ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ

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ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ | 19

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ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ | 19

AFTER a long day at the company, jungkook likes to spend the rest of the night cuddling up with you. it's been hard for him to come back home safely. many fans have been threatening him ever since he told the whole world that he is soon gonna be a dad. of course, your life was threatening as well but jungkook doesn't even let you go out so you're safe from them, but just in case, jungkook installed cameras and gets inform who's comes inside his home. he expected this to happen and did it anyways. he wanted all of them to know that you are his. looking down, jungkook sees you hugging him tightly as you fall asleep. he smiles hearing you snore. it's been six months now since jungkook kidnapped you and got you pregnant. he felt happy that you were finally accepting your fate with him. and because of that, he decided to see a psychiatrist, without your knowledge. he still believes that you two are meant for each other.

there was no way your stories and his dreams are coincidences. no science can prove that which why it must be fate. you and jungkook are soulmates. those stories of yours and his dreams are all from another universe where you two have always been together. at first, he didn't plan on hurting anyone. however his plan changed when you bumped into your ex crush of five years. he was afraid you would fall for your ex-crush since they confessed to have for you. jungkook didn't want to risk that so he had no choice to kill him just like he did in the other universes. getting rid of all competitions. then, your friend, amy, came along. she had a feeling your ex-crush was not an accident. she decided to confront jungkook which wasn't the best idea. she threaten to tell you so he killed her. being a yandere in all universes, jungkook knew what to do to prevent him from getting caught. things would have been a lot harder if he wasn't rich or famous. due to his popularity, he can easily manipulate people to think he's a good person. no one will dare to disagree with him or else they will get attacked by his fans.

jungkook has been taking medication that was prescribed for him by his psychiatrist even if he still believes his dreams and your stories are meaningful. he's doing all of this for your sake. in deep love and lovesick husband, you didn't know about his dark side unlike the yandere idol boyfriend where you knew he was. the idol killed himself because he knew how much he traumatized you and he could never forgive himself. which is why he changed. jungkook hasn't harm anyone since amy's death. he hasn't snapped at you or done anything to hurt you. if he did, he would have you hurt him back. there was no way he want to hurt you. yes, he did in the other universes but he wants to be better. and he hopes you will like this new version of him. "i promise to be a good husband for you and a good father for our baby. i would never hurt you and our child. i love you, (y/n)" jungkook mumbles. he notices your eyes fluttering. "im sorry, love. i didn't mean to wake you up" he caress your cheeks.

"it's okay. im hungry" you yawned. "should i go back you something?" jungkook asked and you nodded. he gets out of bed and walks out of the bedroom. jungkook opens the fridge and grabs a few vegetables. he puts on an apron before he wash his hands. your boyfriend has gotten use to your pregnancy cravings. he didn't mind you asking him to make food or go buy them. your boyfriend chops the vegetables, preparing you a good meal. you walk into the kitchen, taking a seat as you watch jungkook cook. "jungkook, are you okay?" you asked. "of course, i am. why do you ask, love?" he replied. "you have been acting weird lately" you said. jungkook walks overs to you and holds your hand. "im scared" the idol confessed as he rest his head on your shoulder. "scared?" you asked. "im scared that im gonna hurt you and the baby. i have been seeing a psychiatrist and taking medication to control my jealousy and anxiety. but i-i have been getting more dreams...i-i r@ped you and got you pregnant...i kidnapped you for months and traumatized you once again...and another dreams that were so much more" jungkook breaks down. your eyes widened when he hear him crying. "p-please don't leave me...i have been trying so hard to get better...i don't want to lose you" he said. you froze and pat his back, not knowing what to say.

"i-im learning from my mistakes...so don't leave me..."

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