Chapter 1: First Impressions

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When Stella broke down five minutes down the road on the first day of starting his new school, Alex knew he was already fucked.

He cursed loudly as he slammed down on the gas, praying silently for her to rev up her battered engine and miraculously start moving again. Shoving his body forward, he tried to use all of his weight to make the truck move.

But Stella wouldn't budge.


"Come on baby, don't do this to me." he begged as he rubbed the steering wheel tentatively and pushed down harder on the gas.


"Jesus-fuck." he swore as he slammed his fists on the dashboard and hopped out of the car, kicking the wheels in frustration (which ended terribly for him, because it felt like he fucking broke his toe in the process).

He popped open the top and was immediately engulfed in a dirty shroud of grey smoke.

He coughed and swatted the smoke away, trying to make sense of the steaming mess in front of him.

"Looks like something's loose, or whatnot." he grumbled irritably, placing his backpack on the ground and taking out his emergency spanner (he always came prepared due to the fact that Stella tended to break down ninety-six percent of the time).

Eventually, everything looked okay again, and the smoke had disapparated from the air (which was a green light for him).

Alex sighed and tucked his spanner neatly in his bag, unfortunately getting grease all over his second-handed-probably-third-handed science book.

He slammed the top shut and hopped back into the driver's seat ad checked his watch anxiously.


School started at nine, didn't it? Or was it a quarter to nine? His mom had never said exactly what time classes began, and he had completely forgotten to read up on the school's manual.

He shook his head and pushed his nervous thoughts away before pressing down on the gas once more.

He cheered as Stella revved up to life.

He honked the horn, relief filling his gut.

"I knew you wouldn't let me down Stell." he said happily as they started down the road once again.

He pushed in his favourite Sex Pistols cassette in, and hummed along as John Lydon began to blast through the player.

God save the Queen!

The fascist regime!

They made you a moron!

Potential H-Bomb!



She had woken up late on the first day of her senior year. If it wasn't for Mr.Tibbs licking her face, she would have slept through the entire day.

She muttered profanities as she grabbed her orange-juice-soaked history book and shoved it into her backpack, not even caring that her English summer essay was in there.

Mr.Tight Trousers didn't even like her anyway, and she really doubted that he would change his mind this year.

She swung her bag over her shoulder and slid her roller skates on before lacing them up and shoving her headphones onto her ears and grabbing her key off the coffee table in the hall.

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