ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ʟᴀᴛᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀʟᴋ 🌕

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ʟᴀᴛᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀʟᴋ 🌕 | 03

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ʟᴀᴛᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀʟᴋ 🌕 | 03

KEEPING yourself away from jungkook is the best decision. you haven't been left your house in fear of him finding you in the streets again. you have reread your fanfic multiple times, trying to find a way to prevent jungkook from turning into a yandere. you were sitting in your desk with a pen, writing down plans just in case you can't save yourself from jungkook and have to escape. one of your plans was getting him hook up with someone else. maybe that would stop him from turning into a yandere, but you can't risk that there might be a chance where he will still be one and hurt the person so you can't do that. "how the hell am i gonna survive this?" you asked yourself.

you heard the door bell ring and you headed downstairs, thinking it was your little sister who was out with her friends. "hello!" you slammed the door when you saw jungkook. 'how the fuck did he find out where i live!?! is his yandere side already out?' you grab your hair. you open the door and saw him still with that bunny smile of his. "how did you find out where i live?" you asked him. his eyes widened when he heard you speak korean. "you speak korean?" he asked. "answer my question" you said. "o-oh, i wanted to see you again and your cousin gave me his number so i asked him if i could get your number but instead he sent me your address" jungkook scratches his head. "i am going to kill him. im so sorry about him" you bowed down, making the idol blush. "don't bow down. it's okay, really" he shakes his head. "are you perhaps free right now?" he asked. "no. i have homework" you replied. "oh...i was hoping we could go out for a late night walk" he said with a pout.

you realize he came all the way from his hotel to get here which probably took hours. what's one hour of a walk going to do? it will be the perfect chance to tell him that you don't want to see him again. "give a few minutes to grab my phone" you said which made him smile. you close the door and rush up the stairs to grab your sweatshirt and phone. you ran back down the stairs and open the door. "follow me, i know the best place for a late night walk" you said closing the door. jungkook follows right behind you, staring at you. he couldn't believe that he got so attach to a girl he never met. you decided to take him to the river that was near your house. the male idol's heart started racing since the scene looked so romantic. his cheeks turned red and he looks at your hand. for some reason, he wanted to hold your hand. "so why did you want me to come along?" you asked which surprised him. "i-i just really wanted you to be here with me" jungkook stutters. "i thought you like bad girls" you said. "huh?" he tilts his head.

"yes, im a bad boy, so i like bad girl, come on baby, we are meant to be~ you know war of hormones" you said. his puffy cheeks warm up. "i-it was just for the song. i don't really like bad girls" jungkook said. you burst into laughter which made him even more red. "i was just joking. relax" you smiled. "you are perhaps a bad girl?" jungkook asked. "i can be bad or girl depending on who the person is" you replied. "do you like bad boys?" he asked. "my ideal type is dk from seventeen. hearing him sing makes my heart flutter. if i ever meet him in real life, i would probably pass out" you said. it made jungkook piss. what did his friend have that he doesn't? he's a singer too. "i c-can be like him too" jungkook said. "yeah...no. sorry man but you're not my type" you replied.

"im going to be honest with you, i never want to see you again" you said which made his heart shatter. he thought you also felt that connection he felt. your eyes widened when you saw tears rolling down his cheeks. 'now great! you made him cry!' you said to yourself. "mr.jeon, i-" you try to reach him out yet he turns his heel, walking away. you accidentally trip over a rock, making you fall onto the ground. "shit" you said loudly. jungkook turns back around to see you on the ground. the idol rushes back and tries to help you up but you rejected his hand. "you're bleeding" he points at your knee. "it's just a small scratch. doesn't hurt at all" you replied. "hop on my back" he said as he gets on knees. "i can walk. plus if you carry me, you're gonna break your back" you said. "im jeon jungkook. i can do anything. get on or else i will carry you bridesmaid style" he said. you sighed on hopped onto his back. your cheeks warm up as he starts walking back to your house. it was a quiet walk back home.

he opened the door and places you down onto the couch. "do you have a first aid kit?" he ask. "in the bathroom. just walk straight" you said. he nods and walks off. jungkook comes back with the kit and gets down on his knees. "you don't need to do that. i can do it myself" you said as you realize he was going to treat your wound. "let me do it. after all, it's technically my fault why you got hurt" the idol said as he applies the bandage. your eyes widened when you saw him give a kiss on top of the bandage. "there! that should make it better" he smiles at you. "thank you" you replied. "um...so did you mean what you said earlier? about you never wanting to see me again?" jungkook asked. "well i-" he interrupts you. "i hope you don't. because i feel a strong connection between us" he grabs your hands and leans towards your face.

but he leans in too close, causing his lips to touch yours.

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