The Mission

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I do not own KDA, True Damage, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

The plane ride is quiet except for the sound of soldiers checking weapons. "Captain do you want me to inspect your weapon?" A soldier asks and I shake my head. "Checked her beforehand." I tell her and she nods. "Don't call me captain. Grey is fine." I tell her and a few look at me weirdly. "I don't like formalities and I'm just like you guys. What's your name?" I ask her and she takes her helmet off.

 What's your name?" I ask her and she takes her helmet off

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(I do not own pictures and no she is not in the harem. Rakan is a medic back at the base.)

"Xayah Lotlan. My husband is Rakan." She says and I smile. "Glad to have you with me Xayah. I've heard many good things about you from Nate." I say and she nods. "Glad it was something good and not sexual." She says and I nod. "Understandable. My wives get hit on a lot." I say and she smiles. "Well when you're married to four of the most sought after women, kinda hard for them not to be hit on." She says and I smile. "We'll get you home to them Grey. I promise." She says and I smile brighter at the thought of home. "Hope so. I'm about to be a father." I tell her and my soldiers cheer. "Then we better hurry." Xayah says and I nod. "You can see the base from here." Nate says and I look out the window.I get up after securing the M1014 on my back. I walk towards the door with a smirk. "You all know the plan!" I say and open the door before jumping out.

-Nate POV-

I am talking to Mother when a soldier runs up to the cockpit. "Uh Ma'am!" He says gaining our attention. "They jumped." He says pointing out the window. We see Grey and his soldiers free falling. "They jumped?!" I yell and run to the door to see Grey doing tricks in the air. "That little bastard!" I yell and jump after them.

-Grey POV-

As the base gets closer Xayah grabs my arms, and glides me down safely. Landing on the roof I roll and tackle a guard down. I pull out my knife and shove it into his throat. Another goes for his radio, only to have multiple feathers hit his throat and chest. I hear one pull his gun up, I look at the girl, only for Nate to land on her, and slam his foot on her neck. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks and I chuckle. "Knowing my big brother has my back." I say and I know he's rolling his eyes. Soon the rest of our family lands and Mother walks up to me. "Only two bases remain thanks to your wives." She says and I chuckle. "Good. Now let's get Yorvick and the rest outta here." I say and Alex fries the cameras and locks.

Nate and I take point as Xayah and Katarina watch out back with Seraphine. As we walk I hear a soldier from a doorway. I turn and quickly open the door shocking the guy. Before he could say anything I send a Magnum Buckshot through his chest. I grab the man's radio and hand it to Alex. We continue to move through the base killing only when necessary. We reach a staircase and Nate grabs my shoulder. "You and Victor go get the prisoners with the soldiers. Mother, Alex, and I will take out the leader." He says and I nod. "Stay safe." I say and he nods. "You too Little Pup." He says and we separated.

"You think they're okay?" Victor asks and I shrug. "I don't know Bro. I hope so." I say as we come up to the bottom door. I open the door to see a few guards playing cards. "Yo!" Victor yells making them look at him as he pulls up his AK. "Royal Flush!" He yells and lights them up. A few guards run around the corner only to receive pellets to their chests. As we move up Xayah and Katarina have gone down a different hallway. "Oi! Over here!" I hear an older man yell and run to his cell. "Yorvick?" I ask and he nods. "Aye. Who the hell are you?" He asks and I smile. "It's me Yorvick. Little Pup." I say and he begins to tear up. "Look at you. Almost feels like yesterday you begged to watch lift boulders." He says and I smile. "A long time ago. Let's get you guys outta here." I say and use a key to unlock the gate.

"Can you all fight?" I ask and he nods. "Yes sir." Yorvick says and I sigh. "No formalities Uncle Yorvick." I say and he nods. We hand out weapons and check our ammo. "Mom has probably kicked the hornet's nest by now. Let's cause a distraction for them." I say and Victor smiles at me. "Big Boom?" He asks and I laugh. "Big Boom." I say and we gather as many grenades as we can against the wall. "This will cause an exit point to the courtyard. So once this blows we get to cover immediately." I say unloading my Magnum shells. "I'll make us cover." Yorvick says and I nod loading slugs into my shotgun. I finish loading and nod to Victor who smiles.

He tosses a live grenade into the pile and we take cover. It explodes revealing the courtyard where there were enemy reinforcements. Yorvick punches the ground causing walls of bone to rise. We rush to the cover as they regain their bearings. I aim my shotgun and fire to take out two guys. "Nice shot!" Victor says as he swings out to fire at a few. "Thanks!" I say and begin to take out further targets. Suddenly I see something in the distance, only for my armor to be hit, sending me to the ground. "Fuck!" I grunt in pain as Victor pulls me back into cover. "You good?" He asks and I nod. "Sniper in the treeline, round didn't penetrate, but it still stung." I say as everyone was forced to stay covered.

"What the hell is going on?!" Mother asks through the radio. "We ambushed the enemy reinforcements! But there's a sniper who has us pinned!" I tell her over the gunfire. "Where?" She asks. "Treeline. Don't know where but he was able to hit me!" I tell her. "I need him to take a shot." She says and I nod. "On it!" I say. "Grey don't!" She yells but I jump out of cover. This time I am ready for the round as it hits my armor again. I hear a gunshot and the window breaking. "Sniper is down." Mother says and I smile. "Helluva shot Mother!" I say. "Thank you Grey. Now let's finish this." She says and I raise my gun in the air. "Let's finish this!" I cheer and everyone cheers with me before we route the enemy.

-After the base fell-

"Glad to see you're doing well Yorvick." Mother says and he smiles at her. "Same to you Ma'am. We thought no one would be able to find us." He says and she sighs. "Sorry it took so long." She says and he shakes his head. "No worries. You had to train this monster." He says wrapping an arm around my neck. They laugh nervously and I smile. "They trained me well." I say as to not call them out in front of Dad's soldiers. "Next up is Ghirvin. From what I heard Brecken is being held there." Yorvick says and we nod. "These bastards thought that gloating about Brecken was a smart thing to do. Pathetic." He says and I smile. "Let's go save the old man." I say and they nod at me.

-There we go! Yorvick and Dad's squad is rescued! Evelyn has taken down more bases and the kids are about to be born next chapter. What?! But getting that information was way to easy. Something isn't right here. Till next time everyone!-

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