Chapter 23: Falling Into Place

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The thing about losing your virginity to a virgin was that when it was all over, you learned some weird knowledge and techniques about sex.

There were a few condom related problems, and the windows got a bit fogged up, and yes, there was a lot of funny noises, but overall, it was alright.

Alex had been nice the whole way through it though, helping her clean up when they were finished (who knew that it could be so messy?).

It did drain you a lot for some reason, and Kit was kind of hungry after it.

So she took the wheel of Stella and drove to the nearest pizza place she could find, buying Alex his pepperoni and pineapple pizza anyway, because he sort of deserved it in a way.

And when she had went to the drive-thru, the pizza man had looked at them funnily and had asked what they'd been up to, noticing that it was two in the morning.

"Oh you know, just enjoying each other's company." Alex had said from shotgun, winking at Kit and grinning innocently at the disgruntled pizza man.

Maybe it was her very messy hair, or her slight creased blouse, but something obviously wasn't very convincing to the pizza man, and when he handed her the pizza box she hit the gas quickly.

"Do you think he knew?" she asked when they were far away from the pizza man and his disapproving stares.

Alex shrugged.

"Maybe. You have sex hair, you know." he said cheekily.

She rolled her eyes at him. His cheeks were glowing, and he had sex hair himself.

She cleared her throat.

"So where will I drive to?"

He winced.

"Your place. I don't think my mom would leave us alone if I turn up at two in the morning with you by my side."



"So how was it then?"

Alex blushed as Quinn rounded in on him, Jack also listening curiously, his ass perched on the counter.

"How was what?" he asked, playing dumb.

Quinn clicked her tongue at him as Jack snorted.

"Don't play stupid with me, boy. I still want my full description of Kit Parker's boobs." Quinn said, one hand on her hip.

Jack's head perked up.

"Damn, can I listen to that description too?" he asked, a boyish grin tugging at his lips.

Alex stared exasperatedly at them both.

"Can't my sex life be my own business?" he sighed, eyes darting from Quinn to Jack.

Quinn rolled her eyes at him.

"It's not like we're going to tell anybody." she huffed, Jack nodding enthusiastically.

"Fine." Alex said irritably.

"All I'm going to say is that they're round, soft and squishy. There. Are you satisfied?" he asked, his face probably the colour of a tomato.

Quinn actually laughed as Jack looked dreamy.

Alex turned away and stared to tick off all the skates that had been returned.

"He's so whipped."

"I know."

"Did you give him one of your condoms?"

"Yeah. Hope he puts them to good use--"

"I can hear you, you know!" Alex groaned, whirling around and giving the pair of them a dark look.

Quinn threw a roller skate at him.

"What the frickety-frack was that for?" he demanded, ducking just in time.

Quinn wagged her finger at him.

"No eavesdropping on your fellow employees!" she teased.

Jack laughed and Alex rolled his eyes.

"You two are unbelievable, honestly." he said, going back to his list, ticking each pair of skates and their number off carefully.

He wanted to finish early.

Kit was waiting for him outside.


a/n: final chapter of part I.

The story is divided by the seasons, (as you would have noticed, because it's at the very start of this fic). 

So I guess we're halfway (or a little more) through?

 Nawww, I love this story a lot to be honest, and I'm glad you guys are too! (I hope anyway).

Btw, I took down Little Hand Grenade for a while, because it's under serious construction. 

Serious. Construction. 


I'll message when it's back up.

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