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'ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ' | 06

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'ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ' | 06

"IS this true?" the young idol was in a virtual meeting with his company. they found out about the video and requested him to come back to korea but he declined. "yes. i kissed her" jungkook said. "many people are giving you hate for this. we clearly told you to be on watch when we gave you two years off. what are you going to do now? armys have already been attacking her" the ceo said. "i will protect her from them and i will release a statement about it" jungkook said. "is she really your girlfriend?" the manager asked. "no, but i want her to be. it took me a while to realize that im in love with her and i don't want to give her up" jungkook said. "if you aren't dating her, what statement are you going to say?" the ceo asked. "just you wait and see. i will handle this all" jungkook smiles.

"hello armys. this vlive is to discuss about the issue that has popped out. for those who don't know what the issue is, it is a picture of me and a woman together. someone posted the image and said that she is my lover. so many people are wondering and panic" jungkook started off.  he saw so many comments coming in. "there is no need to worry. the company and i had a talk about this. that video of me and the woman at the water park is true. she is my lover and we are dating. we have been dating in secret. i apologize for keeping this a secret but i did what was best for us. however, our privacy has been shared out" jungkook said. "for those who have been doxing my girlfriend and her family, my company and i will be suing you. i do not want to put her family in danger" he adds.

he starts reading a few comments that were supportive with his decision. however, there are comments that were upset and angry. "i am very happy with her. you know, the first time we meant, she saved my life. i still remember it as if it was yesterday. i was walking in the streets, wearing all black. my head was killing me and i felt like i was going to pass out. she came up to me and handed me a cold water bottle. she helped me out. from that day on, i started to fall in love with her. i love everything about her. everything she does makes me laugh. she's so sweet and smart. you have no idea how lucky i am to have even met her. her attitude and personality are absolutely perfect. not to mention her smile and the way her eyes light up when she smiles. she's perfect to me, even if anyone one else says otherwise. she is always going to be perfect in my eyes" the idol smiles. "that's all i wanted to tell you. i hope you all still support me and my hyungs. if you can't handle the idea of me being with someone else, i am sorry. im happy with my girlfriend and no one is going to separate me from her. good night to you all" he said before ending the stream.

"(y/n)..." amy walks into the room to see tears rolling down your cheeks. "h-his vlive...he said the same thing in my fanfic when he told his fans that he was married to the reader...... someone apparently recorded us and posted it online just l-like when jungkook took the female lead to the farm..." you explain to amy. "that doesn't make sense...shouldn't everything go in order?" amy asked. "i-i don't even know anymore. everyone is going to think im really his girlfriend" you said. "why don't you make a statement that you are not and that whatever they saw was an edit" amy said. "no one is going to believe me now that he said i am" you replied. soon you two could hear your phone ringing. "they found out my number now!" you said hugging your pillow. amy turns off your phone and hugs you tightly. "im really sorry for whats happening" amy said.

you woke up from your nap to hear knocking on the door. you knew it couldn't amy since she has a key. you get up from bed and walk over to open the door to see jungkook there. his eyes soften when he saw your eyes swollen. "have you been crying?" he cups your cheeks. you push him off. "don't touch me" you said. "and yes, i have. it's all because of you! i told you multiple times that i don't want to be in a relationship with you! you're so selfish! you lied to people, saying im your girlfriend! why
can't you just take no as a fucking answer!" you shout as you hit his chest. "y-you ruined my life! t-they found out where i live, study at and where i work. they even found out my phone number and h-have been sending me death threats" you said. "im sorry, (y/n)" you said. "you should be...from now on, stay away from me. you have been following me around for a whole month now. i want nothing to do with you" you said.

this shattered the heart of the idol. however, he was also angry. why can't you just give him a fucking chance! what is it that you don't like about him! he wants to know! jungkook covers your mouth and forces himself into your room. your eyes widened when you realize what's about to happen. he slams the door and pins you against the wall. your anxiety was kicking in so breathing became difficult. "why can't you just give me a fucking chance! i want to be with you! i admit what i did was wrong but i wanted people to know that you're mine. i won't let some random person try to steal you from me. i want you...and only you (y/n). cant you feel my love?" jungkook asked. "(y-y/n)" he calls you out when he sees your eyes close. the idol immediately catches you when he realized you passed out. "im sorry for doing this to you" jungkook kisses your forehead as he lays you down onto the bed. he didn't mean to scare you. he was just so frustrated.

he sits beside you, caressing your face. he pulls out his phone and decided to take a couple of pictures of you sleeping. jungkook then sees your phone and grabs it. he looks to see so many calls and messages telling her to end her life. he decided to take your phone and have his lawyer find every single person who sent this kind of message and sue them. he will buy you a new phone with a new number so no one will call or message you again. he felt guilty for having to go this far. he should just said the video was an edit. it was too late for him to take it back...he hurt you...he didn't want to. "you're such a fucking jerk, jeon jungkook! you made the girl you love hate you now! how are you going to make it up to her!" the idol scolds himself. "i promise you, (y/n) that i will make sure you and your family won't deal with this type of mess again...and maybe you will accept my love for you" jungkook leans down to give you a kiss. "what are you doing!" he pulls away and looks up to see amy. "i-i can explain" he said.

"how the heck did you find out where we are staying?"

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