ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘʏ ʙᴜɴɴʏ 🐰

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ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘʏ ʙᴜɴɴʏ 🐰 | 09

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ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘʏ ʙᴜɴɴʏ 🐰 | 09

JUNGKOOK and your parents have gotten very close. they have gotten use to him being with you to the point he stays the night over at the house. and it's only been three months since you been together. currently you arrive back home from university and walk into your room, you saw your bunny sleeping peacefully in your bed. a huge smile appears on your face and you place your bag down. thankfully today was friday. you grab a pair of sweatpants with an oversize shirt and walk into the bathroom. as you do your night routine, you made sure to be quiet so you don't wake up jungkook. after you were done, you walk out of the bathroom, still seeing jungkook sleeping. you lay down beside him, covering him with your blanket. you were looking for your tata plushie but you couldn't find it. you have no other choice but to wrap your arms around his body, cuddling against him.

next morning, jungkook woke up feeling warm and looks down to see you sleeping peacefully beside him. a huge smile appears on his face when you have your head on his chest. he plays with your (h/c) hair, waiting for you to wake up. "good morning, love" jungkook smiles as he gives you a morning kiss. you responded back to his kiss and he bites your lower lip into his mouth by shaping his lips like a big pout. once your lips were inside his mouth, he starts to tease and nibble them with his tongue and teeth, making you open your mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue inside. your tongues played around together, circling each other. the two of you pulled away once you ran out of breath. "good morning" you mumbled. "what do you want to do today?" jungkook asked and you just close your eyes and go back to sleep. he chuckles and kisses your forehead. "sleep well, my love" he smiles.


jungkook hugs his loving girlfriend as she was cooking for the two of them. "im going to miss this. can you promise me something?" he ask. "what?" you replied. "promise me that when i come back from the military, you will wait for me" jungkook asked. "i promise" you answer, making him kiss your cheek. "i love you. i love you so much" he whispers into your ear. you smile and grab the plates. "go sit now. food is ready" you said. jungkook takes a seat and he watches as you place the plate of food in front of him. "enjoy. i have to make a quick call" you smiled as you walk out of the kitchen. as your boyfriend was eating, he tries to listen to your conversation. "okay. i will pass by and buy a birthday card, but why didn't you tell me sooner? okay! no need to raise your voice, mom. bye!" you walk inside to see him stuffing his face. "your mom called?" he asked. "yeah. we got invited to a quince and she forgot to buy the card. my sister is part of the court so they're out with the quinceañera. i have to get ready for the party and buy the card" you said.

"can i come?" jungkook asked. "i would love to take you but it's not a family party so they only gave us four tickets" you said making jungkook pout. "sorry" you apologize. "it's alright love. but can i at least help you pick out your outfit? i want to make sure no other guys look at my girl" he said. you laugh and nod. "alright. you can but first finish up eating" you said as you sat down in front of him. after eating, you two head back to your room and your boyfriend was looking through your closet, trying to figure out what you could wear. as he picks, you stare at him, thinking of when he comes a yandere. or maybe he doesn't at all? but you can't be too sure about that. amy keeps you updated on everything jungkook has been doing. so far he hasn't acted possessive and toxic. which is good. if you remember, him witnessing the death of the man who harassed the female lead caused his blood lust but haden was the trigger for jungkook to become a yandere. you're not really sociable so you don't know anyone who can potentially like you. and about the man, you have no idea if it will occur now that everyone knows you're his girlfriend.

"this would look nice on you" he smiles as he shows you a red dress. "alright. i will wear it. thank you" you gave jungkook a peck on his cheek as you take the dress, walking into the bathroom. your boyfriend takes a seat on your bed and pulls out his phone. he smiles as he scrolls through his photos. jungkook took a lot of pictures of you and him on dates, but mostly of you. his wallpaper is a picture of you two kissing underneath the moonlight. it was his favorite picture of the two of you because that day he realized that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. "how do i look?" he looks up to see you wearing the dress he chose. his cheeks turned brightly red. "gorgeous" he said, making you smile. the red dress complement your body so well. "pose for me, love" he said as he starts to take pictures. you smile brightly and jungkook takes a picture.

your boyfriend grabs your hand and has you sit on his lap. "please don't let any other guys get near you. you're my girl" jungkook said as he grabs your chin. he closes his eyes and leans for a passionate kiss. you place your hand on his cheek, responding back but you then pull away. "i have to do my makeup" you said. "will i see you tomorrow?" jungkook asked. "yes if you come over because i don't plan on leaving tomorrow" you said. "since you took care of me and i will take care of you, my love" he caress your cheek.

'i will prove to you that i will be a good husband to you'

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