ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄ

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ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄ | 11

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ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄ | 11

"HE what!?!" amy shouts and you try to cover her mouth. "shhh! you're being too loud" you said. "he proposed to you and you said yes" amy grabs your hand to point at the ring. "i didn't know he was going to do that. he said to marry him after he comes back from the military which is in three years. by that time, we probably won't be together anymore. no one knows yet or else my mom will beat my ass" you said. "i would too. are you forgetting he is going to be a yandere?" she asked. "of course not. i said yes for that specific reason. i know that he won't feel jealous because he knows that i will be his wife. it will reduce his jealousy and give me more time to think of ways to prevent him from turning into a yandere. he's heading back to korea soon so his jealousy levels would have been high but now that i said yes to his proposal, he won't be as jealous" you explained. "that's a stupid idea. you should have just said no" amy cross her arms.

"i know it is but no one is dead yet so it must be working. having him cling onto me, makes sure he doesn't go off and kill anyone" you said. "still can't believe you are the one who's going to be mrs.jeon" amy said and you rolled your eyes. your phone starts ringing and amy sighs when she saw the id caller. "the two of you were together last night. i want some alone time with my best friend" amy pouts. you smile at her and let your phone ring. "today it will just be you and me" you said as you shut off your phone. "so what hasn't happened yet?" amy asked as she pulls out her notebook. "we didn't fight and break up. we still haven't lost our virginities and-" she immediately cuts you off. "wait a minute! you're going to lose your virginity to jungkook" she leans over. "it's in the story. the female lead breaks up with him and he comes over to ask her for a second chance which she does. during that time, they have sex in his hotel room" you explained. "so are you going to let that happen? at least let this happen" she said, making your cheeks warm up.

"i-i haven't thought about that yet" you replied. "that's cap. out of the two of us, you're the dirtiest. heck, you write smut. and i bet you write what you want someone to do to you" she said, making you embarrassed. "such a sub" amy said. "i-i can be a dom too" you said yet she shakes her head. "in all of your fanfics, he's the dom and the female lead is the sub. don't lie to yourself" she said. "can we please stop talking about this" you asked and she laughs.
"alright. beside that, he hasn't killed anyone like you said. what if everything happens from your fanfic but he doesn't turn into a yandere? what if you do?" amy asked. "i love him but im not 'that' madly in love with him" you replied.

"it was just a thought. could someone else be the yandere though?" amy asked. "who in their right mind would want me?" you said. "um, your boyfriend" amy answered. "besides him. no one. why? because i don't talk to anyone" you replied. "then what if his yandere side comes after he returns from the military? he is going to learn ways to fight and he might use those skills to kill" amy said. "doesn't he try to get the female lead pregnant but she didn't because she was infertile. are you infertile, (y/n)?" amy asked. "i haven't gone to see the gynecologist yet" you answered. "let's go now!" she grabs your hand and grabs you out of the cafe. the two of you arrived at the women's center where you ask if there's an available gynecologist. you might as well know now. you already have been taking birth control pills to help with your period. luckily, there was and you walked in, leaving amy in the waiting room.

meanwhile jungkook was laying down on the bed, pouting. you didn't pick up any of his calls or texts. he called your sister who told him you were out with amy. your boyfriend would be upset but he understands you just wanted a girls day with her so he stopped. jungkook didn't know what to do. he normally would be with you. especially now that he's going back to korea. a message popped up on his phone. it was from your sister.

Sunday 7:45 PM

i think you might want to use this

[sent image]

not in my house tho

jungkook clicks on the picture to see a piece of paper full with words in english. luckily he has an app that allows him to translate words into korean. after a few minutes, he suddenly felt his body getting hot. he had a sudden need to press his body against yours. his heart racing fast as he doesn't stop reading it. jungkook felt aroused reading the desires you had. "fuck" he curses as he can imagine the two of you in the bedroom doing them. "fuck. i didn't expect my love to be this naughty" he said. he hears the door bell ring. jungkook gets up and walks downstairs and opens the door to see you. he licks his lips, seeing your bra from your white shirt. he grabs your hand and pulls you inside to slam his lips onto yours. you respond back to his kiss. jungkook lifts you up and carries you up into the room he was sleeping in. your boyfriend lays you down onto the bed and hovers over you, still having his lips connected to yours. you were too into the kiss to not see him squeeze your boob, making you moan. he rips your shirt off and pulls away, staring down into your (e/c) eyes.

"love, i want to lose my virginity to you"

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