ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ | ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴇ

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ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴇ | 15

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ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴇ | 15

"LOVE, can't you just stay longer?" jungkook asked, hugging you and kissing your skin. "im sorry. i have class in an hour" you said. "you can't leave after what we did last night. you're sore. stay here in bed with me" jungkook said. "i would love to stay with you, but if i miss any of my classes, i can fail" you replied. "im sure they will understand since you are dating jeon jungkook" your boyfriend whispers into your ear as he squeezes your boobs. "jungkook!" you gasp. "please love" he begs as he plays with your boobs. jungkook knows he can easily get you wet and if he gets you wet, you will end up underneath him, getting fucked and you will miss your class. "ah" he groans when he felt you pinch his nipple. you managed to get out of his arms and get up from bed, looking for your clothes. "love come back" he pouts as he gets out of bed. he grabs your hand and pulls you close to him. jungkook kisses you and you respond back. eventually, you pulled away and smile at your boyfriend. "i will see you tonight mr.jeon" you said. "cant wait for our wedding. i promise you i won't drink. i know how much you hate alcohol. i won't put you through trauma like your mom and sister" jungkook said.

"h-how did you know about that? i-i never told you anything about my mom or my sister's past relationships" you asked as you backed away from jungkook. he smiles and grabs your hand, roughly and pushes you against the wall. "do you know that there is the theory of how our dreams are just glimpses of alternative universes" he whispers into your ear. "about two years ago, i had a dream of meeting a girl. in this dream, she saved me from the heat and we started talking. i quickly fell in love with her and wanted to be with her forever. she had (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. i was a killer in that dream. i killed a boy name haden because he tried to take her away from me. i was hurt in the end. our son died and i turn myself to the police. it ended by me killing myself while the love of my life was with my fucking hyung! i didn't give a shit about it until last year. i was on the weverse app where i saw an army post about this story call the yandere idol boyfriend. i started reading it and realize it was the exact same thing that happened in my dream" jungkook said.

"i never told anyone about my dream so it was normal to freak out. i had to hack my way into wattpad to find out who the author really is. that's when i saw a picture of you. you're exactly the girl i keep on dreaming of. i read more of your stories to see if they are the same as my dreams. in one of my dreams, i was the youngest son of a famous ceo and my mother arranged my marriage. i married you and we lived a happy life. we had triplets. i still remember their names and faces. similar to lovesick husband, isn't it? i had another dream where i was the only son of a famous ceo again but this time i met you when i was twelve. my father tried to separate us but he ended up dying. we got reconnected again and got married. we were expecting a son but some girl pushed you down the stairs and i had her killed. now tell me what story was that from?" jungkook asked.

"d-deep love..." you answered. "do you get it now, love? your stories and my dreams prove that we belong to each other. we were destined to be together. now that i proved my theory, i had to find you. so i decided to follow the storyline of my first dream since it made sense. i had arranged me being there, hoping i would see you and it worked. however, i noticed you were trying to keep a distance so i knew you thought everything was happening in real life which is why i had to change up the order" jungkook gives you a kiss on your neck. "i wanted us to be happy just like in deep love and lovesick husband. i didn't want the same fate as the yandere idol boyfriend. i know how badly you hope for me not to be one but it was destined for me to play that role" jungkook said. "d-did you kill anyone?" you asked. "i had to, love. i had no other choice. amy was too close to find out about my plan. and that boy from the mall...he was going to take you away from me. i have been killing so many people before we met. i had to make sure no one was going to get near my love" he said as he sees you crying.

"i won't harm your family though. they already love me and know you and i are getting married. plus, i want them to know i got their nineteen year old daughter pregnant" he said, making your eyes widened. "i had to make sure you could conceive a child. i was so happy to know that we could. i switch out your birth control pills with pills that will guarantee you to get pregnant" jungkook smiles as he places his hand on your womb. "i don't want to hurt you, love. i want to be the type of husband from deep love. i will give you and our child the world" your boyfriend cups your cheeks and presses his forehead against yours. "i love you, (y/n). we were made for each other. no one can take you away from me. we are going to live happily ever after with our baby. im really hoping we get triplets just like in lovesick husband" your boyfriend whispers. "now be a good girl and get back into bed. you and i are going to korea. we are going back to your house where we will tell your family that you decided to stay there to be close to me. i have already drop you out of your university and have already started the process to make you a korean citizen. i want to be close to you and our baby"

"if i find out you told someone about my plan, i won't hesitate to kill your family in front of you"

if you're confused, basically jungkook had dreams of each of stories before they were published

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