to trust you. I knew better than to trust any of you!" Grey yells and stares straight forward.

"I'm sorry Grey." Nate says.

"Any last words?" Shina asks and Grey chuckles.

"I'm sorry girls. I'm sorry I couldn't say I love you one more time to them. I'm sorry that I won't be in my daughters lives." Grey says and Shina smiles.

"Do it!" She orders loudly.

"Fuck!" Nate yells and hesitates.

"Do it you spineless worm!" Grey snaps.

"Fuck!" Nate yells and a gunshot rings out. Blood hits my face as Grey drops lifeless on the ground.


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