Chapter 19: Monday

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It was funny how, when you were feeling incredibly depressed, how the weather would reflect your mood.

Grey and nearly black clouds swirled above her head as she roller skated to school, gas mask swinging on her shoulder in case of a bombing or gas attack. Obviously the bombing warnings were getting serious.

But Kit couldn't care less about the war, or about gas mask being compulsory to own, because, she was stuck in her own little bubble of sadness, and she had no idea how to get out of it.

Roller skating to school had been the start of it.

The realisation of Alex not picking her up in Stella like he usually would broke her completely.

But why was she moping so badly? They hadn't even been dating, or even hooking up.

They hadn't even been friends with benefits.

She looked up at the warning sirens that were to blare if the guard on watch spotted an enemy plane flying in.

Kit still couldn't care less, assuming of course, the person on guard wasn't Alex Gaskarth.



Driving past Kit's house on the way to school was torture, pure torture from within.

He so badly wanted to jam his foot down on the breaks, so badly wanted to call in, forget what he had seen yesterday.

But he was afraid that every time he would look at her, he would see the scene replaying in his mind.

But it wasn't like Kit and him were a thing. They were just--as he had stated many times before--'friends'.

But now, Alex was seriously doubting his decision on keeping the two of them just friends. Maybe if he had been quicker to ask her, Cam wouldn't have felt the need to take off her t-shirt.

It was a shame, really, that he didn't have the guts to do anything.

He sighed as he pulled up to the school in Stella, his eyes drifting to the spot where Cam usually met Kit.

Cam stood alone, meaning Alex had beat Kit to school.

He didn't feel quite as victorious as he had expected.



English was the worst.

Alex wouldn't even look at her.



English was the worst.

Kit wouldn't even look at him.


It was around lunch time when the sirens went off, and the screaming started up. He had been eating his crackers quite happy to full his stomach with some food after a very stressful day of avoiding Kit Parker at all costs.

But a chill went through Alex's body hen he realised what was happening.

A bombing.

He hadn't really expected one to actually happen. It was all codswallop, wasn't it? The war wasn't even supposed to touch them!

He looked around, utterly bewildered, until Penny grabbed his arm and screamed "Move it Gaskarth!" into his ear.

He was so startled, actually, that he dropped his cigar as Penny dragged him to the school's bomb shelter, which was a couple of stairs below the school building.

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