Chapter 18: The Mistake Of The Scarlet Poppy

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Was she underwater?

Why was everything so slow?

Her head was spinning.....

She was laughing with some guy she didn't even know.

More brownies, more red paper cups.

What were they playing? Six cup? Seven cup?

Ha ha.

And then she spotted Alex, but he looked funny, his eyeliner starting to run down his face like that time he took her swimming in the lake.

He didn't look happy. Why didn't he look happy?

He looked worried, stressed out.

Then he saw her.



"I think it's time I got you home." Alex said, his tone serious as he took in Kit's current state.

"What? But we're playing sixty cup!" she hiccoughed, her words slightly slurred.

Alex sighed.

"First of all, it's six cup, and second of all you're baked...or wasted...I can't tell." he grumbled as she took her hand and pulled her up.

She stumbled into his arms, giggling.

"You're so a beanpole!" she laughed, poking his stomach.

"But you've got stomach pudge!" she laughed hysterically as she poked his 'stomach pudge' repeatedly, as if it was like jelly.

"Right. That's it. We're leaving." Alex murmured, dragging Kit to the exit as she swayed beside him, waving at strangers wolf whistling at her as they passed. Alex cringed as he heard chants of "Gaskarth's gonna get laid!"

It felt like forever, but eventually they reached Stella, and Kit was looking tired. She was struggling to find the handle of the door.

"I think the handle's moving." she mumbled, and despite it all, Alex laughed and lifted her in, buckling her seat belt securely over her before shutting the door and hopping into the driver's seat on the other side.

He buckled up and started to drive, and in minutes Kit was snoring, resting her head on his shoulder, her hands curled on her lap.

He switched on the car radio.

"Annnnd this next song is for all you hopeless romantics out there! Here's 'I Want To Know What Love Is' by Foreigner!"

Alex chuckled as the 80's love ballad started to play, and he reached for the radio knob, ready to change it, but then out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Kit snoring on his shoulder, and he froze.

He ended up leaving the song on.

Just this once.


The drive home didn't take long, and when Alex pulled up outside his house, he was ready to crash onto the couch (he had decided that Kit should get his bed. Just for the night).

But when Alex got out of the car, he was immediately met with something that flooded his body with a cold fear that sent chills through his body.

His front door was hanging off its hinges, his mom's attempt of neat flower beds were dug up, spray paint on the walls.....

He looked back at the truck and saw that Kit was still sleeping soundly, and he didn't have the heart to wake her, so he sprinted back to his car, grabbed her (gently for that matter) and carried her inside, heart pounding.

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