ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ʙᴀʙʏꜱɪᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴊᴇᴏɴ 👨‍🍼

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ʙᴀʙʏꜱɪᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴊᴇᴏɴ 👨‍🍼 | 13

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ʙᴀʙʏꜱɪᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴊᴇᴏɴ 👨‍🍼 | 13

WALKING into your house, jungkook saw you and your nephew in the living room. "im sorry jungkook. my sister came over last minute and asked me to watch over hector. im-" he shuts you up by a kiss. "it's alright, love. i don't mind helping you watch over him. heck, it would be great chance for me to get closer to him even though he's a baby. come here, hector. come to uncle kook" he said as he lifts up the baby. you smile as you watch your boyfriend playing with the baby. "are you hungry? i can cook something" you said. "no thanks love" jungkook said as he sits down on the couch. you take a seat and grab the remote. jungkook smiles when you rest your head on his shoulder. "how are you feeling after we had sex?" he asked. "i felt sore for the past few days but the pain went away" you said. "do you regret losing your virginity to me?" he looks at you. "of course not! i love you, jungkook" you said and he smiles. "hector, would you like to be our ring bear at our wedding. you would be two or three. it will be cute" he looks at your nephew who giggles. "i will take that as a yes" jungkook said as he gives you a kiss on your head. "do you have his car seat?" jungkook asked and you nodded. "i do, why?" you replied. "let's go shopping" your boyfriend suggested.


arriving at the mall, jungkook was holding your hand while having hector on his chest in the baby carrier. of course, he has his mask on to hide his face, but he didn't mind if people saw him like this. you told him that you would carry your nephew but he insisted to carry him instead. "shall we buy you some clothes, love?" jungkook asked and you shook your head. "no, i don't need anything" you smile. "let me buy you something, love. let's go inside this store" he drags you into a chanel store. the two of you walk around the store. jungkook was hoping a piece of jewelry would catch your eyes. "can i recommend this section?" a employee said to you. when two you walk over, you saw that the prices were low. you look down at yourself to see you were wearing sweats and a sweatshirt while your boyfriend was wearing the same thing. jungkook notice it too and didn't like it. he grabs your hand and takes you to the other side. he saw you staring at a necklace for a few seconds and called the employee over. "are you sure, sir? this necklace is quite expensive. are you able to afford it?" she asked, giving you two a look.

"let's just go" you said trying to leave the store but jungkook grabs your hand. "im quite sure" your boyfriend said with an annoyed tone. he didn't like the way she was treating them. "it will be-" jungkook slams his black card on the table. her eyes widened when she saw the card. you watch as he pays for the necklace and the employee wrapping up the expensive necklace he bought you. "you didn't have to do that" you said. "you're my fiancée, love. you deserve the best of the best" jungkook said as he pulls his mask down to kiss you. the employee looks at you two and gasp when she realized who it was. "thank you" jungkook grabs the bag and drags you away from the store. "you showed your face on purpose, didn't you?" you asked. "it doesn't matter anymore. let's go buy some toys for hector. do you want uncle kook to buy you toys?" jungkook asked as he plays with his small hands. "im gonna go to the bathroom. i will be right back" you said and you run off.

your boyfriend leans against the wall and talks to hector. "it's taking longer than i expected it to take. should i try again?" jungkook asked and he hears hector giggle. "i should, shouldn't i. how would your auntie feel about it? i want us to live together. i haven't told the company or my hyungs about our engagement. i don't want to tell them until we get married. i have already signed my contract with hybe labels and i don't want to lose your aunt. i love her so much. im not sure what i should do" he said. jungkook looks to his left to see you talking to a guy. his eyes darkened when he saw the guy get touchy with you. he felt the need to break his hand for touching his fiancée. the sudden urge to slam his face into the wall until he bleeds came to jungkook's mind. however, he sees you show the guy the ring he gave you. that anger went away when he sees you point over at him and then you walks back to him. "who was that guy love?" jungkook asked.

"just an old classmate. i had a crush on him when i was seven but it died out when i was twelve. he just wanted to tell me that he has been trying to contact me because apparently he liked me too as some point. he ask if i was single but i told him that im taken and pointed at you" you explained. "good! cause you are my future wife" jungkook smiles as he intertwines his hand with yours. you giggle and nod. "im all yours" you smile back. as the two of you walk, jungkook looks behind to see the boy looking at you. his brown eyes darkened when he saw him take a picture.

'you better fucking stay away from my wife, you sick bastard'

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