Chapter 26: Who's To Blame?

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She was already pissed off the minute her feet hit Cam's pretty little porch that his mom--Caroline--kept so neat and tidy.

She had taken a long walk, distancing herself from Alex while he recovered, and it was on that long walk, that she decided that today was the day.

It had been three long days since they had found Alex tied to the rusty lamp post, and it turned out that he had come down with a fever. Her house phone rang every night, voicemails of Alex begging her to visit him when she could.

She couldn't return the calls, and she deleted the voicemails as soon as they finished playing. She couldn't face Alex.

Not until she faced Cam.

So when the door opened and Caroline beamed at her, Kit had to force a smile onto her face, not wanting Caroline to know that her son was a psychotic monster.

"Kit! It's been a while since I've seen you around here." she said, her face full of an un-tainted innocence that made Kit's stomach twist painfully.

"Is Cam in? I need to talk to him." she said hurriedly, wanting to get everything over and done with.

Caroline nodded and ushered her in.

"Yes. He's up in his room. Is everything okay?" Caroline asked, worry lines appearing on her forehead.

Kit swallowed back a hard lump in her throat.

"Yeah." she lied, already halfway up the stairs.

"Perfectly fine." she echoed before jogging up the stairs and bursting into Cam's room, finding him lying on his bed listening to the Smiths.

"Kit?" he asked, more surprise than any other emotion in his voice. Of course, she was the last person he would have guessed to be at the door.

"What's up?"

She blinked hard at him, not quite sure where to say to the blonde haired boy in front of her. What was she supposed to say?Where was she supposed to start?

She pulled herself upright and gave him a cold stare.

"You're sick." she said sourly, and immediately Cam's smile was gone, replaced by a thin line, his face pale and eyes dull.

"He told you." Cam whispered, his voice empty.

Kit slit her eyes at him.

"He didn't have to tell me anything." she hissed, thrusting her hand into her pocket and pulling the floral patterns scissors out.

Cam gulped.

"I can explain--"

"Explain what? Explain how you would have slit his throat if you weren't a spineless worm!" she howled, tossing the scissors across the room, making it knock over one of his stupid new football trophy's.

She stared at him hard, her whole body beginning to tremble with rage, her breathing getting heavier by the second, because--how could Cam do this to her? Where had the boy who picked daisies with her and made flower crowns for her during the Summer; where had he gone?

Because, the sad, shameful boy standing stiffly in front of her definitely wasn't that guy. No, he was a navy eyed monster, fuelled by--what? Jealousy? Pride? Cynical thoughts?

She didn't know.

"You left me! You left me for Alex! Who else was I to turn to when you were gone, Kit? You left me high and dry and you know it!" Cam yelled, pointing an accusing finger at her as he stood up.

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