Chapter 22: The Rush Of It All

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"Your mom's cute."

"Define the term 'cute'."

"I dunno. She's like motherly and stuff."

"Well, she is a mom."

"You know what I mean."

He smirked and stared straight ahead, his eyes on the road as they drove smoothly down the road in Stella, the Ramones playing softly in the background.

Kit was babbling on about anything she could think of. Her conversation was endless, and most of the time, he'd just let her ramble on. He enjoyed her voice. It was rather melodic, actually. He would always try to record it in his mind, so that when he went to sleep, he could replay it over and over until he fell asleep

Unfortunately, Jack's (or Mr. Barakat's) talk was still fresh in his mind, making him feel nervous all over again. The condoms were tucked away into his jeans, but God he felt like they were going to burn a hole in him the longer he kept them there.

"So, where exactly are we going tonight?" Kit asked, leaning against the window while smiling at him. (He avoided all contact with her boobies. God, he hated Jack for highlighting that word for him).

"Uhmmm....we're going on another adventure." he said, wiping his hands off his jeans.

"Rad." she said, leaning over to turn the radio up.

"This is a bangin' tune." she said, bopping her head in time with the music.

"Well, I'm glad you like it." he said, taking his eyes off the road for a second, just so he could catch a tiny glimpse of her.

As per usual, he wasn't disappointed with what he saw.



He took her to an abandoned building.


She knew that he knew that she was puzzled the minute they had pulled up beside a very dilapidated looking Dunkin' Donuts.

"Welcome to Kit and Alex's adventure, part two." Alex said as he took the keys out of ignition and gave her a goofy grin.

"Are you wearing lipgloss?" she asked, noticing his lips were extra shiny, and they smelled really good, like strawberries.

"Uhmmm...." he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his plaid shirt.

"Too much?" he asked, and she giggled.

"No. Of course not. I actually like the smell of it." she said, removing his arm from his mouth and leaning in to sniff his lips.

"You could uhm....try it out if you want. It's my mom's." he stammered, and she leaned in, ready to kiss him, when a tube of lipgloss was suddenly shoved in her face.

"Here's the tube." he said, grinning at her innocently, not getting what she thought he meant.

She groaned.

"Way to ruin the moment, Gaskarth." she huffed, moving away from him and unbuckling her seat belt. He stared at her, looking a little disorientated, his eyes darting from the lipgloss tube to her until eventually the penny dropped.

"Oh! You thought I meant could try some off my lips!" he exclaimed, eyes wide.

She rolled her eyes and he looked at her sheepishly.

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