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 ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡꜱ 🍼 | 16

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ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡ 🍼 | 16

HE wasn't lying when he said he was taking you with him. jungkook managed to convince your parents with letting you study in korea and offered to pay for your tuition. currently you were in the bathroom, waiting patiently to see what the test says. jungkook made you take a pregnancy test to confirm that he did really get you pregnant. he was sitting on the couch, feeling nervous. what if he didn't get you pregnant? now you know his secret and won't want to do it with him again. he might have to force you but he didn't want that. if you are to get pregnant, it has to be out of love not by force. however he knows you are. he made sure there was a high chance for you to conceive a child. jungkook's eyes landed on the door that was now open. "w-what does it say?" he asked you. "im pregnant..." you replied as tears rolled down your cheeks. he immediately rushes over to you and hugs you tightly with a huge smile on his face.

"i-i cant believe it! we're gonna start our own family" jungkook cups your cheeks and kisses you passionately. you wanted to have a family but not this young. you wanted to graduate from university, go to med school and start your career as a surgeon but your boyfriend had other plans. if he was destined to become a yandere, is it destined for you to be his? out of all of your stories, the yandere idol boyfriend had a sad ending for jungkook while the others had a happy because the female lead didn't know the truth. would it be smart if you just accept the fact that you are his forever? no... you won't accept this. his dreams and your stories were just a coincidence. he's delusional. you have to escape from here. you won't allow yourself do through what female leads faced in all yandere stories. the most important way for you to be able to escape is to get him to believe you won't run away and that you still love him. you closed your eyes, responding back to his kiss.

jungkook smiles when you kiss him back and he has his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him. after a few seconds, the two of you pulled away and your boyfriend smiles brightly. "i knew you would believe me. we have been together in other universes. it's smart that we should be together in this one too. now be a good girl and sit down. i can't let you do anything that could harm you and the baby. i will be in the kitchen making us dinner. i will have to discuss with the company about our pregnancy. they will be upset about it but it was my decision to get you pregnant. i'm 26 and i am in the right age to start a family with the love of my life. what does my love want to eat?" he asked. "can we have (favorite dish)?" and jungkook smiles. "anything for you" your boyfriend gives a kiss on the head before walking out. once he was gone, you took a seat on the couch and looked down at your hands. it's necessary for you to know how long you have been pregnant for. if you're already too into your pregnancy, it will be hard for you to escape. jungkook might have everything plan out, but you never stopped thinking about the day he will turn into a yandere.

jungkook was tapping his foot as he waits for the nurse to call you. he wanted to know how long you have been pregnant for. plus, your boyfriend wants to see his baby. he has plans to have a family photoshoot once the baby is born. "(l/n) (y/n)!" the nurse calls out. the two of you got up from the seats and jungkook grabs your hand tightly just in case you try to run away. the two of you followed the nurse inside a room. "please take a seat, miss" she said as she turns off a few lights. "so what is your reason on seeing us today?" she asked. "i took a pregnancy test which came out positive. my boyfriend wants to make sure it true that i am indeed pregnant" you explained. "and are you the boyfriend?" she asked and jungkook nods. "i am going to need you to do another pregnancy test and then we will bring in the sonogram machine. please follow me. i will lead you to the bathroom.

before you could walk out of the room, your boyfriend grabs you and leans into your ear. "if you try to escape from me or try to ask for help, i won't hesitate to kill your family. i have someone already there, stalking them. one call and they will be six feet on the ground. you got that, love" he whispers. "i know, but i told you already that i love you and that i won't leave you" you said, making him smile. he lets you go and you follow the nurse. as she leads you to the bathroom, she pulls you into another empty room. "do you need help?" the nurse asked. "excuse me?" you tilt your head. "im sorry. it just looks like he was very demanding. i just want to make sure you are safe. he looks quite older than you" the nurse said. "yes, i am safe. we have a seven year gap" you explained. "oh. well it's good to know you are safe. here is the pregnancy test. just leave in the cup and we will look at the result" she hands you the test. you nodded and take the test into the bathroom. you smiled in relief. you're quite thankful that she noticed jungkook's behavior but you can't accept her help. you can't put her life and your family's in danger. you have to escape from him by yourself.

after taking the test again, you walked back into your room where you saw jungkook with his phone. "why is it that all of your stories, only the yandere idol boyfriend has a bad ending for me? don't you want us to have a happy ending? i got into your account and saw all of your stories. i like the new one. the one where i forced you into marrying me because you killed my bride. you want to know why? you said it was a dream you had...i had that exact dream too. i also like the vampire one. if you want me to act more as sub, i don't mind. anything to make my wife happy" jungkook said as he grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him. he removes his mask and your eyes widen when he lifts you up your shirt to give your tummy a kiss. "im so happy im going to get married to the love of my life and even start a family with her" jungkook mumbles as he kisses your tummy. the nurse walks back in, this time shock to see the face of your boyfriend.

"y-you're jeon jungkook..." she stutters and he nods. "i hope you can keep a secret" he smiles at her. "o-of course! p-please lay down miss (y/n)" the nurse said. you do as you were told and she lifts your shirt. "the test was positive so you are pregnant. we will need to make some appointments for maternity care. this is your first time being pregnant, correct?" the nurse asked. "yes" you nodded. "i was thinking of having a midwife for my girlfriend. would that be alright? i want her to give birth in our house" jungkook said. "of course. i will give you a list of midwives you can choose out of" she applies the cold jell on your tummy and with the transducer, spreads it around, looking for your baby. "okay, i found your baby" she said, making you and jungkook look at the screen. jungkook's eyes soften when he saw the baby. he couldn't believe that's his child. "you are about two weeks pregnant so the baby is very small. congratulations miss (y/n) and mr. jeon" she smiles. your boyfriend kisses your hand in happiness while you stare at the screen.

'i only have one chance to escape out of this'

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