ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ɢᴇᴛ ᴜᴘ 🛌 ⬆️

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 ɢᴇᴛ ᴜᴘ 🛌 ⬆️ | 20

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ɢᴇᴛ ᴜᴘ 🛌 ⬆️ | 20

"TIME to get up, little carrot" the young idol smiles at the newborn baby. four months has passed and you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. when jungkook first saw him, he broke down into tears, seeing his son. "mama is still asleep since you woke her up last night. let's get you changed into a fresh diaper and feed you" he said as he lifts up the baby carefully. he places the baby on the changing table and changed his diaper and changed his clothes into new ones. the young father carries his son to the kitchen to prepare his milk. once the milk was ready, he headed back to the baby's room and sits on the rocking chair as he feeds his son. "my dear jungwoo, you look just like your papa. i can't wait for me and mama to watch you grow up. i hope you turn out as smart as your mama. we promise to make you a bigger brother. mama said to wait at least two years so that's how long you're going to have to wait. i hope we get a girl. i want her to look just like mama" jungkook said as he gives his son a kiss. once jungwoo was done with his bottle, he fell asleep so jungkook places him back inside his crib. the idol smiles before walking out of the room and walking inside the living room. he takes a seat on the couch and sighs.

"j-jungkook..." he looks up to see his girlfriend rub her eyes. "good morning, love" he smiles at her. "good morning. how is our little carrot doing?" you asked as you stretched your arms. "he just ate and went back to sleep" he replied as you took a seat on his lap. "good" you look at him. "love, the members were wondering if they could come over and see how we are doing. can they come?" jungkook asked. "are you still scared of jimin taking me away?" you asked. since in the fanfic, jimin is the one who ends up with the female lead, jungkook has been careful with leaving you alone with jimin even though you told him that you wouldn't leave him. "i-i..." jungkook sighs and nods. "i told you multiple times that i will never leave you. we have a baby together. there's no way i can leave you now. i love you, jungkook" you cupped his cheek and gave him a kiss. the idol closes his eyes, responding back to your kiss.

jungkook bites your lower lip into his mouth by shaping his lips like a big pout. once your lips were inside his mouth, he started to tease and nibble them with his tongue and teeth. this causes you open your mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue inside. your tongues played around together, circling each other. his hands on your thighs, caressing them as your hands ran through his black hair. jungkook places his hands on your waist, pulling you close to him. the two of you pulled away once you ran out of breath. your forehead pressed against his as the two of you breathe heavily, staring into each other's eyes. "i love you, (y/n). thank you for giving me a second chance" he said as he places his hand on your cheek, caressing it. you gave him a warm smile before you hugged him. "let's go shopping. i'll buy you an outfit. whatever you want" he said. "it's alright. i can just order them online" you pulled away from the hug. "but we never go out anymore" your boyfriend pouts. "you're dating an introvert" you pat his head. in reality, you knew the risks of going out.

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