ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ! 🎁

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ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ! 🎁 | 05

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ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ! 🎁 | 05

EVERYTHING was going great for you. you were having fun here in mexico with your best friend. that was until...

"how the hell did he know we were here!?!" amy rushes over to you and shows you her phone. your eyes widened when you saw the news tittle. BTS, jeon jungkook was spotted in mexico and a picture of him walking out of the same airport you went. "i have no idea. i never told him anything because i didn't want him to come" you said. "what's your fanfic called again?" amy asked. "it's called the yandere idol boyfriend? why?" you asked. "i read it last night when you were asleep. why did you make amon died! i was trying my best not to cry!" she grabs your shoulders and shake you. "im sorry?" you said. "you should be! you made a lot of your readers cry. anyways, it seems like what you said is true. instead of you two video calling each other, he is here in person. jungkook might be stalking you from your social media. it's better if you change your accounts to private" amy said. "it already is. he just won't leave me alone. he followed me all the way here just to get me to like him and accept him" you jumped onto the bed.

"cant you just prevent his yandere side from coming out?" amy suggested and you shook your head. "won't work if he really showing signs of his possessiveness. he followed me into Dunkin and glared at all of the boys staring at me" you said recalling that day. you had to apologize to them for his jealousy even though you aren't his girlfriend. "but i think you will be able to stop it. if everything in the fanfic does come true, you know what to do since you created jungkook to be a yandere. heck even i know the story so if he does end up kidnapping you, i know to have the police search jungkook....then again he could kill me before i can save you" amy said. your eyes then widened when you realize that amy is haden. in your story, haden loved the female lead but when she told him that she was taken, he backed off and continued to be her friend. haden even tried to help her out but because of jungkook's jealousy and paranoia, he had him kill. "we will have to wait and see" amy said.

you were taking a walk on the beach until you notice that you were being followed by a group of guys. you fasten your pace and your eyes landed on a group of foreigners. your goal is to walk over and pretend to be part of their group hoping they realize you were being followed. yet that plan was ruined when they all started to walk away. one of the guys managed to catch up to you and he was about to grab your hand until his hand got smacked. you turn around to see jungkook there. he pulls you into his arms and hugs you tightly. "mine" the idol growls at them. they all walk off like they did nothing wrong yet jungkook wasn't going to let them go just yet. he was smart enough to take pictures of them so he was going to report it to the police. "you can let go of me now. they're gone" you said. "i kinda like having you in my arms"'he replied.

"how did you find me?" you asked. "your mom told me. she told me where you were and staying" he answers. "why did you come here?" you asked. "i can't let some other guy steal you away from me. i had my eyes on you first" he said. "too bad i will ever be yours" you replied as you break out of the hug. "you're not leaving just yet" he grabs your hand. "you and i are going on a date" he smiles. "i didn't agree to this" you said. "well i don't care. im gonna prove to your that i an the guy you want in your life. now let's go!" jungkook drags you off. he makes you get into a dark, making you feel unease. he really likes you and has been stalking you so you assume by now he will try to kidnap you. you keep your eyes open and the driver starts to drive off somewhere. "you look so anxious. im not gonna kidnap you" he said. 'not yet' you said to yourself. "where are you taking me?" you asked. "it's a surprise" he replies with a wink.

after a longe two hour drive, you two finally arrived at the destination. he helps you get off of the car and your eyes widened when you saw you were at a water park. "let's go" he grabs your hand and drags you into the booth. it was still hard for you to process what's going on. you came back to your senses once you two were already in. "let's have fun shall we?" he smiles brightly. he drags you over to the locker station to put all of your belongings in. after that, he drags to all of the rides. there would be some you told him that won't get on since you have a fear of heights but he managed to convince you that he will make sure you are safe...plus he offer to give you money if you went on with him. who doesn't want free money? you have to admit, it was fun being with him. there were times where you wanted to consider his confession but you reminded yourself that he has been stalking and will turn into a yandere later on. being at the park for three hours now, you two were walking back over to the locker station. he was talking to you about going on a second date, but he noticed you were paying attention and staring at some snacks.

"i was thinking we should grab something to eat before we head out

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"i was thinking we should grab something to eat before we head out. what does my lovely date want to eat?" he asked with a smile. "im not your date. you forced me to come along" you replied. jungkook stands in front of you and stops you from walking. "what is it that you don't like about me? i really want to be with you" he said. "you can't just want to be with someone you barely know. we bumped into each accidentally a month ago!" you said. "you might not believe in love at first sight but i do! we have a connection and i felt it that day. why can't you just give me a chance to prove to you that i am the one for you?" jungkook ask. "because you're not. you will never be the one for me! why can't you just leave me alone!" you said as you tried to walk off.

however the floor was slipper since so many people have been walking with wet feet. "shit!" you said as you slipped but jungkook was able to catch you. his brown eyes stared into your eyes. jungkook pulls you closer to him, having his hands on your waist and kisses you with passion. he felt butterflies in his stomach. your eyes widened from shock. three times this guy has kissed you. your whole body froze due to fear. jungkook bites your bottom lip, making you open your mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue inside. the idol swirl his tongue against yours, taking your tongue into his mouth and suck on it. the idol was too busy focusing on you....

....to notice someone recording the whole thing.

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