𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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The gates to the temple opened up in a mesmerizing blue glow. Divyasree had calmed down a bit, but she knew that her being hadn't accepted the fact that she was no longer home. Right now, what she needed was a wake-up call, and it seemed that whatever she was going to witness within the temple would do just that.

"Let me show you how the Knights of Favonius conquer our adversaries" Kaeya Alberich spoke with a confident and smug tone.

She deadpanned, before following him into the darker confines of the almost broken-down temple. 

They faced a large courtyard and a very poorly held-up broken wall. Down below in the courtyard, water flowed gently, surrounding some sort of platform. Torches lit up, flickering eerily around the perimeter. 

"Hmm... if i am not mistaken, the end of the temple should be up there," the knight said, his voice going into a whisper. It didn't matter, for the slight echo of his voice brought chills to the brunette.

"Alright," she said without a pause, not needing to ask the question that Paimon had in the game.

She didn't catch the rather surprised look he shot her as she made her way to the stairs. Just before she could start walking down, however, the blue-haired man grabbed her arm, pulling her back up. 


"Down there" the captain pointed to the end of the courtyard, and she gasped in shock. 

Humanoid beings, with tar-like skin roamed the perimeter aimlessly. They clutched clubs in their hands, and their 'face' seemed but a white oval with markings. They had a sort of mane where the neck should have been, and Divyasree could hear them grumble.

H-hilichurls?!? Is this what they look like in real life?!?!

"Heh, let me handle this" Kaeya said, a smirk on his face as he took out his wind glider and glided to the platform. 

The brunette pushed stray strands of hair out of her face as she prepared to watch the fight. 

He truly was a knight, the ease with which he handled his blade, the reach of his attacks all spoke of well-earned experience. His bladework consisted mostly of upward thrusts, with a sharp jab towards the hilichurls before his vision channeled elemental energy to give him the element (heh) of surprise. He made quick work of the hilichurls, their crude clubs not even approaching within five inches of his skin. 

However, what should have been an awesome sight, brought slow tendrils of dread to our teen. 

She wasn't scared of the man with the eye patch, no. She knew he couldn't do much to her without proper excuse, given his reputation as a knight.

No, it was the kind of dread that made one realize they weren't in a dream. A slow killing poison, that takes just the right amount of triggering for it to start its work. It was the kind of dread that worked like a paralyzing agent, where every single cell of your body starts to shut down, until you could no longer control your fingers, your toes, your arms, your legs and eventually, your entire body.

It was the feeling of losing control over everything you ever knew. 

I am not on earth

One of the hilichurls disintegrated into fiery ash.

I am not in Chennai

Kaeya had made an ice platform.

Amma and Appa aren't here with me

Another hilichurl froze to death.

I won't be able to finish twelfth grade

The last one managed to give him a tiny scratch on the arm.

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