ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ

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 ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ | 10

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ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ | 10

"OR you sure he said he's going to take you, your cousins and your aunt to the party?" your dad asked. "yes. jungkook called me three times to remind me that he is still coming too" you replied. he sighs and grabs his keys. "alright. im gonna pick up your uncle and his family. meet you there" he walks out of the house. you take a seat on the couch and wait for your boyfriend to arrive. a message pop out on your phone and it was from amy.

Saturday 7:23 PM

we need to have a serious talk

do you want to meet up tomorrow?


but make sure jungkook doesn't know and doesn't follow you

i will try

he is very clingy

tell me (y/n)

do you love him?

i do

i love him

but i know to not let my heart change my plan

if i see any signs of him being a yandere, i will have him get help

and if i was too late to save him, i will go with my plan b

what's plan b?

i can't tell you

you heard a knock on the door and got up to open the door. you smile brightly when you saw jungkook with flowers. "for my love" he smiles as he hands you the flowers. you smile as you take a sniff. "thank you" you walk into the kitchen to grab a vase for the flowers. he follows behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. "you look so beautiful, love" your boyfriend gives you kisses on your neck. "you look quite handsome, mister" you turn around and wrap your arms around his neck. "shall we go pick up your aunt?" he asked. "let's go" you smiled. the two of you walk out of your house and got into his car. as he was driving, his hand was on your thigh like always. you were singing along to the song that was playing which was run BTS. jungkook was smiling as he hears his girl singing.

after picking up your aunt and cousins, you all arrived at the venue where the party was held. jungkook helps you get out of the car and intertwines his hand with yours. "don't forget what i told you" you whisper. "i know. i have to greet everyone even though i might not know them" he said and you smiled. the two of you walk inside to hear music playing. there wasn't as much people since they usually come late. you and jungkook greeted everyone and walk over to the table where your dad was sitting with your aunt and her cousins. jungkook sat beside you, caressing your hand as he spoke to your aunt and uncle. soon you saw your older sister walk in with your nephew. she walks over to you, asking you to watch over him while she greets everyone. of course you agree and took him into your arms. jungkook looks over at his love to see you holding the baby.

"who's that?" he asked. "oh right. jungkook meet my nephew, hector" you replied. "hello little guy, im jungkook, your soon to be uncle" he smiles as he grabs the baby's hand. your cheeks warm up and he chuckles. "you're going to be mrs.jeon in the future which makes me his uncle" he smiles. "how old is he?" jungkook asked. "nine months" you answered. "i wonder how our babies will turn out?" he asked. your cheeks warm up again. he is already thinking about your future with him. jungkook pulls out his phone and takes a picture of you holding the baby. "can i hold him?" your boyfriend ask and you nodded. you handed over hector to jungkook and you watch as a smile appears on his face. your boyfriend was making faces and made your nephew smile. this scene reminded you of how jungkook was with amon, nox and dasom in your fanfic. he tried to be a good dad for all of them. then you remember how much he cried when amon dies. you weren't going to let that happen. you told yourself, you will find amon and nox and save them before anything happens.

it's already been three hours since you arrived at the party. jungkook has his arm around you as the two of you watch your family dancing. "you wanna dance, love?" he asked. you smile and take his hand. "sure. do you remember the steps?" you asked. "you're dating me, love. of course i do" he drags you to the dance floor. he pulls you close to his body. jungkook looks at the dancing couples and wraps his arm around your back. you lay your arm over his and rest it near his shoulder. he holds your other hand and looks into your eyes. the two of you start moving your hips to the beat of the song. "love, i was thinking once you finished your fall semester, you come to busan. my parents want to meet you" jungkook said. "alright. i will. but im sure they want to see their son. when are you going back to korea" you asked. "sadly in a month so let's make fun memories before i leave" he said and you nod. "i want to tell you something" you said. "what is it?" he asked. "i haven't told you because i wasn't sure if i do or not but im 100 percent sure now. i love you, jeon jungkook. and i mean i love you as a man and for your personality, not because you're jeon jungkook from BTS. i-" he shuts you up by a kiss.

you reply back to his kiss. after a few seconds, he pulls away and grabs your hand, dragging you away from the party into an empty room. "i love you so much, (y/n). im so happy to hear you love me too. i was going to give you this back when i dropped you home but i think now it's a better time" he pulls out a small box from his pocket. your eyes widened when he opens it to reveal a ring. 'no way in hell he is going to get down on his knee and ask me to marry him. i-i just turn nineteen not too long ago...' you thought. you gasp when you saw him get on his knee. "my love, i know we just meet this year but i know you are the one i want to spend the rest of my life with. i want to start a family with you and grow old together. will you make me the happiest man and..."

"marry me when i come back from serving the military?"

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